The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
IMO Doran's items are ****py. I stack Philo stones on Sivir (if I have gold problems), but I do a warmog's/FM/atma's build...I don't like starting with a Doran's blade, so lately I've been starting with a vampiric scepter.
you're a lost cause
philo stone?? avarice?? atma's sivir? the ****
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
hell the vamp scepter start already tells me you don't know how to play sivir
(yes lets get vamp scepter when we're last hitting and on hit effects don't apply to ricochet, lets just get that lifesteal, **** hp and damage, hur hur)
(yes lets get vamp scepter when we're last hitting and on hit effects don't apply to ricochet, lets just get that lifesteal, **** hp and damage, hur hur)
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
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