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Chirika's journey in Ranked

Creator: Chirika October 23, 2013 10:13am
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2014 10:37am | Report
The sixth game.
Bottom lane occupied by premade so I moved to top lane. Jax is real pain due to his damage but thanks to Vi and Kayle I easily won lane. Stand United was on cooldown almost whole match because I had to help middle lane pretty frequently. Vi helped all lanes so we could win it. We even did not have proper 5vs5 fight only small skirmishes because enemy team just could not group up. In the end we easily kill baron and were ready to push middle when enemy team surrendered.

The seventh game.
And again premade and I moved to top since it was only free position. I always knew Shyvana is real pain and this time I had to test it on my own skin. Even farm was hard in this lane so I had to call for help pretty frequently. Warwick helped me many times so I managed to farm a little. Bottom lane made few mistakes (pretty silly one) so unfortunately we lost first bottom tower before enemy team did. 80% of the match we could not step further than first outer turrets and we had all fights around dragon or our blue (red) buff. Finally my team engaged with enemy so I quickly use Stand United (because I was farming at top) on focused target and join the fight, we killed 4 out of 5 enemies and rushed to middle towers, I had to tank both nexus’s tower and just respawned enemies but could not survived such huge burst but it gave my team time to destroy nexus and won this match.
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2014 2:20pm | Report
Good day, everyone. It’s been a really long time since I posted my reports, I don’t play many ranked games recently mostly normal since I found them a lot of more relaxing. Anyway here are my reports.

The first game.
Did somebody say noobs?...Exactly. In champion select it was not clear who take what role except middle and top. I decide to take support since ADC was a little easier. Match started bad from the first minutes when Lee Sin invade our jungle and easily killed Nautilus. So around 4-7 minute my team started to feed enemies, I mean whole my team except me. I was not sure what was the problem of other lanes but when I saw them in action I understood – nobody even could farm properly – exactly – nobody. Jinx lost so much farm and blamed me to be bad but I did not really care about her words. So the rest of the match went the same way it started. The most idiotic part that my team refused to surrender at 20 minute even it was clear we could not win this. Enemy team was not very smart since they had bad focus and teamwork. Whole my team was silver rank in previous season so I did not expect amazing gameplay from them but at least not such terrible one. When I was silver rank at previous season with my main account I don’t remember such dumb players I believe I was very lucky to avoid them. So the score speak for itself but at least even with such team I managed to keep my death at minimal level.

The second game.

Hmm…I really should thought there will be something really bad in this match. In champion select I choose Nami while other guy chooses jungler Lee Sin due I did not give him support role. I even could not imagine it will cost me so much. In my personal experience Lee Sin require a lot of practice and skill and if you’re not good at jungle choose something a bit easier. He absolutely could not land his skills or position himself properly so in the end all his gangs turned into disaster. Jinx was not bad ADC but she acted too reckless, could not position herself properly so it ended Thresh Death Sentence land and also she pushed lane for no reason giving openings for gangs so we lost our lane pretty bad. Nidalee was the only one who played good. Enemy team was not too smart – once Elise, Vayne and Thresh push bottom lane and managed to kill careless Jinx and Lee Sin leaving me alone against 3 enemies so they tried tower dive, I landed Aqua Prison neutralizing Vayne giving me the first kill, Thresh attacked me as well too sure he can land his Death Sentence on me so easily but he was wrong and paid for it and at last Elise was too sure I am easy prey but I used Exhaust and finished her off. Our teamfights were complete disaster Wukong did not care about team and attacked full enemy team alone and this situation repeated few times turning those fights 4vs5 at the beginning. Lee Sin also did not care about team and was too greed for kills giving openings for assassins to kill carries. So in the end I could not see any other finish than defeat.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2014 2:23pm | Report
The third game.

ADC this time but unfortunately this match was not better than previous one. Jinx is very nice ADC but without proper protection you cannot do much. Leona was good support but sometimes she absolutely forgot about me and charged at enemies. Middle and top lane lost pretty badly and I don’t know why Pantheon did not help them but I also believe at least they should just farm and waited for gangs but they did not because in the end they just fed Jarvan IV. When teamfights began I understand why our lanes were lost – Nasus played other game and attacked enemy team alone as well my other teammates so we even could not group to fight back so enemy just killed us one by one. There is nothing more to say about this match. I am pretty lucky those days to meet absolutely dumb team when I cannot do anything to save the match.

