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Chirika's journey in Ranked

Creator: Chirika October 23, 2013 10:13am
<Altruistic Artist>
Hogopogo's Forum Avatar
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Sep 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 29, 2013 5:29pm | Report
Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 30, 2013 12:43pm | Report
Good day, everyone. Reports continue.

The first game.
Nami this time. At beginning I really could do better. Again Leona and as usual very annoying. Shen dominate top lane and helped middle and bot lane. Elise was good jungler and helped all lanes a lot. Even we had good team not all teamfights went in our favor. Sometimes we were very careless and enemy caught us one by one or we engage with full enemy team when we were not together one time it resulted the loss of the first dragon but nothing critical. After good teamfight we managed to push top and bot lanes so our minions could keep enemy team busy. We use this time to regroup and take down baron. Enemy could not get to baron in time and we caught Leona and Vi who came too close to us. We successfully pushed middle and finished the game.

The second game.

Absolutely terrible game… Jax disconnected and returned only around 7-8 minute. Even me and Lucian could hold bot lane middle never helped us when enemy came to gang us. So all our fights in bot were 2vs3 or 2vs4. After third death Lucian went afk. Enemy dominated whole game and my team could not do anything. I cannot say much more about this.

The third game.
I really enjoy playing Tristana on this account. Me and Thresh were laning against Anivia and Miss Fortune. Both of them were very annoying. We were very careful so Malphite did not have a chance to gang us. Gragas did really good and in most teamfights he did 50-60% damage of whole team. Nidalee was…can’t describe with word. She was so annoying and escaped from me 3-4 times with just 3-5% health…because of her spears we could not came close to middle tower. Around 30 minute we could kill baron and tried to push middle. Unfortunately we could not do it and proceed to bot and push. Somehow we managed to catch Yorick and Malphite. Without them enemy team could not do much against us and we easily destroyed both nexus towers and nexus itself. So the end.

Ahruu's Forum Avatar
May 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 30, 2013 3:49pm | Report
Does nobody play jinx in plat?
Don't +rep me im a bad person
Cryst4's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 30, 2013 4:10pm | Report
Nice games. Hmm.. Anivia support. Have to try that sometime in normals when I get my internet back! Don't really know if I want to start playing it on ranked though, since I would **** up all my stats.
It's already annoying enough with lux since I see for example just general win rate I have on lux. I would like to know separately what win rate I have as playing lux mid or lux support and all the other stats too. Maybe they someday will be able to detect that...

Since you have experience playing against nivia supp now, what was it like? I would imagine she had very strong all-in potential with most adc's due to her cc+egg.
But oh well, I expect Thresh didn't have too hard time landing some hooks on her.
Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 31, 2013 4:13am | Report
Ahruu wrote:

Does nobody play jinx in plat?

I did not see Jinx for a while but mostly because I don’t play many ranked games for several weeks.

Nice games. Hmm.. Anivia support. Have to try that sometime in normals when I get my internet back! Don't really know if I want to start playing it on ranked though, since I would **** up all my stats.
It's already annoying enough with lux since I see for example just general win rate I have on lux. I would like to know separately what win rate I have as playing lux mid or lux support and all the other stats too. Maybe they someday will be able to detect that...

Since you have experience playing against nivia supp now, what was it like? I would imagine she had very strong all-in potential with most adc's due to her cc+egg.
But oh well, I expect Thresh didn't have too hard time landing some hooks on her.

I have seen support Anivia few times as support. I cannot say it was difficult to play against such support but Anivia mostly rely on landing her Flash Frost on ADC so while you are stun enemy ADC and Anivia can land their most powerful skills on you. If you can avoid this stun or you have healing support you won’t have any problems and try to be mobile as possible. I say Anivia was more annoying than dangerous.
Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 1, 2014 11:45am | Report
Good day, everyone. What can I say…today was not the best day for ranked games. Some matches was stupid some not…well, decide for yourself what those matches looked like?

