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Chirika's journey in Ranked

Creator: Chirika October 23, 2013 10:13am
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 19, 2013 9:14am | Report
Good day, everybody. Reports continue.

The first game.
Another weird game. I picked support Annie since nobody wants to take one. Me and Lucian was against Jayce and Leona. I cannot say we were doing well, my ADC could not react to my stun properly so I wasted it for nothing too many times. Sometimes I could not believe when my team just fell apart in teamfight for no reason. Ziggs made so many mistakes so I cannot even count now (most of his deaths were for nothing when he died 1vs3 or 1vs4, he missed his Mega Inferno Bomb countless times). Somehow we managed to win few good teamfights and proceed to enemy base at last and finally win the match.

The second game.
After long time I play with my main account. To be honest I did not played Nami for very long time and that’s why I missed Aqua Prison countless times. I have never could not image that Volibear can be so annoying. He was number one threat for my team and from the start we had a lot of problems with him. Me and Varus were doing pretty well and in the end of the match our first bottom tower was still standing. When enemy team killed baron (they did not unbelievably fast) I thought we will have tough time now. But we could catch enemy team separated and won teamfight resulted 1 enemy left with buff. After we group up again we push middle and top. In enemy base we stayed together and fought to the end (victory).

The third game.
This game was pretty easy. I pick Ashe and was laning with Nunu & Willump. It was easy lane since Draven and Annie were unskilled. Only Warwick caused us some trouble with his Infinite Duress and some gangs. As you can see it was fast win and there were no interesting moments.

Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2013 7:24am | Report
Good day, everybody. Reports continue.

The first game.

Absolutely idiotic game. Orianna disconnected from the start and reconnect only around 10-12 minute. I don’t like to say bad about other players but my team was…was…was bad. My performance was bad too (after I took red and blue buff I had to go middle but I could not fight Syndra properly since she easily zoned me and was full AP runes, I really should keep lane freeze but I could not). It seemed my team absolutely did not understand what was going on…since I was left behind my team blame me for every mistake they saw and did not see their own. We did not have map vision at all since our support did not put a single ward. Enemy jungler freely walked in our jungle and could not do much against it. So we ended in crushing defeat and my team flaming me. I really pissed off this time.

The second game.

Another weird game. I don’t know…it was not my best day. I wanted to pick Sivir since she is quite safe choice but I picked Tristana because enemy picked her first and was laning with Annie. Everything could be fine if only Annie was caught by Blitzcrank every time he used Rocket Grab and she was very careless. I don’t know why our mid picked Syndra because he was very unskilled with her. This match was very tough and annoying. Enemy Blitzcrank and Diana were our main problems. Sometimes my team just fell apart in teamfights but gladly enemy did same mistake. I did not really think my team could pull through but somehow we managed to win few teamfights and push middle and top. After we made ACE we could destroy both nexus towers and finished the game.

P.S.: after such tiresome matches I really need some rest. I think tomorrow I will take a break and my friend will replace me.
Neteless's Forum Avatar
Dec 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2013 1:08am | Report
Hi, everybody. Since Chirika left for holidays and left her accounts to me I will sent reports but I won’t waste much time for reports (I don’t know why she was making such big reports). My reports will be very short and I only will try to remain form of Chirika’s reports.

The first match.
I played as ADC, team was pitiful. Everyone was acting by themselves and we could not stay as a team. Lost almost all teamfights. Bad game.

The second match.
Middle this time (why Chirika has so few mid champions?). Was not playing very good with Syndra (rather difficult champion). Draven did most damage in teamfights. Somehow we managed to win this (very hard to believe).

The third match.
Why people never look at chat. ADC again. Trundle support – hated it from first minute. Only Orianna was playing good. Because we lost bot lane I was left behind and could not do much. Stupid match.

The fourth match.
Played with support this time (why so many support champions in this account anyway?). But it was fun to play. Bot lane was doing fine as well other lanes. Killed every dragon and pushed all lanes. Score speak for itself.

Neteless's Forum Avatar
Dec 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 23, 2013 11:46am | Report
Reports continue.

The first match.
Played Syndra again (after some practice I get used to her). Lissandra was real pain with her Frozen Tomb but without it she lost to me. Hecarim helped top and bot lane so they could won even sometimes gang ended very bad. Few bad and good teamfights. After Lissandra went afk just for few minutes enemy team engaged with us (4vs5) it was enough for us to win match.

The second match.
Nunu & Willump jungler this time. Mid and top were fine but bot lane lost hard 2vs2 (were very unskilled when I saw them in teamfight). Every teamfight went bad. Because bot was weak it was like 3.5vs5…bad game.

The third match.
Leona support this time. We were doing fine at bot lane but top and mid were not. Nidalee was bad pick in such match and Veigar was unskilled. Enemy team just tanked us. So another bad game.