The fourth game.

Support this time since nobody wants to take it (I really did not want to play this role since I need to train other lanes but I did not have much choice). Don’t get me wrong but those days support role become really stupid because people always choose between few champions even there are more than 15 supports champions, I get use to see the same enemy support every match generally – Thresh, Leona, Morgana and few others. I don’t remember when I saw Annie, Lulu or Nami against me, I don’t even tell me that supports like Thresh and Leona require a lot of skills – it is not quite true. Those champions require much less investments than others because they are strong and you get much more even you did not play your best but try to master champions like Sona or Nami (like me) believe me it require much more skill from you. But still it remain my person view at support situation right now...but I got away from the theme. Me and Caitlyn were laning against Twitch and Braum. The beginning of the game was pretty annoying due to terrible lags but we managed to hold our lane. When game approach to middle part teamfights started I cannot say it was perfect, we made mistakes around but nothing critical. Few times we started really stupid chase and unfortunately it ended not so good trade for us. Fiora and Lux were especially annoying with their ULTs. At one point of the match we managed to push all lanes and while Singed left to distract enemy team we managed to kill baron. But even with baron buff we could not make a final push because we were too exhausted after fight. After regroup we took down dragon and attack just arrived enemy team. We managed to push middle right to nexus and finished the game.
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2014 2:25pm | Report
The fifth game.

This match was really annoying…for many reasons. It becomes really common for me if there is Nidalee in enemy team expect a lot of troubles. In lane we did not have much problems and even we managed to tower dive and kill Ezreal and Karma. Annie was doing fine even she said that she was playing her first time. I cannot say teamfights were smooth but at least it was not so bad. Our main problem was to position ourselves properly. I even don’t want to say how much problems Nidalee’s spears caused us. Somehow we managed to take down 2 barons in a row but even with his buff fights were very hard. The last fight was complete mess. We kept to destroy enemy inhibitors but could not get to nexus. The first charge did not bring us much success and after some trade we had to fall back, the second charge give us a chance to catch Nidalee and after good Aqua Prison (right after she used zhonya) we charged at enemy, take down both inhibitors (again) but even 4vs5 we lost Lee Sin, Lucian and Annie leaving me and Renekton to finish off nexus and we managed to do it right before enemy respawned.

The sixth game.
It seems no one wants to take support role. In champion select we had some misunderstanding so Zed had to go top. My laning partner was a bit too reckless and sometimes did not think about consequences of his action resulting 2 free kills for enemy team. I scolded Syndra a little for not having any defense runes at beginning, she acted really strange and most time her coming to bottom lane did not bring us much advantage. We started to push all lanes and won most of teamfights but all of sudden my team started to fight enemy team in 2vs5 or 1vs4 fights so you can imagine it did not end good for us. such situation repeated few times before at last we finally grouped up in middle and caught enemy team by surprise with my talisman of ascension. We killed 4out of 5 enemies and used this chance to take down baron. We regrouped and rush to dragon pit to find enemy team there, fortunately they did not start dragon and when they saw us they fall back so me and Vi could wait the rest of team. Anyway enemy attacked us first but position themselves pretty poorly so we almost made ACE and rush to middle inhibitor while Vi went to bottom. After we took down inhibitor we went to top and tried to push it, enemy team tried to counterattack but we crushed them and rush to nexus’s towers and finish the game.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2014 12:46pm | Report
Good day, friends. It’s been a very long time since I visited mobafire last time. I was very busy and unfortunately my job does not leave me any free time for posting reports. So my report now will include only after matches’ screenshots.
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2014 12:47pm | Report
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2014 12:47pm | Report
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2014 12:49pm | Report
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2014 12:49pm | Report

So right now i am just stuck in Diamond V and dont have much luck lately. I really hope I can fix it on this weekend.
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2014 3:46pm | Report
Congrats! :) It's amazing to see how far you've come in a year, starting at Silver I and now sitting in Diamond 4!
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