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Chirika's journey in Ranked

Creator: Chirika October 23, 2013 10:13am
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2014 9:54am | Report
The third game.
Premade again…but this time one of them agreed to give me support position and I think they did not regret it. Because Graves have shorter attack range we did not have much problem in lane with Lucian and in the beginning we easily zoned them and forced to back pretty quickly. Lee Sin helped all lanes so we did not have much problems. Only Renekton had hard time since Talon and Fiddlesticks came frequently. Enemy team could not group properly so we even did not have full 5vs5 fights only small skirmishes. We killed every dragon and dominate whole match. Only once Talon managed to get 2 kills and went after me and Lucian. Talon damage was very high so he was not afraid to attack us at bot lane. I barely survive this fight and we took down Talon. With all lanes lost enemy team decide to surrender.

The fourth game.
This time I went top with Shen since Leona instantly locked in. I don’t play this position much but even so I did not have problems against Renekton unfortunately Diana ganged frequently so I lost my first tower. Bot lane were doing really bad due to inexperienced Draven who could not get a kill with all help from Leona. Nocturne was not bad but he had to go bot lane so often that it left opening for Diana gangs middle and top what exactly happened again and again. Our teamfights were real joke when it started our team could not kill anyone because could not focus enemy properly but we were all down to 50-60% health. In the end our ADC could not deal enough damage so it looked more like 4vs5 fight. No more comments.

The fifth game.
Top lane again and bot occupied with premade. This time I faced Jax, his damage and Leap Strike was very annoying. Fortunately for me Lee Sin helped me a lot so we crushed Jax. Our bot were doing fine since Ashe don’t have escape mechanism she was easy target for Lucian and Thresh, I did not see Alistar doing anything to keep them away from his ADC. Akali made some trouble for Fiddlesticks with her Shadow Dance. Vi gangs were not impressive so our Lee Sin was free to gang every lane and to the end he became legendary. In the end of the match we easily killed baron and pushed middle right to the nexus.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 12, 2014 10:48pm | Report
Good day, everyone. As you have noticed I have not post any reports for very long time. I had some problems with my health and job recently so it did not allow me to play ranked games at all and all I presumed – play 1 or 2 normal games per day even during weekend. This really ruined my experience.
If there are people who are really looking to see my progress in ranked games I promise them that next few days I recommence my ranked journey once again and start to restore my lost experience.
My new reports will arrive at Saturday’s morning. See you guys in two days.
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 15, 2014 5:32am | Report
Good day, everybody. At last I can sent few reports but unfortunately I cannot say those games were pleasant.

The first game.
Not much I can say about this game, enemy Talon disconnected from start and returned only around 10 minute and it seems he kept disconnecting. Even it was 4vs5 game my team (included me) made some many mistakes so I cannot count. When we finally destroyed all outer turrets and got some items we were able to push middle right to nexus. There were no interesting moments in this match.

The second game.
This time I decide to try jungle so I can improve this role. Jarvan IV still remain safe pick for me so I decided to pick him. The start of the match was not good for us. Riven was forced to back at 3 level and Xerath had a lot of problems with dodging Nidalee spears. Bot lane had small skirmishes but nothing critical but when I came to gang they absolutely could not cooperate with me. Small fights all over map but nothing interesting. Riven continued to make mistakes – like pushing top lane alone even it was clear that enemies are coming. At one moment we caught Lulu in middle who was going to put a ward and quickly punished her for it and pushed middle and were able to destroy the second tower. Our minions kept enemy team busy so we easily killed baron and pushed middle again. When we killed 4 out of 5 enemies me, Xerath and Morgana were forced to pull back (because we had 5-10% health left) but Jinx and Riven did not want to waste time and destroyed 2 nexus towers and nexus itself. All I can say I could really do better.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 15, 2014 5:36am | Report
The third game.
It has been a long time since I experienced so depressing match. The start of the match was pretty usual and of course Annie and Lucian were targeting for fast kill. Shyvana was very careless and gave Jax first blood just for nothing. We had a lot of problems in bot lane due to high damage from Lucian and Annie stun. Amumu was great and helped us and top lane so we could push it. The middle game was the most annoying part of this match. My team started to roam so enemy team did not miss a chance to get few kills. Sometimes we just could not cooperate properly so few teamfights were lost pretty stupidly. When we managed to push middle same thing happened again when we could not focus enemies so it ended very bad when Ezreal managed to get Quadra kill but Lucian quickly did the same so we lost that fight unbelievably bad. Finally we engaged at middle right between first and second tower. Jax, Lucian and Annie faced Shyvana, Yasuo and Amumu, thanks to talisman of ascension we could land all our ULT right to enemy team. Nidalee and Elise tried to kill Ezreal and me but I landed Aqua Prison and could neutralized Elise. With enemy team death (except Nidalee) we rushed to nexus and managed to destroyed it right before enemy team respawned (little note: we could kill this annoying cat).

