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Chirika's journey in Ranked

Creator: Chirika October 23, 2013 10:13am
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2013 11:32pm | Report
The fourth game.
This game was extra-long and hard. Me ( Sona again) and Ezreal were against Caitlyn and Leona. We were doing fine even Rammus caused us some trouble we could destroy enemy first tower and even killed dragon. Our Nasus had really bad times against Jayce mostly because of gangs from Rammus at top lane and blame Udyr who did not come to help even when first tower was down. The rest of the match consisted of endless teamfights with our variable success. Enemy team managed to pushed all the lanes and we lost all towers except nexus’s. Even with baron buff we had really bad teamfight and only Ezreal and Udyr managed to survive. Udyr should be more tanky during this match so we could stand against high damage from Jayce and Syndra. Ezreal was the one who carried this match even he did some mistakes. Somehow we managed to catch enemy team and I could use Crescendo to stun Syndra and Jayce and killed 4 out of 5 enemies. After it we proceed to nexus and won this game.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2013 11:33pm | Report
The fifth game.
This game was rather easy and sometimes very stupid. Me ( Nami) and Tristana were against Corki and Morgana. At the beginning enemy Fiddlesticks tried to invade our red (alone) so me and Annie (mostly Annie) punished him for such foolishness. I had really bad time in the lane because Tristana made so much mistakes (like catch Morgana Dark Binding almost every time she used it even we could see her thanks to wards; charged on enemy with her Rocket Jump with almost zero health just to give enemy free kill, etc) and every my death (I mean all of them) only comes when I was trying to help my ADC. Annie were doing great not only she dominate middle lane but also were able to help us at bot. Amumu was also good he could helped all lanes but sometimes was very careless and enemy caught him. Pantheon and Annie pushed middle and managed to proceed to enemy inhibitor. When the rest of the team came we fall back and took baron. At this point of the match enemy could not do much against us. So the end.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2013 10:58pm | Report
Well, my quest for platinum is finished. In the beginning of my journey in League of Legends I did not really think serious about playing ranked games but I really enjoy playing it even sometimes matches went terrible. Anyway there is always time to improve as a player. Now I should concentrate to improve my skill with other roles – top, mid and jungle (even I did not play as ADC in ranked I have some experience with it).
Top is one of my weak point since I did not played much with it, I am going to test my skill with Irelia, Elise, Nasus and Fiora (but she is very hard to play). I am sure with those champions I will be able to gain experience I need.
I will test middle position with Kayle, Annie and Syndra (my favorite) but I also have to think about other champions. My main problem in middle position is that I need to be more mobile and help other lanes more often.
I will test jungle with Jarvan IV, Vi, Sejuani and Shyvana. I have some experience with all of them but it is really not enough to play confidently in ranked games.
If I started to play ranked games earlier I had all chance to get diamond but I will have chance in season 4. I wish mobafire’s community best luck in Fields of Justice.
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 17, 2013 7:32am | Report
Good day all. Even my ranked journey in season 3 ended I will continue this thread to describe my games at preseason and season 4. Last few days I had very tough time in both ranked at normal games. So let’s begin.

The first game.
This game was pretty awful. Even we managed to dominate bot lane with Tristana our Fizz was really bad. In teamfights our team weaknesses surface even more when we could not focus enemy properly, enemy Wukong just charged on me and ADC as result just killed us one by one. Elise was trying to help but could not do much alone. After we lost baron match was finished for us because my team continue to make same mistake (could not group and focus), most of our teamfights Fizz even was not with us

The second game.
This match was very strange and stupid. Me with Graves were against Zed and LeBlanc (!!!). I still cannot understand why this match took so long us to win. Graves sometimes absolutely forget about team and went to solo lane, I was trying to rush to help him but most of time could not save him. Nidalee was wondering around so most of our teamgfight we just fought 4vs5 or 3vs4. Our Fizz was the one who really pissed off enemy team with his charges. We caught enemies one by one pretty often they just could not group properly to fight back.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 17, 2013 7:35am | Report
The third game.
There is not much I can tell about this game. Both my and enemy team had connection problems due to server’s crashed so we had random disconnect all the time. Somehow we could win this.

The fought game.
This match was really bad our middle Kha'Zix lost his lane absolutely and was blaming whole team all the time. Jarvan IV did not have success in jungle and with gangs. Top and bot lane were asking for gangs but he came only 1-2 times (to bot lane) and never come to top so our Poppy could not do much when Udyr came to gang. We even could not group and fight enemy so they just took us one by one and sometimes Vladimir or Nidalee who were fed killed 2-3 of my team.
My mistakes: my performance was really bad due I did not played Zyra for very long time and team was not helping each other so I could not expect help.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 17, 2013 7:36am | Report
The fifth game.
I don’t want to say much about this game it was just terrible. Our Riven fed Darius, Morgana just could not stay against Ryze and in the end my team just overfed him. Varus was…hmm…unexperienced, every time Caitlyn used her Piltover Peacemaker he could not dodge it so she did not missed any and we even could not win any 2vs2 teamfight with him even I successfully land my Aqua Prison. Rengar was trying to do something but could not stay against whole enemy team.

