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Soraka Build Guide by zerossoul

Support Zz'Raka, the Seige Healer

Support Zz'Raka, the Seige Healer

Updated on January 16, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zerossoul Build Guide By zerossoul 5,012 Views 1 Comments
5,012 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zerossoul Soraka Build Guide By zerossoul Updated on January 16, 2015
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WARNING!!! THIS GUIDE LOOKS TERRIBLE! I can play the game, but I can't code at all. If this guide picks up interest, I'll develop it further.

Hey guys! It's come to my attention that Soraka has become Broken again. The new item that was just realeased, Zz'Rot Portal, Is amazing for Soraka's kit, specifically if you build Armor, Magic Resisit, and HP Regen, while trying to keep her total health lower so she doesn't hurt herself too much while healing.

As such this build will be utilizing this new item and Soraka's innate ability to heal herself and others, and gives her the ability to win those stale mate poke wars.

It should be noted that Soraka works best in a mostly Poke centered team where she can heal any front line damage while her team deals damage.

As far has who I am, I'm just a lowly Gold V. But I do believe in the power of this Build.
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Pros / Cons

Best Healer in the Game!
Great CC against channeled ults
Great ability to turn losing fights around
Great bait

Can be squishy
Useless without a team
Deals very little Damage
Bananas no longer broken
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No Sight stone? Are you crazy?

Maybe. I mean, Any other support I would rush this item. Why not on Raka?

Because it gives her more health (This is a bad thing, Remember?), and you can still buy wards. Just because there is a sight stone doesn't mean it's the only way to do it these days. As long as you still come back to lane with wards, your ADC wont yell at you.

This also lets you get your True Core items earlier, and the Earlier you get Zz'rot portal, The happier your team is.
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Why no AP on raka?

This might seem odd to many of you out there, especially with the recent nerf in her Base HP regen, and her buff towards AP ratios. I just don't think it's good enough. Raka will never be as good a damage dealer as the good old days, but her heals are amazing, regardless of her AP. and that's kinda the point.

Soraka has a hard time relying on her Q for her health. ESPECIALLY in the middle of a team fight. She spends too much time healing and with this current build, she does not have to rely on that q for heals (you still could. It still gives you a lot of health).

I've played around with this many times, and HP regen still comes out on top. Especially now with the new Zz'Rot Portal.
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Zz,Rot Portal

Because I'm too lazy to write out the stats and everything for this Item, I found this video that does a good job explaining it and a few strategies.

I'm still looking for good ways to use this as a support in the bot lane, but there are some very clear ways to use this in the mid to late game phases. This item alone can bring down towers in one use. As long as you can conceal it from minions well enough.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zerossoul
zerossoul Soraka Guide
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Zz'Raka, the Seige Healer

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