B-Wong wrote:
Not that easy when you have a team full of idiots.
I'm not saying it's easy, I just wanted to point out that it's possible. I've carried a team of idiots with Soraka, not gonna say it was fun (it wasn't), but I've done it.
B-Wong wrote:
Yea pretty much.
what have i done? i even clearly said "(you in general)" to show i mean everyone, dont point fingers cause you have been proven wrong.
can you not take a small dose of profanity not directed anywhere near you? thats the only thing i said that may be considered slightly insulting other then that it seems you are just mad at my valid points :( its k bro
can you not take a small dose of profanity not directed anywhere near you? thats the only thing i said that may be considered slightly insulting other then that it seems you are just mad at my valid points :( its k bro
@ orochinagi - Addressing you first since you're cool :P.
Of course, incorporating replays is awesome and etc, but with the given replay system atm, you can't skip ahead/rewind and etc. So unless you want to watch a possible hour long game, screenshots are kinda more time-convienent. If you know what I'm sayin' :P
- Elo is elo. If you are in XXX elo, you deserve to be there. If not, prove yourself and climb yourself out. Solo Queue isn't luck. It's all about skill. I'm going to say some points Booshido and Trojan995 already pointed out. Hotshotgg. He got Kakasoul and Hotshotgg to #1 and #2 in Solo Queue. Do you think it was all out of LUCK? Those accounts started in Placement Matches too. JUST LIKE YOURS. Do you think he just got lucky with two accounts to be #1 and #2 out of thousands and thousands of people? Bigfatjiji. Richard Tracy and now known, Bigfatlp. He had two accounts at #3 and #4. Do you think he had LUCK? Those accounts started in Placement Matches too. It's not luck.
Take some more examples. However, we'll make it more MOBAFire-personal. Considereth. He got kicked down to 1k. Now look at that mofo now. He's 1600 elo. Do you think he just luckily gained 600 elo? Do you think it was just out of LUCK? Now, myself. Did you know I was once 800 elo? Yeah, 800 elo. It's bad huh. Does that look familiar? Does it possibly look like yours? Well guess what Solo Queue elo I am right now. 1590 and still climbing. Do you think I luckily got myself out of elo hell? No. As Ezreal would say, "ITS PURE SKILL."
I watch a lot of high elo streams. I see people like bigfatlp and hotshotgg carry all the time. Even when their teammates do bad. Worse of all, they DELIBERATELY THROW MATCHES. Do people your elo deliberately throw games at the sight of your name, just so you lose elo? No. However, people high elo STILL CARRY GAMES even with people throwing matches. TELL ME THAT ISN'T SKILL. So here, people are complaining about not being able to carry. People high elo play like they're 1200 sometimes. YET, good players still can carry.
In ranked, you can carry. Stop complaining. You're not skilled enough. Admit it. Yeah? Well good, that means your elo is true. You are in the right elo range. That's what ELO was incorporated for. To judge a player's skill level by ranking. If you're skilled, you will be higher. If you aren't as skilled, you're lower. Do you agree? People carry others at all elo ranges, from 800 to 2k. Don't give me ******** about, oh, you can't carry. YOU JUST AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH. That is all.
This thread's message intentionally was just to say, 'Hey, if you ever make guides again and incorporate replays/screenshots, please include your elo. Although you may be proud/ashamed of it, the readers have the right to know. Elo shows skill and experience. So please, just share. If your elo improves, just post it, update the guide, show your readers your guide is ever changing, and you're improving as a player overall. Thank You".
However, it's now turned into a mini-flamefest between some low elo players and some high-average players. All I have to say is this. Luck is a joke. It's an excuse. Get skilled, come back, chill with us in the 1500's+. We're willing to help you. If you're going to QQ, moap around and just complain about all these noobs, you deserve to be in that elo because you can't carry them. 99% of people that get carried lose their elo and drop back down because they deserve to be lower. ELO isn't flawed. You just aren't good enough.
@ orochinagi - Addressing you first since you're cool :P.
Of course, incorporating replays is awesome and etc, but with the given replay system atm, you can't skip ahead/rewind and etc. So unless you want to watch a possible hour long game, screenshots are kinda more time-convienent. If you know what I'm sayin' :P
- Elo is elo. If you are in XXX elo, you deserve to be there. If not, prove yourself and climb yourself out. Solo Queue isn't luck. It's all about skill. I'm going to say some points Booshido and Trojan995 already pointed out. Hotshotgg. He got Kakasoul and Hotshotgg to #1 and #2 in Solo Queue. Do you think it was all out of LUCK? Those accounts started in Placement Matches too. JUST LIKE YOURS. Do you think he just got lucky with two accounts to be #1 and #2 out of thousands and thousands of people? Bigfatjiji. Richard Tracy and now known, Bigfatlp. He had two accounts at #3 and #4. Do you think he had LUCK? Those accounts started in Placement Matches too. It's not luck.
