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Renekton, Lee Sin and Dodge runes

Creator: Max Carter October 10, 2011 2:51pm
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2011 11:04am | Report
No, then they're about equal, BUT the nimbleness procs make them worth it.
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DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2011 11:07am | Report
I see so the 8 % dodge is about equal to the armor and nimbleness makes them superior.

I mean end game 8% dodge has gotta be better, when carries are doing big damages.

Armor would be nice early game and junk.
Ruin Sage
Ruin Sage's Forum Avatar
Jun 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2011 11:19am | Report
IMO, armor is better in the jungle early game because you don't have enough dodge without Ninja Tabi to make jungling very easy. It sure could still be done on the right jungler though. I do think it is worth it late game though when you can have about 25% dodge chance, which really rains on a carry's day.
Strength may win the fight, but style wins the crowd.

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NicknameMy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2011 11:19am | Report
Think about a Nimbleness proc at Singed^^.

Also jungle Udyr uses it best.
He is gonna kill you!!!
ZioSerpe's Forum Avatar
Aug 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2011 11:38am | Report
So Lee Sin, k.
Start with vamp and jungle, I suggest enemy wraits start if they're left unchecked, then wolves wraits minigolems. Bluepill but armor and pot, clear jungle, gank.
for masteries 15/0/15 (movespeed and flash in utility plus 30% buffs)
For items wriggles and mercs; then you need 1 between waromgs or frozen mallet, then atma's, force of nature or banshee's, last item is highly situational

For all you questions about jungling

yes Mr smartypants click on the signature
Max Carter
Max Carter's Forum Avatar
Feb 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2011 11:56am | Report
oh my god! skarner is free, I tested it vs bots, he's veeeery cool! i'm very interested on him... or renekton, still don't know... is Skarner good?

i would use 0/21/9 on bot, so I could get Nimbleness ... dodge runes are better late game? I mean, early game 13 armor gives you a lot of resistance, but late game it's almost nothing when you reach 150+, about 1%, and the AD champs will hit VERY hard... so if you dodge it would be awesome... am i right? armor early and dodge late?

Renekton: Doran's Shield, Mercury's Treads + Youmuu's Ghostblade -> tanky itens or fatma's
Skarner: philosopher's stone, Mercury's Treads + Trinity Force -> tanky itens

I think it's something like this?
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2011 12:14pm | Report
HsGG builds catalyst for laning phase on Skarner.

I never got to see what he finishes with, whether it was an RoA or a BV I have no idea.
ZioSerpe's Forum Avatar
Aug 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2011 12:28pm | Report
Max Carter wrote:

oh my god! skarner is free, I tested it vs bots, he's veeeery cool! i'm very interested on him... or renekton, still don't know... is Skarner good?

i would use 0/21/9 on bot, so I could get Nimbleness ... dodge runes are better late game? I mean, early game 13 armor gives you a lot of resistance, but late game it's almost nothing when you reach 150+, about 1%, and the AD champs will hit VERY hard... so if you dodge it would be awesome... am i right? armor early and dodge late?

Renekton: Doran's Shield, Mercury's Treads + Youmuu's Ghostblade -> tanky itens or fatma's
Skarner: philosopher's stone, Mercury's Treads + Trinity Force -> tanky itens

I think it's something like this?

this guide makes skarner sound really so fken cool, I tried it and it seems so, doesn't pbviusly seem to be a top tier champ but def funny and entertaining.

As for dodge runes, those are really bad lately, as more and more champions are more of burts and less of AA.

For all you questions about jungling

yes Mr smartypants click on the signature
Max Carter
Max Carter's Forum Avatar
Feb 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2011 1:09pm | Report
why wouldn't skarner be a top tier? he haves everything: shield, heal, boost damage, great farm, good harass...

hm, catalyst? yeah, maybe a good idea too
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
ZioSerpe's Forum Avatar
Aug 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2011 3:33pm | Report
Max Carter wrote:

why wouldn't skarner be a top tier? he haves everything: shield, heal, boost damage, great farm, good harass...

hm, catalyst? yeah, maybe a good idea too

his damage is pretty lackluster whole game, he's a decent offtank, when farmed, with a permaslow. his base stats are low both in def and in dmg.

For all you questions about jungling

yes Mr smartypants click on the signature

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