I've always understood what makes it viable. It's really not that hard to understand. But I also said that I usually don't do it. I didn't go into detail for these things because I didn't know this conversation would pop up, lol.
Cluster bombing from B-52s is very, very accurate -- the bombs always hit the ground.
I wasn't ignoring his post either. You just misread both of our posts and assumed we were. I was taking into account what he said and asking him if my suggestion would be another appropriate reason to get multiple doran's. That is what I see most commonly, even if the person is having no problem in lane. The one I see doing this most often is Hotshot as Sivir.
Why not just get a philo stone or an avarice blade for the gp/5? that way you're actually getting gold out of it...not just stacking a ****py item
I like stacking Doran's Blades, but as has been mentioned it's situational. I mean, I think it's pretty helpful regardless. More HP and damage in one shot is pretty great. It helps in the ganks and helps in the team fights. What I've been running a lot on TF is boots, 3 doran's, sword of divine and hextech. Proving really nice so far even when I wreck the lane. But I don't play a high level, so take it with a grain of salt. Moral of the story, I find it helpful and not a detriment to my overall build.
For a character like Sivir, Philosopher's stones or avarice blades aren't very helpful and it doesn't build up much gold. It puts you behind more than it helps and doran's blades are definitely not ****py early game. So you're suggestion that at mid-level elo I won't need to get more than two doran's blades when I am already winning my lane?
tinolas wrote:
Who cares if you get 2 or 3 Dorans as long as you win the game? Just buy what you want to, if it works its fine.
If you build retiredly and get carried all the time it'll never be because you helped win. Learning how to build properly is super important (tired of seeing PD rushing Ages, it's ******ed as ****.)
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