This evening Chirika will return so I pass reports to her again. I don’t know how she remain calm in such idiotic matches but even so I watched her in anger sometimes and believe me you do not want to be near her at such times. Have a nice day!
Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 24, 2013 8:55am | Report
Neteless wrote:

This evening Chirika will return so I pass reports to her again. I don’t know how she remain calm in such idiotic matches but even so I watched her in anger sometimes and believe me you do not want to be near her at such times. Have a nice day!

What a nice compliment…
Good day, everyone. So finally I have returned. My friend replaced me but even with my return it was not our luckiest weekend. According to Neteless his matches were full of bad players and flamers as well. I experienced it myself in two last games.

The first game.

We had really good start when Varus managed to make double kill so we had no problems in bot lane. Gangplank had really tough time against Dr. Mundo. Our problems started when Zed disconnected (around 7-8 minute) or quiet (after his death), I don’t know…from this moment enemy started to push all lanes and enemy’s jungler felt free to gang. Me and Varus helped to destroy top tower and went back to defend base. After few hard fights we managed to kill few enemies but my team gave up at this moment because it was clear we could not fight back in such condition. Really sad game because we had all chances to beat enemy.

The second game.

Really bad game. I picked Sivir and went bot with Annie. She was really strange support because never coordinated her stun with me and all the time wasted it for nothing so we NEVER had a chance to make a kill (really sad). Nautilus was real flamer…he blamed mid or bot lane because we could not fight back properly (when enemy jungler ganged us) and acted very aggressive. About gangs – bot lane did not receive a single gang whole match, of course he came bot but always when it was too late. Nocturne was the only one who played and act good but you understand he could not fight enemy team all by himself. In teamfights my team just fell apart and could not fight back properly. I could not say my performance was great but still it was better than our jungler’s who was flaming whole match. It was really hard to keep calm with such stupid player.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 24, 2013 8:58am | Report
The third game.
I played ADC again since I need to master this role a little and was laning with Teemo. We were doing good and won the lane. LeBlanc was doing great and help us sometimes to finish off escaped enemy. Not much I can say about this game since there were not so many interesting moments.

The fourth game.
Really sad game. Me and Ezreal were laning against Caitlyn and Zyra. We were playing safe and did not give enemy a chance to get a kill. With help of Lee Sin we were able to fight back properly. Sometimes Ezreal did not think about me or team and charged at enemy or got caught by enemy team resulted his death and our disadvantage. Teemo lost his lane very hard and just was not able to play safe so just fed Syndra who became really annoying. Nasus played almost the same way as Teemo and lost his lane even with help of our jungler. We had few good teamfights but most of time my team just could not focus enemy or stay together.

The fifth game.
Very strange game. Pick Tristana since Alistar was just too afraid to pick ADC. I was heading to bot lane when saw enemy team trying to invade our blue so I hurried to help my team. This engage was really weird because no one wanted to attack so me and Katarina attacked enemy at random. Alistar caught enemy Kha'Zix and we managed to kill him so enemy retreated. Laning phase was strange, first 5-6 minutes I had to stay alone because Alistar were helping middle. Because of this he was 2-3 level behind and we could not do much against Leona and Lucian. When enemy Kha'Zix and Jarvan IV came bot I had to fall back because there was nothing I can do to save first tower. After this I headed to middle and tried to help Katarina to hold the lane. Sometimes enemy team was very careless and we immediately use our chance. Teamfight went smooth for us even sometimes Shyvana and Jarvan IV were very annoying. Katarina was great and we helped her so she could carry the game. After good teamfight we were able to push enemy team back and used our chance to destroy 2 middle towers and inhibitor and fell back to regroup. After regroup we killed baron even Leona and Lucian tried to stop us resulted their deaths. With baron buff we proceeded to enemy base and finished the game.

I really have bad times in ranked recently and this is going to ruin my statistic. Still playing my favorite roles but sometimes my team just fall apart and don’t want to communicate…sad.
Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 25, 2013 11:48am | Report
Good day, everybody. I did not have much time yesterday so i played only few games. Here are my reports.

The first game.

I don’t know what is wrong with people…picked Lulu and was laning with Miss Fortune against Lucian (I see him fairly often lately) and Nidalee. From the beginning I really regret for not picking healer because my ADC could not dodge nidalee’s spears and we had really tough start. Sometimes Miss Fortune was acting very stupid, right before enemy jungler came to gang us we could kill Nidalee and I pinged to fall back and used Wild Growth so my ADC could escape but she did not and died for nothing…such situation repeat 2 times. Middle and jungler were doing fine but not our top Renekton who let Nasus free farm so he became our main problem in teamfights. In teamfights my team fell apart and could not stay together so in the end my team decided to surrender (4/0 and even I vote “no” it won’t change anything but I won’t do it because I saw no chance to win it).

