Writing guides really isn't as "daunting" as you think.
Just settle with a good amount of content and you'll be fine.
Remember: it's a SKILL to write short, concise and informative. People want informative and relatively SHORT guides that are easy to read.
People like me anyways, but I'm a lot better than the average player, so I might not answer for all the normal players.
Just settle with a good amount of content and you'll be fine.
Remember: it's a SKILL to write short, concise and informative. People want informative and relatively SHORT guides that are easy to read.
People like me anyways, but I'm a lot better than the average player, so I might not answer for all the normal players.
"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence." - Christopher Hitchens
I love how people like wRAth and jhoi write guides that take literal minutes to scroll through, and that's without reading, and they are the most popular thing ever. I write something that is very specific and short, it gets DV-ed or is completely ignored...
@Searz Thanks for the support, I prefer writing in-depth because I want this to be a complete compiled guide for someone who may be completely new to Annie or completely new to the game in general.
@Lugignaf Thats because alot like everything else, the name that comes with it sells the brand. Popular people can write guides that other people would call trolls. (ie, Saint Vicious Kennen guide, its got the exact same stuff as the recommended build, but with a WoTA, yet its a top voted guide)
@Lugignaf Thats because alot like everything else, the name that comes with it sells the brand. Popular people can write guides that other people would call trolls. (ie, Saint Vicious Kennen guide, its got the exact same stuff as the recommended build, but with a WoTA, yet its a top voted guide)
I would agree with Searz. The things such as Lore and Stats aren't necessary (stats are in the build section anyways). The pros / cons of the spells are good though. I would also add a section on laning / teamfighting and what you do in each (for instance you can be very aggressive in lane, but have to stay back in teamfight, idk).
If you want to introduce annie, introduce how you play her and why your build is good. (Ex. dominates lane, blows up teams that are bunched, etc).
Like they said Short and Concise is usually better. A huge wall of text may look "good" at first but very VERY few people would actually take the time to read a huge wall of text. However, if your text is manageable a lot more people will read it and actually learn something.
If you want to introduce annie, introduce how you play her and why your build is good. (Ex. dominates lane, blows up teams that are bunched, etc).
Like they said Short and Concise is usually better. A huge wall of text may look "good" at first but very VERY few people would actually take the time to read a huge wall of text. However, if your text is manageable a lot more people will read it and actually learn something.
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
Thanks guys ^^ Nice to know I'm talked about :)
In terms of in-depth guides, personally I would always refer to an in-depth guide over one that does not explain abilities, copies wiki information and is "short and to the point".
When I read guides I don't want just a "build". I want a "guide". I want to know the pros and cons, I want to know the little tips and tricks, I want to read that Shaco's boxes slow by the full potential of Rylai's. I want to read that Irelia can lifesteal off towers.
I wouldn't necessarily say "the longer the guide, the better" (as there a ton of instances where this isn't true, and if you count my own guides as some of them, so be it), but more often than not I'd read Mowen's Kog guide over any other, Wrath's Graga guide, da_Neo's Annie guide, ALL of PsiGuard's guides.
I started here on MobaFire just like everyone else. With one guide. That was my Ashe guide, and I made it as comprehensive as possible. It didn't hit the top in a VERY long time, and it was a VERY long time before I made my Vayne guide.
Aaaaanyway, if you're going to make a collaborative guide, I'd consider PM'ing all the top Annie guide authors and asking them to participate. That's the best way to get the most amount of knowledge. Or you could PM them and ask to credit them in your guide for certain bits of information.
And yes, the Lore isn't a great thing to start a guide off with. Your guide is going to be in-depth enough as it is, no reason to stretch it further with the Lore right at the beginning.
In terms of in-depth guides, personally I would always refer to an in-depth guide over one that does not explain abilities, copies wiki information and is "short and to the point".
When I read guides I don't want just a "build". I want a "guide". I want to know the pros and cons, I want to know the little tips and tricks, I want to read that Shaco's boxes slow by the full potential of Rylai's. I want to read that Irelia can lifesteal off towers.
I wouldn't necessarily say "the longer the guide, the better" (as there a ton of instances where this isn't true, and if you count my own guides as some of them, so be it), but more often than not I'd read Mowen's Kog guide over any other, Wrath's Graga guide, da_Neo's Annie guide, ALL of PsiGuard's guides.
