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MobaFire Graphics Battle Arena

Creator: jhoijhoi August 25, 2013 5:55am
<Altruistic Artist>
YayaFTW's Forum Avatar
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May 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 11:25am | Report
There are 5 sigs that absolutely amaze me but I can only vote for 3 :(

1st: Apfel - Your way of making use of the bokeh and patterns in your signatures is truly amazing. I also adore the text, you've totally nailed it!

2nd: Amanda - As always, you excel at the little details that makes your signatures stand out :D I love the yellow tiny sparkles on MF's hair!

3rd: Hogo - That impact effect. Brilliant idea and well executed!

The other 2 sigs that I liked were MissMaw's and Llama's signatures, too bad I can only vote for 3 :/
<Altruistic Artist>
fashionablellama's Forum Avatar
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Jun 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 11:54am | Report
1st: Apfel - Everything about it just looks amazing. Vi really stands out and the text looks gr9.

2nd: YayaFTW - Really like this one, the text and the sparkly effects really stand out to me.

3rd: Hogo - I love the effect that you created - it looks like everything around him is moving. I can't quite explain it, but I love the idea. Text looks gr9 too.
Sig Shop

Thanks to XIAOWIRIAMU for this (sexy) sig :3.
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 12:00pm | Report
XeresAce wrote:
I actually ended up liking it a lot
apart from the text. :D


Oh and right now I cant provide feedback and I wont be on the next few days so
1st Kinen - Great job on the image and text placement, also nice blending!
2nd Llama - Rufus. 'Nough said. Jkjk, love the use of splatter brushes :3
3d Hogo - Looks like udyr is actually in motion, great job! 8D

Edit: Feedback given :3
Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
<Altruistic Artist>
leipetaco's Forum Avatar
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May 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 1:50pm | Report
1st (3 Pts): Apfeljack - Clean and straight design which perfectly fits to Vi. I still think you should have done more with the combining of your render and background. The colors could have been matched better.
2nd (2 Pts): fashionablellama - I like the splatters which fits well to your render. Only the text is misplaced. You should pay more attention to this aspect.
3rd (1 Pt): YayaFTW - i had to choose a 3th so. I really don't like those horizontal lines. It just disturbs the focus of your design.
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 3:01pm | Report
1st (3 Pts): Apfeljack + Very good composition, but overall too bright for my taste. Her face seems to lack a bit more color.
2nd (2 Pts): MissMaw + I like very much the background effect. the word seems mispositioned and the stripes don't go well with her hair (line directions, nor really about color)
3rd (1 Pt): Kinen + Nice use of brightness and it fits the whole pic very well. the wording just doesn't stand out enough.

other contestants:

mastrer1000: i like the idea, but it seems to lack a bit more work and depth.

The_Nameless_Bard: I'm not fond of the contrast, not the position of the text, which i belive would be much better to the left. Also, the weapons seem too dark, even though I think I understand the reason. Maybe you just overdid it.

fashionablellama: another good work, except for the text. seems uninteresting, unfortunately, contrasting with a rather well though out work.

Bludes: another creative idea, but you actually overdid it without adding something that could bring a bit of rythm. too many letters, and in an organized pattern can become dull and tiring.

-NA- Veng Lmfao: simple is good in this fashion, but too cuddly for me. =3

DR34MK1LL3R: the text alignment is a well-thought detail but the crossed background is too unnatural for me, especially because it doesn't seem to tone down to the left, making it stand out quite a bit.

Hogopogo: you always provide a very nice technical work and I kinda wanted to give you some points but, as with the bottom two, your text seems a bit off. I think you could have been a bit more creative with it, and not simply write it horizontally. Some smudging at the end of it would also earn itself some points, i guess.

YayaFTW: I agree with your background change, bit overall your picture was plenty fine. the front layer is now a bit too bright, imo. I felt kinda sad when you re-submitted. =(

Test0ML: your pic was ok and then you decided to make a bigger contrast in favor of those diagonal lines and i felt a "WtF?!?!?!" pop into my head. With this, you background is starting to compete with your focus points, namely the text.

leipetaco: interesting and good work, just doesn't appeal that much to me, probably because of B&W with not many contrasts. Good submission.

Thatdudeinthecotton: the change you made was of the few that I liked (or the only one). However, the text could do with better work (pixelated and black font with white shadow is very unnadvised with a strong red background, especially the white shadow)

hope to see submissions for the next round and no silly ammends...! =3

Sig made by elenah
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 4:44pm | Report
Oh, ****, sorry Xeres. :/ Everyone who voted before Xeres' comment, could you please just look at his sig and see if your votes change? Thank you.

