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Chirika's journey in Ranked

Creator: Chirika October 23, 2013 10:13am
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2014 8:43am | Report
It took me some time to write those reports, so here we go.
The first game.
This time I have picked one of my hated lanes – top lane. Even I train this position more lately it still remains one of hardest for me. One of my mistakes was taking Ghost before Ignite, I cannot say Ghost was useless but against Dr. Mundo Ignite could be very handy. Match started as usual – Olaf went for blue buff with the rest of the team and I went to secure our red buff. Unfortunately I was ambushed by enemy and could not escape, seeing this my team rush to enemy red buff and successfully took it. Laning was not hard even Dr. Mundo tankiness made me some trouble. With help from Olaf I could handle him with ease and of course as Nasus I was farming Siphoning Strike. Teleport was very useful in this match because I had to farm a lot I had to be far away from my team and it helped me to group with them in any time. Gragas crushed Ziggs at middle and helped bot whenever who could. Bot lane was doing fine because our Blitzcrank was terror for enemy team because they just could not dodge his Rocket Grab and as you can see he had almost the same amount of kills as his ADC. My tankiness allowed me to withstand enemy’s damage so I did not have much trouble in teamfights. Most of time we had small skirmishes 2vs2 or 3vs2 so only in the last 7-8 minutes we had full 5vs5 fights. When enemy tried to take baron we rushed there and forced them to fall back by killing Dr. Mundo, Thresh and Lee Sin we decided do not waste time and pushed middle Ziggs and Vayne could not stand against full team and we scored ACE and finished the match.

The second game.
It was my first normal/ranked game with Diana and unfortunately it was not good. Top picked Akali I cannot say it was bad pick since Jax could not win lane but still we could use some tank or AP/AD ranged champion. I just wanted to test Diana, I won lane against Ziggs and except few mistakes I think my performance was not bad. Our jungler was really bad except one good gang at middle when I was able to score double kill Lee Sin did not make any good one after it, his build was neither damage nor defense so he was easy target for enemy team (only when I asked him to go tank he started to buy some tanky items). And again premade at bottom lane and it sucked again…I don’t know for what reasons our ADC picked Vayne (he was last pick) but in my opinion it was poor choice since enemy team had long range champions. So our lane just fed enemy and even Lee Sin came to help them all the time it ended his death. Because our bot lane was very weak I had to help them many times and left my farm. So in the end due to our lack of tank and enemies were fed they easily focused me or Akali so we lost it in the end if only our premade was better we could win this match but they were not. Even I lost this match I really liked playing Diana so I will try to play her in future matches.

The third game.
Our champions select was a bit messy and I could not understand who takes what role except our jungler. I picked Sivir this time and our support was… Teemo. Enemy team tried to invade our blue so we engaged with them. This fight was complete mess…we could kill Jarvan IV but Nocturne was very careless and gave Caitlyn free kill and buff. Our laning phase was terrible. I was zoned my Karma and Caitlyn and Teemo was not helpful at all and most of times acted like suicide. I lost a lot of farm and was pretty weak until middle game. Due to our loss in bottom lane Caitlyn became one of our main problems in teamfights. Even Teemo stated he was support it was not true at all, he acted like typical AP carry so my team lacked of map vision whole match. Renekton managed to win top lane so at least he could become some tanky. Our teamwork was not impressive because every now and then my teammates went solo against full enemy team or 1vs3 or 1vs4. So until middle game when we started to group together we could not fight back properly. Somehow we managed to win some teamfights and destroy second middle and bottom tower. When we were able to push all lanes I asked my team to go baron while we had some time. With good damage from me and Gragas we were able to take down baron pretty fast just before enemy team came so I used On The Hunt so we could escape safely. After regroup we engaged with enemy team (right between first and second middle tower). Nocturne and Renekton charged at Annie, Karma and Gangplank while me and Gragas was caught by Cataclysm, Renekton died pretty fast (but was brought back thanks to Guardian Angel) due to high damage from Annie and Caitlyn so she went after me and Gragas. With help from Teemo we killed Jarvan IV pretty fast and take down annoying Caitlyn. Without their tank and ADC we easily finished off the rest of enemy team. We were going to pushed middle right to nexus when enemy team decide to surrender.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2014 9:26am | Report
Good day, everybody. It was not the most pleasant weekend in ranked games. Judge for yourself…