The first game.
It was really hard and long game. Taric was bad support without any defense runes so enemy targeted him first because he was easy prey. During whole game I always repeated Taric to ward more because most of time we had no vision of the map. Ezreal was full AP built, I have nothing against such builds but in this game AD items could be much better and in teamfights he could not do much damage as everybody else. Most of our teamfights went really bad when my team could not stay togethers or protect me from enemies so as you can see we fed Morgana and she became real problem. But enemy team was not smarter than mine so few times I could kill few enemies by myself with ease. Few times when we could fight back and made ACE it was really close just to finish enemy off but my team just fell apart and started to attack enemy one by one…you can imagine the result. Somehow we managed to catch Leona and Rengar at middle and separated them from the rest of the team. I used On The Hunt so my team will not allow enemy to escape. We successfully pushed middle and finished the game.

The second game.
Really bad game. Blitzcrank was not the best support I have ever met. The stupidest part is that his Rocket Grab most of time resulted not advantage for our team but disadvantage because he pulled the most dangerous enemies like Lee Sin or Yorick. Nobody helped or protect each other so me and LeBlanc were easy target for enemy. Few more stupid moments: my team could not dodge jayce’s Shock Blast so teamfight begin when most of my team were 50-60% health and also they just could not understand that we should not stay together when Zyra used her Stranglethorns so she always caught almost my whole team with it. I don’t want to say anything more about this game.

The third game.
There is not much I can say about this match. Shyvana had absolutely no idea how to gang or to jungle so it looked like my team was 4vs5 from the start. Miss Fortune was not skilled with ADC so we lost our lane. My performance was not impressive but at least I was trying to do something. No chance to win this.

Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 1, 2014 11:47am | Report
The fourth game.
As I said before I hate when just one person ruin the match…and unfortunately it was such game. We did great and dominate in most of teamfights but Ezreal ruined all our efforts. I tried to help my team with heal and auras. But Ezreal ignored most of our teamfights so we were 3vs4 or 4vs5 and I really surprised we could hold so long. After good fight we regroup and attack baron. Enemy team tried to prevent us to kill it but could not stop us. We engage with enemy…somehow Ezreal was caught by Blitzcrank and our fight turned 4vs5 at first 10 seconds. We continued to fight any way and was able to kill Brand and Yasuo so other enemies retreated. Just a minute later we tried to catch Tristana but Hecarim and the rest of the enemy team arrived. I pinged my team to fall back but they tried to fight back without success. After this enemy team pushed middle and bot so Ezreal was only one who protected the base but he was easily killed by Yasuo. Enemy destroyed nexus before the rest of my team respawned.

The fifth game.
It seems supports like Thresh, Leona and Blitzcrank become very popular recently. Me Nami and Lucian did not have much problems against Ezreal and Blitzcrank. Dr. Mundo helped all lanes with great success. Teamfights went pretty well for us because enemy could not stay together and focus us properly. We finished game rather fast.

The sixth game.
Lulu this time. All lanes won easily except top may be who had some trouble with Renekton. Only once enemy was near to make ACE when they pushed middle and somehow my team fight went on enemy one by one that ended really badly. Enemy destroyed first middle tower and killed 3 out 5 of my team and only when Wukong came back from base he could finished off 2 enemies. After regroup match went smooth for us, we pushed middle again. Enemy team was very careless when tried to attack Riven, I wasted all my items and Wild Growth so she survived and we could win teamfight and proceed to inhibitor’s tower. After this we regroup take down dragon and pushed middle again and finished the game.
P.S.: my only death was from tower so I did not give any kill to enemy team.

Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2014 1:18am | Report
Good day, everyone. After absolutely idiotic normal games I started to play some ranked games…really…after such normal games I am going to ruin my nervous system. Anyway here are my reports.