I started here on MobaFire just like everyone else. With one guide. That was my Ashe guide, and I made it as comprehensive as possible. It didn't hit the top in a VERY long time, and it was a VERY long time before I made my Vayne guide.
Aaaaanyway, if you're going to make a collaborative guide, I'd consider PM'ing all the top Annie guide authors and asking them to participate. That's the best way to get the most amount of knowledge. Or you could PM them and ask to credit them in your guide for certain bits of information.
And yes, the Lore isn't a great thing to start a guide off with. Your guide is going to be in-depth enough as it is, no reason to stretch it further with the Lore right at the beginning.
@Mowen Thanks for your input, I think I'm going to scrap the lore but I think I want to keep the stats. I guess I'll put it in a different section though.
@jhoi I'm the same way, I prefer having a wall of text to read if it means I get alot more useful information. Sure builds are nice and all but the guides just offer a level of depth on a champion that a build simply can't offer. That's also a good idea about PMing the top annie guide authors, thanks for that.
@jhoi I'm the same way, I prefer having a wall of text to read if it means I get alot more useful information. Sure builds are nice and all but the guides just offer a level of depth on a champion that a build simply can't offer. That's also a good idea about PMing the top annie guide authors, thanks for that.
jhoi, I've been using your guide guide to start coding the parts I have down but for some reason I can't get the tibbers icon or its wiki.
I've tried
Summon: Tibbers
And none of them are showing up. Whats the coding for Tibbers? D:
I've tried
Summon: Tibbers
And none of them are showing up. Whats the coding for Tibbers? D:
Summon: Tibbers
EDIT: Damn I'm late ;P
And, I have always wondered how you can type it without the Code: text...
[[Summon: Tibbers]]
EDIT: Damn I'm late ;P
And, I have always wondered how you can type it without the Code: text...
DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
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Ctrl F + {TEXT} or |#| to skip chapters.
|1a|Annie Overview
Playing as Annie_{GAME}_|2|
|2b|Early Game
|2c|Mid Game
|2d|Late game
Welcome, to the MoBAfire written guide for Annie, the Dark Child.
----Annie Overview____|1a|
Health 348 (+76) Mana 250 (+50)
Attack Damage 48 (+2.625) Attack Speed 0.579 (+1.36%)
Health Regen. 4.5 (+0.55) Mana Regen. 6.9 (+0.6)
Armor 8.5 (+4) Magic Res. 30 (+0)
Mov. Speed 310 Range 625
*Note Annies' range, this makes harrassing with autoattacks easy if you're careful.
Pyromania(Innate): After every 5 spell casts, Annie's next offensive spell will stun its target for 1.75 seconds.
Stun-Bumping is when you aren't at 5th stack of Pyromania, and you use skills to reach the fifth stack. If you are at 3 stacks of Pyromania, you can E, Q, R, W for a quick stun nuke. (Thanks frenzykio)
o Its the passive that makes Annie extremely dangerous, especially in conjunction with her ability to farm indefinately.
o Utilizes the rest of her kit extremely effectively (2 AoE stuns, 1 targetable stun)
o Helps Annie be sort of a psuedo-tank, as people try to avoid her when she has her stun up
o Creates a tunnel-vision in some players, where when they have their stun up they feel as if they must use it on the enemy champion and they can occasionally miss some cs if the other player is playing defensively against you.
o Can be viewed by enemy making it highly predictable, but through a technique called 'Stun-bumping' you can get the jump on an enemy.
Pyromania(Q): Annie shoots a mana infused fireball, dealing magic damage to her target. The mana cost is refunded if it kills the target.
Cooldown: 4 seconds Range: 625
Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 mana
Magic Damage: 85 / 125 / 165 / 205 / 245 (+0.7 per ability power)
o At 5th level (Champion level 9), with a blasting wand is a 273 damage nuke. This makes farming a breeze and is also good for farming last hits on champions.
o Refunds mana cost if it kills the target, this. is. beautiful. As long as your good with last hitting, you don't need worry about mana problems, at ALL. Farm, Harrass, Kill.
o Maxing this skill first makes Annie an extremely strong laner.
o At first few levels, sometimes easy to overestimate damage of fireball on minions causing wasted mana.