The first game.
Well, what can I say…I really hate when people pick champion even it is clear your champion will not suit your team. Our ADC was last pick and picked Vayne, I have nothing against it but in such team we could use long range ADC and Tristana, Sivir or any other could be much better. So this poor choice resulted very bad laning for us because enemy easily zoned us. Even we call our jungler for help he was trying to help top and middle so we were left alone. My performance was not great at all; I made mistakes around so there is nothing to be proud of in this match. Our teamwork was very low, we did not group or helped each other. My team blamed me for our defeat (since I was left behind) but all I can say if there is no teamwork it can lead only to loss. We had few teamfigths when we could kill Wukong, Renekton or Ezreal but Katarina easily take down Vayne who had to come close to enemy and was easy prey. I did not see any chance to win match like this.

The second game.
In champion select our ADC recognized one of enemy – Malzahar and he was jungler. I did not see much trouble with that but I really should…Our laning phase was smooth and we did not have much trouble, we even were able to take down first bot tower. Our Ziggs was…unskilled and lost his lane. Unfortunately Shyvana was not doing better. Top and mid were lost completely when Malzahar started to gang them and I was totally surprised when my team died in every gang. I cannot say Riven was bad choice but we could really used something more tanky since Shyvana could hold enemy team. Our teamfights were not better…nobody of my team wanted to initiate so enemy always did it first resulted Nether Grasp and Unstoppable Force used on Ziggs or Lucian, even I tried to save one of them enemy team focused and killed them too fast. Most of time Shyvana charged at enemy even it was clear we could not follow so our teamfights were pitiful. In middle and lane game we had to defend base mostly so enemy team easily take down dragon and baron. When they were going to take down second baron my team decide to attack… Riven and Shyvana were able to kill [malzahar]] but not even understanding a dangerous Shyvana charged at enemy again and Ziggs and Lucian just group together when Malphite used Unstoppable Force at them again. Our front line was taken down pretty fast and our ADC and APC could not do much ether so it was crushing defeat…somehow I managed to escape. Just few seconds later my team decided to surrender.

The third game.
Surely it was not my day…Our jungler picked wrong runes and had some trouble with it. Me and Caitlyn were doing fine at bottom lane. Renekton was good and won his lane against Nasus. And again our mid-laner was really bad, Ziggs lost lane to Nidalee and his damage was really low when we started to group up (little note: Nidalee was played by the same guy who played Ziggs in previous game and he was doing much better this time). My team had a lot of trouble with dodging her spears so it resulted 2 free kills for her in middle when Ziggs died and then Renekton who came to help him. When teamfights began nobody of my team wanted to initiate so Nidalee used her spears to harass us and it was very bad because while we wait Nasus freely pushed top lane. So I had to used Talisman of Ascension to initiate, even so Ziggs was lacked of damage so we could not pushed lane too much but somehow managed to take down first and second middle tower. Enemy team started to push all lanes so it was really bad time for us. My team was really greed for a kill so sometimes Volibear and Renekton forgot to protect me, ADC or APC so in the end we had few really bad teamfights when enemy took down top and middle inhibitor. When super minions started to push all lanes somehow we managed to kill Leona, Jinx and Elise and tried to kill nexus before enemy did the same while Renekton fell back to stop Nasus and Nidalee but we could not…So as you can see I lost my promotion series…