Take some more examples. However, we'll make it more MOBAFire-personal. Considereth. He got kicked down to 1k. Now look at that mofo now. He's 1600 elo. Do you think he just luckily gained 600 elo? Do you think it was just out of LUCK? Now, myself. Did you know I was once 800 elo? Yeah, 800 elo. It's bad huh. Does that look familiar? Does it possibly look like yours? Well guess what Solo Queue elo I am right now. 1590 and still climbing. Do you think I luckily got myself out of elo hell? No. As Ezreal would say, "ITS PURE SKILL."
I watch a lot of high elo streams. I see people like bigfatlp and hotshotgg carry all the time. Even when their teammates do bad. Worse of all, they DELIBERATELY THROW MATCHES. Do people your elo deliberately throw games at the sight of your name, just so you lose elo? No. However, people high elo STILL CARRY GAMES even with people throwing matches. TELL ME THAT ISN'T SKILL. So here, people are complaining about not being able to carry. People high elo play like they're 1200 sometimes. YET, good players still can carry.
In ranked, you can carry. Stop complaining. You're not skilled enough. Admit it. Yeah? Well good, that means your elo is true. You are in the right elo range. That's what ELO was incorporated for. To judge a player's skill level by ranking. If you're skilled, you will be higher. If you aren't as skilled, you're lower. Do you agree? People carry others at all elo ranges, from 800 to 2k. Don't give me ******** about, oh, you can't carry. YOU JUST AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH. That is all.
This thread's message intentionally was just to say, 'Hey, if you ever make guides again and incorporate replays/screenshots, please include your elo. Although you may be proud/ashamed of it, the readers have the right to know. Elo shows skill and experience. So please, just share. If your elo improves, just post it, update the guide, show your readers your guide is ever changing, and you're improving as a player overall. Thank You".
However, it's now turned into a mini-flamefest between some low elo players and some high-average players. All I have to say is this. Luck is a joke. It's an excuse. Get skilled, come back, chill with us in the 1500's+. We're willing to help you. If you're going to QQ, moap around and just complain about all these noobs, you deserve to be in that elo because you can't carry them. 99% of people that get carried lose their elo and drop back down because they deserve to be lower. ELO isn't flawed. You just aren't good enough.
I agree with Xai, BUT !
There are some champions you cannot carry with ;x
There are some champions you cannot carry with ;x

My Akali build is on its way :)
Thanks for the sig <3
‎"School is like a *****, it's long and hard unless your asian" - Elementz
Gotta go with Xai on this one, though my ELO is quite bad x)
I know I'm not good enough to get at 1600 ELO or so, but I still enjoy playing ranked and I've been playing with champions I wasn't good enough with when I just hit lvl 30. That screwed up my ELO a bit.
I got off to a bad start in ranked and haven't yet been able to carry enough games to get out of there (ELO-hell). And if people won't use my guides because of that, I completely understand it, since my guides aren't "Quality verified". But I will keep making them, since I enjoy doing so and I feel that even though I'm not a king at the game, I still understand a lot of the mechanics through playing about 1100 games.
I know I'm not good enough to get at 1600 ELO or so, but I still enjoy playing ranked and I've been playing with champions I wasn't good enough with when I just hit lvl 30. That screwed up my ELO a bit.
I got off to a bad start in ranked and haven't yet been able to carry enough games to get out of there (ELO-hell). And if people won't use my guides because of that, I completely understand it, since my guides aren't "Quality verified". But I will keep making them, since I enjoy doing so and I feel that even though I'm not a king at the game, I still understand a lot of the mechanics through playing about 1100 games.
More power to you Dotter!
I'll just keep sharing this every time the chance arises. Check out the article on coaching in eSports here (page 13). Not a terribly long article so just read it all and you'll understand my next point. You DO NOT need to be a super imba pro at a game or sport to comment on it. Something related but not mentioned in that article is that lots of commentators for professional athletics are former pros themselves but a lot aren't. You never hear them getting called out by a co-commentator for it, do you?
Just read that article and think about it the next time you wanna invalidate someone's guide or opinion because they aren't over x-Elo.
I'll just keep sharing this every time the chance arises. Check out the article on coaching in eSports here (page 13). Not a terribly long article so just read it all and you'll understand my next point. You DO NOT need to be a super imba pro at a game or sport to comment on it. Something related but not mentioned in that article is that lots of commentators for professional athletics are former pros themselves but a lot aren't. You never hear them getting called out by a co-commentator for it, do you?
Just read that article and think about it the next time you wanna invalidate someone's guide or opinion because they aren't over x-Elo.
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This entire thread is ridiculous and moronic.
Yea pretty much.