Incinerate(W): Annie casts a cone of fire in front of her, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the area.
Cooldown: 8 seconds Range: 625
Cone Width: ~45º
Cost: 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140 mana
Magic Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+0.75 per ability power)
o At mid game, can be used to effectively farm an entire row of caster minions and set the melee minions to low enough health to q. This makes it easy to get almost every CS in a wave when your pushing, and do it fast.
o Considerable AoE damage aswell as being effective as a single target nuke (I like to smartcast this.)
o DOESN'T refund mana if it kills anything, so its possible to accidently dry up your mana pool while farming/harrassing.
o Puts you in extremely close range where you normally DON'T want to be.
Molten Shield(E): Places a shield around Annie for 15 seconds that increases her armor and magic resistance. Additionally, enemies will be dealt magic damage whenever they use autoattacks on her while the shield is active.
Cost: 25 mana Cooldown: 30 seconds
Armor & Magic Resistance: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
Magic Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+0.2 per ability power)
Believe it or not, this skill makes Tank Annie ******ed effective, especially when built with any combination of Merc Treads, Sorc Shoes, Ninja Tabi, RoA, Rylais', Warmogs, Thornmail, Guardian Angel, Banshee's Veil, Zhonya's.
o Can make Annie a great tank, considering she can also provide reliable, chain, AoE CC.
o Can, in conjunction with a Thornmail, makes a very effective defense against hard aa attackers such as Tryndamere and Master Yi.
o Low mana cost.
o 50 Armor and MR at max level.
o Long cooldown.
o Normally not leveled first, which means that you miss the time where it would be most effective to have it at max level.
Summon Tibbers(R): Annie releases her bear Tibbers from his toy prison, dealing magic damage to enemy units in the summon area. For a limited time of 45 seconds, Tibbers can move and attack at Annie's will, while continually dealing magic damage to surrounding enemies.
Cooldown: 120 seconds Range to center of Summon's AoE: 600 (estimate)
Radius of Summon's AoE: 150 Radius of Tibbers' Aura AoE: 200
Continual Magic Damage: 35 (+0.2 per ability power)
Cost: 125 / 175 / 225 mana
Summon Magic Damage: 200 / 325 / 450 (+0.7 per ability power)
Tibbers' Attack Damage: 80 / 105 / 130
Tibbers' Health: 1200 / 1600 / 2000
Tibbers' Armor: 30 / 50 / 70
Tibbers' Magic Resist: 25 / 45 / 65
o Can completely change the tide of a battle if you have a decent amount of AP.
o Makes grabbing blue buff at level 6 by yourself a breeze.
o Can actually be used to herd champions into a specific position. (ie, chase the champion down a specific jungle route into teammates or yourself)
o Basically a weakened temporary 6th champion.
o Coupled with the stun makes Tibbers a VERY effective initiation tool if you get the suprise on the enemy.
o Fairly long cooldown early, 120 seconds.
o Has the tendency to be either on cooldown, or you've run out of mana for it, just as three low hp enemies bunch up in a bush trying to turn on you.
----Playing as Annie______[2]
Playing Annie is generally an easy task, spend early game farming, mid game ganking and late game carrying your team to victory or at the very least, provide a horrifying amount of CC and burst damage. Annie is best in a solo lane where she can farm and tango mano-a-mano with another champion, as she's very strong early game. However, she can also go bot with Soraka, or anyone else with high burst or a stun.
Annie has the ability to be built in many effective ways. She can be played as a CDR Stunbot, AP Burst, Tank, Tanky Mage etc.. those are just to name a few.
For runes I generally run mpen red and quints, with mp5 yellows, 5 flat AP blues and 4 AP/PL blues. Not generally the best set up, but it works well for me. I'd suggest using either straight flat or straight ap/pl blues though, and switching out the yellows. I only use the mp5 yellows because I tend to miss a couple Q's early game.
25/10/11 - Creation of the guide, added Lore, Overview, Skills, Log and Credits.
26/10/11 - Scrapped Lore in favour of keeping the guide as brief as possible, while still being fairly informative.
frenzykio: Thanks for reminding me about the stun bumping.
NsG Heavynet: Thanks for a couple pros on Pyromania and Incinerate.
jhoijhoi: Thanks for giving me the collaboration tip.