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2014 9:28am | Report
The fourth game.
This time I was laning with Tristana, except few attempts to suicide we were doing not bad. Dr. Mundo dominate top lane and with help from Nautilus crushed Warwick. Brand had some trouble with Katarina and Elise was very annoying. Early game was a test for my nerves when my team went to solo-mod and refused to help bottom lane so just left us to die. The situation changed for a better when we started to group together. Due to Dr. Mundo and Nautilus tankiness we were able to push middle lane. Warwick and Katarina were trying to focus Tristana but sometimes absolutely forgot about her damage or mobility so it resulted quadra kill for her. Some teamfights did not go too well for us when Warwick or Katarina managed to take down Brand or Tristana so without our main source of damage we could not win but even so enemy team could not kill Dr. Mundo so he escaped every dangerous situation. Nautilus initiated very good so when enemy saw him coming they just flee. After good fight we decide to take down baron, we managed to kill him before enemy came and started to chase just arrived enemy team. We managed to kill Leona and Jinx forcing them to fall back, we used this pause to kill dragon. We regrouped and tried to push middle but met strong resistance from enemy and could not get to inhibitor’s tower so we decide to push bottom. We destroyed tower but enemies charged at us I did not really understand what happened in this mess but Brand was focused by Warwick and Katarina so he died first Nautilus and Dr. Mundo were separated from the rest of the team, my team could not focus properly so we lost this fight somehow I managed to escape this. After resurrect we met enemy team at middle and was waiting a moment to initiate. Nautilus started to charge but Leona seeing this coming activated her Talisman of Ascension I did the same and used Tidal Wave to catch her and Warwick. Leona died first from our burst, Warwick tried to used his Infinite Duress on Tristana but I saved her with my Mikael's Blessing, new arrived Katarina tried to do the same and used her Death Lotus to finish off our ADC so I shut her down with my Aqua Prison. With Katarina death the rest of enemy team did not present dangerous for us so we pushed all way right to nexus and finished the match.

The fifth game.
My laning partner was Jinx this time. We were doing fine at lane and crushed Lucian and Taric with ease. Katarina and Nasus had some trouble in lane due to strong opponents like LeBlanc and Renekton. Only the present of our jungler Master Yi allowed them to win their lanes, also he helped us at bot lane few times to secure a kill. Kha'Zix was real pain for our Jinx and Katarina and few times he caught them by surprise not giving a chance to escape. After destruction of first bottom tower we started to group with our team but did not allow enemy to push bottom. Our teamfights went pretty well because enemy could not group together to fight back properly. Most of time we had little skirmishes like 1vs1 or 2vs2, our 5vs5 fights happened only close to the end of the match. After good fight we used chance and take down baron. With baron’s buff we easily won our last teamfight, pushed middle and were ready to destroy inhibitor’s tower when enemy team decided to surrender.

Today I will try my luck again in promotional series.
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2014 4:22pm | Report
good luck on your promo this time!, hope u have better luck this time around than that last one.
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2014 9:46pm | Report

good luck on your promo this time!, hope u have better luck this time around than that last one.

Thanks, I really would like to but I lost 2 games in a row yesterday (reports will come a bit later). I see little chance of winning 3 games in a row any way I will do my best…I don’t know why do I have 1 or 2 players in my team who lead team to loss and there is nothing I can do to save such matches, I don’t like to blame other players but this is a situation, recently I had really bad matches in promotion series.
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2014 8:41am | Report
It just cannot be true...just cannot…but unfortunately it is…My ranked statistics ruined completely. I don’t know what is wrong…I tried my best and did everything I could to pull my lane or team to victory but it did not help to prevent loss. There are always 1 or 2 jerks in my team who refuse to play as a team and just lead us to defeat. Those reports will be a little shorter since I don’t want describe it.

The first game.
This time I had to pick middle since nobody wanted. I don’t have many mid-laners on this account and I picked Zyra since Kayle was banned. What can I say… Zed was real problem and I really hoped our jungler will help me but it did not happened. Lee Sin came only once for entire game but Shyvana ganged middle frequently. Renekton did not bad at top lane but our bot lane was pretty weak, I did not really understand why before I saw Lulu in action. She was playing very passively giving window for Leona CC, Lulu cared more about her own skin than team and flee we saw any sign of danger. Teamfights went very bad because nobody wants to protect each other and were very greed for kills so enemy team easily focused me and Caitlyn. Really bad match.

The second game.
In champion select our jungler instantly lock Shaco and it became one big problem for us. Enemy team invade our red and Shaco even did not used his first trap at upper brush for safety. So enemy easily killed him and took red buff. Vi continued to pursue him so he died again and again. Before me and Caitlyn killed Vi at respawned red buff. Except us middle and top lane could not do much with presence of fed enemy jungler so top was lost as well as middle but even so Akali managed to get some kills. When teamfight started it was clear we could not stand against Renekton and Vi as well other fed enemies. Me and Caitlyn tried our best to save this match but it was not enough.