Voting Rules:
+ Use the template provided (ie, give feedback) - this means that you vote 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
+ If you participated in the round, you have to vote.
+ If you do not vote, you lose your points, effectively disqualifying yourself from the round.
+ As per before, you receive 1 participation mark per round by voting.
+ You can vote if you did not participate in the round.
+ As a reminder, The_Nameless_Bard currently holds the most points!

R3 Start: 25/09/13
R3 End: 02/10/13
Vote Start: 03/10/13

Vote End: 07/10/13
R4 Start: 08/10/13

1) Don't vote for me.
2) Use stimulus provided.
3) Use correct dimensions.
4) Participants must vote.
5) Use voting template.
6) glhf!
Mandatory Stimulus:
(use link for font)

jhoijhoi wrote:
This is my example of what can be done with the stimulus:


Apfeljack wrote:
XeresAce wrote:
Bludes wrote:
Hogopogo wrote:
YayaFTW wrote:
Test0ML wrote:
Kinen wrote:
leipetaco wrote:
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by Jovy ♡
-NA- Veng Lmfao
<Altruistic Artist>
-NA- Veng Lmfao's Forum Avatar
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Jul 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 6:06pm | Report
Thanks for the feedback MissMaw (:
Kinen's Forum Avatar
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Jul 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 6:41pm | Report
Really tough round to vote for, so I'll do a Cambridge of it and use a little gut feeling. Objectively I cannot distinguish my 1st places.

1st (3 pts): Apfeljack - The render synergises perfectly with the stimulus and the design is gorgeous. My one criticism is that it seems a little washed out, low on saturation.

2nd (2 pts): Fashionablellama - Really wonderful composition here, the render pops out well and the splatters create some nice depth alongside the shadows. The text is somewhat uninteresting, but that's my only real criticism.

3rd (1 pts): TheNamelessBard - I love the composition. The greyscale background with the striping creates a sweet backdrop. I do feel that the render is too washed out, however it is hard to tell whether bringing out some of the colours more would add to the great contrast or become jarring. The text is really nicely used.

Really, many others I felt were equally deserving of placements, but there are sadly limited points. YayaFTW, I think your 1st version was stronger than the later ones, the changes to bokeh and other effects were nice, as was the new text, but you went overboard with reducing the vibrance. The vibrance of the first one was what originally drew me to it (admittedly I'm a sucker for vibrance and contrasts).

Also, thanks for the CnC MissMaw (and anyone else who has or will offer some criticism). I'll stick by my guns on the colours though, I love the warm orange tones. That said, perhaps it would have been better if I had introduced some moody purples into portions of the clouds to add some more contrast and dynamism. Background might also have done to be a little less saturated, just to give the render a little more of an edge (dodge layers really boosted that up). I'll tweak around before I start using it in my sig reel.
Sig by Kinen|Nayaad
that's my IGN
Thatdudeinthecotton's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 4, 2013 5:12am | Report
1:LLama{3pts}- Very cool and evil, but I thnk the sprakles could have been replaced with something more fitting.
2.ApfelJack{2pts}- Nice design and use of text, though you really up the colour as it seems just a little weak.
3.Bludes{1pt}- "You followed the assignment correctly, you get full marks" :D

(pixelated and black font with white shadow is very unnadvised with a strong red background, especially the white shadow)

ARGH. Yeah, I knew the Font was pixely, though I couldn't find a way that fixed it (seriously, it was an enigma to me) will be more careful of that in the future.
I knew that black wouldn't stand out against a red background, which is why I added the white shadow. I suppose I couldof just made the text white, but I wanted to give it a different "tone" to the text in the top left, and I didn't know what colour to use :/
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 4, 2013 9:19am | Report
Xeres' sub is good, but i'd tie it with Kinnen's. Not sure i can give half points. Same criticism though.

ARGH. Yeah, I knew the Font was pixely, though I couldn't find a way that fixed it (seriously, it was an enigma to me) will be more careful of that in the future.
I knew that black wouldn't stand out against a red background, which is why I added the white shadow. I suppose I couldof just made the text white, but I wanted to give it a different "tone" to the text in the top left, and I didn't know what colour to use :/

black should be ok with that red, because it is a rather vivid one. it's the white that wrecks it, imo. Even though some white borders for the font (very slim ones) could have worked.

As requested to GMD himself.

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