The fourth game.
Back to bronze I guess. Not much I can really say about this game. Bot was premade but lost completely and just fed enemy, unfortunately Yasuo did the same thing. Riven was afk during first 7 minute so I could farm a little but in the end because enemy team was unbelievably fed I could not do much alone.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 17, 2014 10:02am | Report
Good day, everyone. I have not played many ranked games during this weekend I decide to devote it to train my skills with different champions (ADC like Sivir and Jinx (I was really surprised about her), support like Sona and Leona) and my second account. So here are my reports.

The first game.
Last few matches teach me that I cannot carry bad team with top champions (except few times may be) so I decide to pick APC and ADC until the end of my placements matches. This time I picked Sivir since she is pretty safe pick. Our bot lane was very easy and we did not have any problems against Sona and Ashe so we even did not need Warwick gangs at all. Since it was clear that enemy team was weaker than ours all our lanes did not have problems except few gangs from Wukong. Not much to say really, pretty easy match.

The second game.
This match was a bit tougher than previous one. Laning against Varus and Fiddlesticks was not an easy one. Reap and Piercing Arrow were very annoying. Amumu ganged few times but only when he got his Curse of the Sad Mummy we could get a kill. Sometimes my team was very careless so Malzahar could get some free kill. Our teamfights were not very impressive because sometimes we just could not focus enemy properly so it ended bad trades. Even when we could win fight my team could not push lanes properly so we did not use those timeouts properly. In fights I was number one priority for enemy and unfortunately few times my team absolutely forgot to protect me. We even could not get baron during whole match. Every time we started it enemy team was around to stop us. So in the end we set an ambush right near baron. We charged at enemy and could neutralize Malzahar pretty fast, Shen and Shyvana tried to kill me and only thanks to life steal and my attack speed I could survive it. We completely smashed enemy team and pushed all way right to nexus.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 17, 2014 10:05am | Report
The third game.
This time I give ADC role to other player and take support role. The laning phase was not an easy one but we managed to win it. Twisted Fate helped us few times to finish off exhausted enemies but one time greed killed him when he left in bot lane with low health and Caitlyn just came to finish him off with her Ace in the Hole (greed is very bad thing). We easily killed first dragon and when outer bot tower was destroyed me and Sivir went to help middle lane. Here we had our first full team fight and I cannot say it was good. Annie flashed straight to us and stun us with her Summon: Tibbers. Kha'Zix and Shen charged at us so me and Sivir barely survived it. Unfortunately Twisted Fate was not so lucky and was killed very fast, with all enemy’s burst we had to fall back but we managed to kill few enemies as well so enemy team could not push the lane. After regroup we started to roam and push top and bot lanes. Me, Sivir and Twisted Fate came to bot lane so we forced 4 out of 5 enemies came to fight us back while Singed push top against Shen. Unfortunately we could not destroy second bot tower but managed to get a kill. After it we pushed middle and were ready to attack inhibitor’s tower. This time my team acted really crazy, everyone charged at enemy while tower shoot at us even we managed to get 2 kills and forced enemy team to fall back we could not destroy tower and everyone in my team were almost dead. Such situation repeated one more time but ended even worst. Twisted Fate used his Destiny right to enemy base and quickly was killed (greed again). Almost the same happened with Singed and Sejuani when we had to fall back but not to stay right to the end. With only me and Sivir left we stayed at mid so she tried to farm a little. When enemy team approached us I pinged her to fall back because it was clear we cannot fight 2vs4 but to my total surprise she stayed and tried to kill Shen so enemies punished her very fast as well your humble servant who tried to save his ADC. So when we could force enemy team to take care of our minions we used our chance to take baron and when we finally killed it we charged at just arrived enemy team. Annie and Caitlyn died first as well Lux who tried to escape. We hurried to nexus while we outnumbered enemy team but that fight was not an easy one. Shen and Kha'Zix still remain real threat so Sivir and Sejuani barely survived but we managed to destroy nexus before the rest of enemy team respawned.
Little note: final score in this match – 5/2/26.