The third game.
Not much I can say about this match. Top lane was completely lost. Our jungler flamed from the start and quite around 10 minute. Me and Lucian were crushed because nobody helped us so we fought 2vs3 or 2vs4. Twisted Fate managed to get few kills thanks to his Destiny. No more comments.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2014 8:43am | Report
The fourth game.
I tried to take Leona for a change. It was pretty hard lane due to Draven damage and Thresh attack range so Graves had to farm under the tower. Even I had good amount of CC my team did not follow it perfectly. Except few trouble from Lee Sin we managed to win lane and when Thresh was away we take down Draven and tower. Kennen did very well at top as well as Ziggs. After another skirmish near second middle tower we managed to kill Kayle, Lee Sin and Thresh and with Ziggs were ready to destroy tower when enemy team decide to surrender.

The fifth game.
Another bad game. Laning phase was not good even we managed to kill Lulu few times Caitlyn cannot handle Sivir with all my help. Top and middle were lost since Lee Sin freely ganged them and my team could not focus him or Fiddlesticks. My team even could not group properly to fight back so this match was lost from 15 minute. No more comments.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2014 8:44am | Report
The sixth game.
Our ADC said he was unskilled and I even could not imagine how much…It seemed Caitlyn did not understand how to position herself so she was easy prey for enemy and thanks to her suicide I was left alone and most of time died as well. Orianna lost middle without any chance of winning. Elise ganged well few times but mostly it did not work at all. Nasus was left with Teemo and fed him because neither Elise nor Orianna came to help him in middle game. Teamfights were terrible and I don’t even want to describe it. Bad game from the start.

The seventh game.
Free win for enemy team. Amumu was terrible jungler and even did not gang or helped somebody, even he did it always ended his death. I was left alone against Riven and Nautilus ganged frequently. Nidalee was playing other game, she did not ping or helped somebody so Fizz freely walked around. Our bot lane was premade and it did not show anything. No more comments.

After such terrible games I don’t even sure to play more ranked tomorrow. May be I will take a break for few days…I don’t know.
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2014 8:47am | Report
+27 LP per game in Platinum 1 O.o
They really hurried things up then. Used to be +5, -5

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2014 9:53am | Report
Hello, everybody. I have not played many ranked games since I have trained in normal games but I cannot say it was very enjoyable. So here are my reports.

The first game.
I am very lucky in meeting premades recently. Our bot lane was occupied by Urgot and Soraka. Top and middle lane was taken as well so I have to go junglers this time. To be honest I still hate this role. Beginning was pretty calm, we even could get first blood (me and Shen managed to kill Jax). Our problems started when we begin our engage with enemy team. Kayle was very strange and did not respond to our calls…so Ziggs came all the time and Kayle did not. Our bot lane was very weak and even I came to help them Urgot damage was so low that I died first before someone of enemies did as well Soraka could not designate primary target for her heal. Teamfights were not better at all, my team could not group up at all so many times enemy killed us one by one. Somehow we managed to win some fights and even took baron. But even with baron’s buff Urgot and Kayle damage remain low till the end and even me and Shen managed to focus enemy team on us our team could not kill anyone. So in the end pretty bad match.

The second game.
This time I took my main role. We did not have much problem at bot lane with Sivir against Leona and Lucian. Shyvana managed to win her lane against Renekton. Nidalee had some problems with Katarina. Our team was doing fine till middle game when teamfights started. Our fights were complete mess and I even could not understand what was going on but somehow we managed to destroy first and second middle tower. Our main problem even was not enemy team but our jungler who was unbelievably bad and I don’t know for what reason he picked Elise because it was clear he did not have much experience with her. Every time teamfights began Elise died first and only Shyvana tanked whole enemy team. At one point of the match my team started to feed Katarina so she easily targeted me or Sivir so we had a lot of problems. Teamgfights went with varying degrees of success – sometimes we won, sometime enemy team did. After good fight at our base we forced enemy team to retreat so we decide to use our chance to take down baron. Everything went fine before enemy team came and tried to steal baron, even we managed to stun Lee Sin our Elise stupidly let enemy steal baron so we had to fall back. Even with baron buff we took down 4out of 5 enemies and pushed middle again, managed to destroy inhibitor’s tower and inhibitor, when enemy team respawned we fall back. Our final fight happened just near our middle inhibitor. There was no sign of trouble but our Sivir was hit by Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike and push back right to enemy team with Dragon's Rage and killed pretty fast so I could not help. Without our ADC it was the end for us.

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