Yeah, reginald is notorious for buying boatloads of doran's items
"oh hey pwning as zilean nbd, let's buy a 5th doran's ring"
yeah, pros buy doran's.
"oh hey pwning as zilean nbd, let's buy a 5th doran's ring"
yeah, pros buy doran's.
It helps a lot to try out a variety of item builds. Even if you think you have the best possible because as I saw there is definitely room for improvement. One of those areas was the world of doran's. I used to think they were useless as well until I actually used them.
I never said they weren't useful (they are and I buy them on some champs), that is what I meant by you guys misconstruing what I said. Doran's items are perfectly decent items, but there's nothing wrong with getting another item instead. I always feel like I'm getting ripped off because, in particular, the mana regen on a Doran's ring never seems to make any difference (while a meki pendant's always does).
But usually on people who u grab doran's rings with they have a nice ap ratio so the 10 ap is nice as well and most casters also have low health which makes the health nice.
TL;DR = Doran's items make you more formidable early/mid game.
I saw a post earlier about the error of building 3 doran's blades while your opponent could nearly have a BF sword for nearly the same cost. But if you REALLY look at it, isn't 3 Doran's, overall.. better? It would do 15 less damage but you get 300 more health along with 9% lifesteal. That's obviously much better.
I think a lot of people underestimate the power of Doran's items in early/mid game. Sure they don't build into anything later, but you're using those items to make your champion more formidable in THAT moment.. as opposed to sitting around waiting for 1650 gold to buy a BF sword or another item.
And besides, you can always sell the Doran items later on when you need to.
Am I right or am I wrong on this?
I saw a post earlier about the error of building 3 doran's blades while your opponent could nearly have a BF sword for nearly the same cost. But if you REALLY look at it, isn't 3 Doran's, overall.. better? It would do 15 less damage but you get 300 more health along with 9% lifesteal. That's obviously much better.
I think a lot of people underestimate the power of Doran's items in early/mid game. Sure they don't build into anything later, but you're using those items to make your champion more formidable in THAT moment.. as opposed to sitting around waiting for 1650 gold to buy a BF sword or another item.
And besides, you can always sell the Doran items later on when you need to.
Am I right or am I wrong on this?
savetimeresign wrote:
Who is Doran anyway? Must be pretty awesome
I like Doran's items. And there is plenty of arguments supporting this. But ofc, if you can rape with other items I believe it's cool. Just don't tell me high elo scums are bad if they stack them. And sure as hell don't tell me that vampiric scepter is a nice starting item, jeez.
Also remember that Doran's also sell for 50% of its price, which will mallet it even more cost-effective.
Hamduden // Ezaculatte (EUW)
Hamduden // Ezaculatte (EUW)
After watching dream hack I've been trying out the three doran's blade route. I was skeptical at first but building this way is definitely not as detrimental as you think. 30 Damage, 300 health, and 9% lifesteal goes a long way. It fixes many of the survivability issues I had. AD carries like ashe, mf, tristana, and corki have poor damage scaling through early and early-mid game so the regular addition of one doran's blade approx every 5 minutes helps even that out. Before I did this, the 3-5 minute period after buying boots and before buying a BF sword was particularly difficult to farm and secure kills. This small gap in damage is sometimes enough to fall behind other carries and extra blades evens that damage out over the whole first 15-20 minutes. However, like Jet said, if you are doing fine in lane (e.g got first blood, have a level advantage, have a large CS with no deaths) then you should probably just skip getting the second or third blade so you can get your BF sword as quickly as possible.
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Doran's is not a waste! If you are actually playing good players you need to get some good stats immediately instead of waiting around for gold to just drop on you. It's hard saving up for those nicer items when you are getting pushed out of your lane by an enemy that bought smart.
see, this person is learning
i remember when she built like, manamune and starks on sivirs
*teary eye*