The first game.
Well…this game was something really strange. I Nami and Sivir (one word about her – she was Asian but nothing impressive) were laning against Lulu and Vayne. I could not image it will so hard. At the beginning Sivir could not trade properly so enemy pushed lane really hard. Only help from Vi saved us and I don’t know what could we do without her. Most of our fights went really bad because my team went one by one on enemy team. At one moment of the game I really think we are going to lose it because Ryze continued to act stupidly. Nasus did really great at top and dominated it so he could become tanky. When enemy destroyed our second bottom tower and came close to third we engage with them and Nasus was in the center of this fight taking all damage from enemy team and I am really surprised he survived it (I wasted all my items on him and did not stop healing). We won this fight and proceed to dragon and kill it. After regroup enemy team tried to push bot again and another teamfight happened. This time it went not that good as previous one, we lost Nasus and Ryze (as usual) but managed to kill 4 out 5 enemy and only Vayne tried to escaped but could not with my items and speed buff. After respawn enemy team tried to pushed middle (without Olaf who tried to push top) but we caught them by surprise and attacked first. Enemy team tried to escape but we caught up very fast and killed careless Vayne and Lulu. Without ADC enemy team was not big threat for us, we pushed middle and finished the game.

The second game.
This time I had to choose top lane since bot was occupied with premade. I did not play Shen for ages and to be honest I did rather well but unfortunately my team did not. I was laning against Xin Zhao and did not have any trouble but I died only once from gang. Our middle Zilean did really bad and I have no idea why he picked such champion for our team, premade did the same way as middle. Somehow we managed to win some teamfights and even took down baron but even with baron’s buff my team lacked of damage and we absolutely lost our final fight.

The third game.
Premade, premade, premade…to be honest I did not meet a good one even once. You can laugh but this time I played Jarvan IV middle (I really picked him at random because our Thresh did not say a word and picked support). At the beginning our bot did very bad (thresh score was like 0-7-4) and only Tryndamere pushed lane very good. Somehow we managed to win some teamfights because enemy Katarina tried to get easy kills and they just could not focus Tryndamere. After good push we let our minios to keep enemy busy while we went to baron, after it we tried to push bot lane and had really bad fight when I managed to distract enemy team on me but unfortunately my team did not follow this move and we lost this fight. After regroup we easily pushed middle and finished the game because enemy team did same mistake – could not focus Tryndamere or Jinx.

Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 4, 2014 12:14am | Report
Good day, everyone. Really…today was one of the worst day for ranked games, I don’t understand people – why do players take position if they have no idea to play it? I won’t describe those matches as I used to so my reports will be a little shorter. Let’s get down to business.

The first game.
Game started bad from the beginning. All lanes were lost and our jungler was useless. Why did he even take Annie as support if he could do a thing as support. Free win for enemy – no more comments.

The second game.
Nunu & Willump jungle this time. And again bot is occupied with premade, gladly enemy bot was very weak so they had no problems. Even Wukong had problems at top lane (because he pushed lane too much and was easy target for gangs) and just could not stay alive before I came to help. Lux did very well even so minor mistakes. So teamfights went, well some not mostly because my team started to act solo too much. Enemy team did same mistake as mine – they acted too solely so Nami and Lee Sin were easy targets for us. We easily killed baron and proceed to middle and pushed it. Enemy could not stay together to fight back properly so the end.

The third game.
Well…I really could do better that time especially with my favorite Nami. And again my team did the same mistake as did many other – we could not stay together to fight back properly or protect each other. Fiddlesticks was bad choice for this game because in most our teamfights he was just target number one and died first. Teamfights went pretty bad for us because we could not focus Katarina and enemy team had two tanks. All I can say my team did not deserve to win this match.

Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 4, 2014 12:15am | Report
The fourth game.
This match was even worse than previous one. As you can see enemy team did not have ADC but it did not stop them easily beat us. Jinx was very bad, she wasted Flash at first minutes very stupidly, could not dodge even once Rocket Grab and we had absolutely no space to land a kill because even with all my help she hardly survive trade with enemy. Vladimir lost top as well Fizz lost middle and again could not dodge Nidalee spears. So in the end Zac become legendary…no more comments.

The fifth game.
I am going to hate premades, our Jinx was very bad and bot lane could not even destroy first tower. Sometimes I think she was playing other game because in most teamfights she even was not with us. I tried to gang all lanes but only Orianna could coordinate with me and besides she was only one who played well. At the end we easily lost top and bot lanes. Enemy pushed middle and finished the game.

It has become very annoying, my team lost matches so easily and yet victories come with very high price.

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