Embracing wrote:
ive found the best jungle setup to be
Sunfire / Shurelya
very smooth transitions between items and the early health helps a lot for maintaining relatively high hp so i can react well
this is great except I disagree with SFC. yobro's is good, i think frozen mallet is good (?) and I think Randuin's is good against hard engage teams and stuff (they run in on your adc, you slow them with randuins knock away everyone and kill whoever's left) wriggles, warmogs, just stuff like that. Shureyla's is ok in solo q i would imagine.
Frozen Mallet isn't really needed because the cooldown on his Audacious Charge is in combination with Three Talon Strike so low that you can already permaslow people.
He is gonna kill you!!!
Well, I have guide about him, it is based mostly top/mid but I tell a little about jungling aswell, so if you want to check it out:
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