So in the end I was placed in Gold III division what satisfy me since I was Silver I in preseason. I cannot say that the name of my division is really inspiring – Fiddlestick’s hunters, but I think it does not really matter.
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2014 1:13pm | Report
Good day, everyone. I tried to train during this weekend but unfortunately almost every time I played normal game it turned into disaster when my team absolutely cannot do anything but at least I could improve with other champions. Also I did not played many ranked games (will try to play more next week) for many reasons but anyway here are my reports.

The first game.
Yeah…I did not experience such nervous players for quite some time. My laning partner was Sivir and she was very annoying, sometime even more than enemy. We were laning against Varus and Morgana and it was pretty hard. Sivir was very reckless and even did not think about how to survive but only to kill enemy and blame me for every mistake she did. To be honest my performance was not really impressive so I made many mistakes. Nidalee had a lot of problems especially with positioning so she died pretty frequently just for nothing. Renekton was the only one who was doing well. But when middle game started I cannot believe my own eyes when my team started to act crazy – like charging whole enemy team one by one or with small group. So during middle game my team had to defend more than attack. At one point of the match my team started to feed Irelia so she did not afraid to attack us one by one because almost no one could stand against her. Our teamfights were not really impressive because of the same reason – we could not group properly or protect each other so our trades were not very good. After losing another fight enemy team started to push middle and was ready to destroy inhibitor when Renekton, Sivir and Kha'Zix respawned and lucky Sivir managed to take down careless Orianna and Irelia. Just few seconds later we were all together and decided do not waste any time and use opportunity to push middle. We won fight against Varus, Lee Sin and Morgana (I was totally shocked when Varus almost killed Kha'Zix after using Guardian Angel because he took 70% of his health just in a second). With all enemy team death we started to destroy towers right to nexus but Irelia and Orianna respawned and made us some trouble.