The sixth game.
In this game we had strange beginning. Enemy team invade our blue and we engage with them, Master Yi was careless and gave Olaf first blood, I don’t know how but we could not do much in this teamfight so we lost Fiddlesticks and due to my careless I died as well. I had really good time in bot lane this time Tristana was pretty skilled and Lucian with Thresh did not win any 2vs2 fights. Middle and top lane were doing fine and sometimes Olaf managed to make double or even triple kill. After taking baron and one more good teamfight we pushed middle and won the match.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 19, 2013 10:01am | Report
The first game.
This game went smooth for us. Jinx and me had no problems against Caitlyn and Blitzcrank. Our top and middle lane were doing fine too, except some mistakes from Lux when she pushed lane too much resulted gang from Xin Zhao. Lee Sin was good but was chasing enemies too hard resulted few deaths for him, except this he was great and at the end he became legendary. We did not lose any teamfights (5vs5) except some small skirmishers. Enemy Nidalee was trying to play solo too much most of time resulted her death when she was fighting 1vs2 or 1vs3. Jinx was pretty skilled so we had no problems on the lane. When we took middle inhibitor enemy team was too busy with our minions so we easily took down both baron and dragon. After this we regroup and finished the game.
My mistakes: my both two deaths were only my fault and I could not blame my team for it, really I could avoid it.

The second game.
I did not play Lulu for quite some time but still was doing well. My team was doing well in all lanes especially Jax who won his lane and was able to destroy 2 towers on his own. In middle game we dominate in all lanes and enemy team could not do much against us. I cannot say much about this much there were not so many interesting moments.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 19, 2013 10:03am | Report
The third game.
This match was a little more difficult than previous one. I had really good partner Miss Fortune who was doing very good. Lee Sin was good jungler and was able to help all lanes, Lux was a real sniper who killed enemy with every Final Spark she used. But sometimes my team forget to group and it resulted free kills for enemy team, I am glad it did not affect final result too much. Due my team had strong ADC and APC enemy could not get close to us and we just shoot enemy from distance.

I won’t have much time next few weeks due to my job so my reports will become shorter. I am just very tired and don’t have much time in the evening.
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2013 12:05pm | Report
Good day. I had really bad day before yesterday lost both matches in promotion series so here there are.

The first game.
This game start bad from the start and I can absolutely blame only one person – Caitlyn, I have seen bad ADC before and she was really bad. We invade enemy jungle from the start and could kill 1-2 enemies but thanks to her not only we could not kill anyone this invade cost us my life but I can live with that. My real problem start when I come to the lane. I cannot say we were doing bad in farm – no – when enemy was pushing Caitlyn fall apart and could not properly focus or help me. Even when Jarvan IV came to help us she again played unbelievably bad. When we lost our all first towers teamfights happened around and again our ADC…how can I put it…just leave us and went to farm so all teamfights, I mean all (100%), were 4vs5. The real joke is that Caitlyn were Diamond it looked like more she had power leveling since I have seen better players in Silver and Gold. If you look at score you will understand what this match was like.

The second game.
Unfortunately this match was not better than previous one. Our Singed fed Vladimir from the start and only blame team he could not kill him 1vs1. Fizz just could not stand a chance against Malzahar. Tristana was really something, I think she was picked only because her escape but for some reason she did not even use it properly even once – neither for escape nor for chasing. Lee Sin was only one who was trying to help us at bot lane and other lanes as well. So we start losing match from the start and there were absolutely nothing I can do.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 23, 2013 9:01am | Report
Well, I had really bad time ranked recently and also I fall ill so don’t have much time to play. Even so here are my reports.

The first game.
This game went bad from the start and I don’t really know whom to blame. Jinx was not bad ADC but sometimes (like 3-4 times) she just could not stop Caitlyn with her Flame Chompers! or dodge Leona’s Zenith Blade. Elise lost top lane and Lee Sin was not perfect jungler. Zed was the only one who really deserve honor even at the end his score was not so impressive. So we lost all lanes and enemy push very hard after we lost baron and made absolutely unpardonable mistake – we separated and enemy team just killed us 2vs3 or 2vs4. So the end.

The second game.
Well...I cannot say much about this game, it was pretty stupid. Ashe had no skill and just blame team. Xin Zhao and Orianna were the persons who carried the game because enemy team was…hmm…bad.

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