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It doesn't take much defensive items to make a "carry" a "tanky DPS" imo. Banshee's is almost always core .. Atmogs is nice, but to me it makes the carry a tanky DPS instead.
Just my interpretation of the terms carry/tanky DPS. Banshee's alone, though, doesn't make a carry tanky, but is imo very important, if not even core.
Just my interpretation of the terms carry/tanky DPS. Banshee's alone, though, doesn't make a carry tanky, but is imo very important, if not even core.
Hamduden // Ezaculatte (EUW)
Hamduden // Ezaculatte (EUW)
Since mostly AP champs/bursters are the biggest problem for carries it is almost always better to take MR item over Armor as a defensive item for a carry. BV or QS as an example.
Atma's is a nice item for tanky dps champs like Olaf, Mundo, Nasus and so on, as an item for carry... nah... i would still stick with MR.
Atma's is a nice item for tanky dps champs like Olaf, Mundo, Nasus and so on, as an item for carry... nah... i would still stick with MR.
Pretty much what has already been said
Banshee's Veil is always good. Of course depending on team comp and how well certain carries are doing you might want to swap it out for
Sunfire Aegis something else. Imo you really only want one deffensive item because after that you start to fall behind the other teams carries in damage.

I usually get at least one item.
Negatron cloak to Banshee's Veil is my usual pick.
Otherwise, Guardian Angel is the best bet.
Negatron cloak to Banshee's Veil is my usual pick.
Otherwise, Guardian Angel is the best bet.
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~ |
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Not really, it's more about PICKING what you want to cleanse instead of having some random spell make your item ineffectual.
EDIT: It's also about price aswell which is the biggest selling point.
EDIT: It's also about price aswell which is the biggest selling point.
Australians, the best gamers in the world combined with the worst ping.
I only get QSS for scenarios as Temzilla described.
It's a terrible item outside of such.
Why? End Game Gold Value. Temzilla is right about the effective health.
Simple math tells a person that QSS holds back your build.
You're just not as loaded as you could be.
It's a terrible item outside of such.
Why? End Game Gold Value. Temzilla is right about the effective health.
Simple math tells a person that QSS holds back your build.
You're just not as loaded as you could be.
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~ |
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After someone pointing me to this I started wondering, "Atmogs on a carry?" well, it gives them durability and a decent amount of AD. So, opinions?