The second game.
So another game with Nami. Don’t get me wrong but I don’t really like laning with Vayne due to her short range of course it depends on player skill but still. It becomes really annoying to see Lucian almost every match I just think people don’t want to master any other ADC and just choose easy and strong one…sorry I just digress from main topic. Lulu acted very aggressive so Vayne had a lot of problems early game but fortunately Vi understood our problems and came to aid us. Syndra did pretty good except few mistakes when she was very greed for a kill so it ended really sad. Gangplank had tough time against Trundle and when this troll joined his team in fight I understood why. His vitality was really impressive so he did not afraid to take our whole team all by himself. Vi had some problems to tank enemy team due to her hybrid built but she was very careful. Gangplank is pretty strange champion to me but he did some good moves with his Cannon Barrage also he could tank pretty well. Even we won almost every teamfight I cannot say it was easy. Trundle always tried to kill Vayne first and it was pretty hard to keep him away from her. In the end we just outplayed enemy. Trundle was very careless so me and Vi caught and killed him. With 4vs5 fight we decide to push lanes and use timeout to destroy top tower but could not get to inhibitor due to high resistance. After regroup we caught enemy team when they tried to kill baron and punished them for it. We did not want to waste any time and rush right to middle tower and pushed all way right to nexus and finished the match.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2014 1:14pm | Report
The third game.
I met premade this time but they agreed to give me support position. My team tried to invade enemy red but we did not coordinate properly so we could not get any kills but stole enemy red. So me and Jinx were laning against Lucian (again…) and Leona. Early game was not easy due to high damage from those two. So they acted very aggressive and unfortunately due to my careless I gave them one kill but Jinx could revenge me and got double kill. Lee Sin tired to gang bot lane frequently but thanks to our wards we did not give him opportunity to do it. ax had some problems with Nasus but mostly because Lee Sin and LeBlanc came to help him but later one on one Jax won easily. Lee Sin tried to invade our jungle few times but Ziggs and Evelynn punished him for it. After destruction of the first bot tower we decided to help middle to push the lane but could not do it because almost whole enemy team came to defend it. Lucian and Nasus pretty fast used our absence and pushed bot and top tower so we had to hurried up to save our towers. Our teamfights went pretty smooth except few times may be when we could not group properly so we had to run away those times Jinx barely escaped with 2-5% health when my heal arrived just in time. After good push and destruction of middle inhibitor’s tower we had to regroup and used our chance to kill baron. We easily killed it not giving a chance to enemy come close and went after second top tower while Jax tried to destroy middle inhibitor. When he saw we need his help Jax attacked enemy from behind. We won this fight and to my surprise Jax managed to survive (with only 5% or so health) against so high enemy’s damage (thanks to Mikael's Blessing). With almost whole enemy team death we pushed all way to nexus right from second top tower and could destroyed before enemies respawned.

So as you can see my promotion matches went pretty smooth and finally I could gain Diamond V. Now I will try to gain higher rank (diamond I at best) and of course will start to promote my second account.
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2014 10:32am | Report
Good day, everyone. After long…long…long pause I finally started to play ranked again. I went through many training and I think the time has come to resume ranked games. So here are my reports.

The first game.
This match was pretty easy, me and Caitlyn did not have much problems with Blitzcrank and Lucian so even Vi came to gang us we managed to win the lane. Trundle had some problems at top due to few gangs but in the end he could win it. When all outer turrets went down we started to group and crush enemy team without any chance for winning. I don’t remember any interesting moments in this game.

The second game.
This time I picked ADC. This game was pretty boring as well. Thresh was pretty annoying as usual but nothing critical. We won bottom lane and push it pretty hard without giving enemy a chance to destroy our turrets. When we started to group at middle I cannot believe my own eyes when Ryze crushed all enemies one by one and Nasus tanked them all. So we won pretty easy.

The third game.
Well…free win…mostly. This match was lost at first minutes. Xin Zhao instantly locked in against Vladimir. Our jungler picked Gragas I have nothing against it but when you have no skill at jungling never pick such a risky champion. So in the end top lost completely due to few gangs against Vi as well middle did. At bottom we tried to do something but were pushed from all sides. No chance to win match like this.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2014 10:36am | Report
The fourth game.

Well…pretty bad game to be honest. Even my team was managed to win lanes except middle may be and we won almost all small skirmishes in full teamfight we just could not (I mean absolutely) focus enemies and lost those fights completely because everyone were attacking their own target and nobody cared about anybody. With such behavior my team just did not deserve to win.

The fifth game.

This match was ridiculous bad…I pick Thresh even did not played him for a long time but my team required something tanky with CC ( Leona was banned). In lane we did not have much problems except the fact that Graves was caught by Rocket Grab just at the wrong time. And again same thing happened exactly like in previous match but even worse. My team just refuse to focus enemies and what was worse – even when few times we managed to kill 2-3 enemies Master Yi came and just rip to shreds my team all by himself because nobody cannot stun him (don’t ask me why Udyr did not, as for me Master Yi came just at moment when all my CC skills were at cooldown).

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