The second game.
Since I was first pick I decided to take Nami since she is safe choice and can lane with any ADC. So me and Caitlyn were laning against Lulu and Sivir (she was very annoying with her Spell Shield and my Aqua Prison was wasted most of times). Even so with help of Gragas and Nocturne we won lane. Our jungler helped all lanes so everyone could push. In teamfights we were doing well except Caitlyn who could not keep distance with enemy so most of time resulted her death. After good teamfight we fell back and went to baron, enemy team tried to prevent us from killing baron but did not have much success. With baron buff we pushed middle. I really could think we won game already but my team started to act very weird. Because enemy team had tanks like Wukong and Hecarim we had really bad teamfights 5vs5. After another teamfight we managed to make ACE but only me and Nocturne left…I don’t know why but he decide not to finish off nexus and went for next inhibitor so due my low damage I could not finish game. After regroup we had few bad teamfights because my team was 4vs5. After respawn we met again and final teamfight happened…it did not go well too but at that moment our minions finished off enemy nexus. So last 6-8 minutes of the game my team was near to give enemy victory.

The third game.
Well, picked Annie middle this time because bot was occupied. I was laning against Ahri and decided to take Annie before Syndra because I was not sure I could play properly with the last. To be honest all my deaths were really silly (the first: 1vs1 fight and I calculated wrong my skill’s cooldown; the second: I was chasing Ahri near tower and place my tibbers wrong and I caught Charm and could not finished her off; the third: it was really silly, Thresh pulled me with his Death Sentence right to respawn platform). In the future I really need to avoid mistakes like this. I helped bot and top lane when I could so I tried to be mobile. In middle and late game I really had chance to take my revenge upon Ahri so she died at first 5 second of teamfights from my hand so because enemy team lost their AP carry way too fast we won almost all teamfights. After another good fight we regroup and pushed middle. Both teams stayed together and waited for chance to catch somebody…and it happened. Enemy Thresh caught Nunu & Willump with his Death Sentence so I used my chance and used Summon: Tibbers resulted 4 out 5 enemies stun as you read above Ahri died first and enemy team fell apart so we proceed to nexus and finished the game.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 27, 2013 12:17pm | Report
My reports continue.

The first game.
I played support Lulu this time. This game was not fair from the start because enemy Lux disconnected and returned only around 13-15 minute. Sivir was not skilled much with ADC and she had really weird first items because of this I had to finished off enemies due to her lack of damage. (only 1 time I finished off Draven with my Help, Pix! and Glitterlance when I was alone). When Lee Sin came to gang we successfully made double kill and destroyed tower. After this we proceed to middle and pushed. Enemy team decided to surrender when we destroyed inhibitor.

The second game.
I had really bad start with Sivir, she just wasted her mana for first 3-4 minute and could not do much when enemy charged at us. Trundle gang was not good from the start and because Maokai came to gang us few times it was very hard time for us. Kayle ‘s start was not better due she acted very weird and because she was weak enemy tried to focus her first. So at the beginning my team just fed Maokai. Yasuo did great at top and won lane even enemy jungler came few times. At one moment of the game Trundle attacked dragon even enemy team knew we were there. It ended really sad – we lost dragon, me and Trundle died for nothing. Somehow we managed to win few teamfights and in the final fight we caught enemy team by surprise and separated them. After we killed 4 out of 5 enemies we pushed middle but enemy team decide to surrender. To be honest it was not the most pleasant game I have experienced but at least not the worst one.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2013 12:40pm | Report
The third game.
I played Sivir this time. I should have known that this match won’t be good from the start. Kha'Zix was afk during first 5-6 minutes, Shen had no runes and his gangs were terrible. Even I could farm easily, Leona could not land her skill shots properly so we had no chance to get kill. In the middle game I have already seen no chance for winning this game since all lanes were lost. It was really bad game (as you can see from the score).

The fourth game.
It was rather easy game. Me Ashe and Soraka had no problems in lane against Varus and Fiddlesticks. Malphite helped all lanes except ours so they could won it. Enemy Warwick was real problem for my team with his Infinite Duress but except him we did not have much trouble in teamfights. We won almost all teamfights, killed all dragons and after we killed baron we proceed to enemy base and finished the game.

The fifth game.
Picked Sona this time. Me and Tristana were laning against Caitlyn and Leona. We did really great, because we were very mobile Leona could not lane her Zenith Blade properly. With help from Vi enemy bot had no chance. Nasus played very safe and could farm freely so Rengar could not stand against him. Kha'Zix also was very mobile and helped us at bot lane few times to finish off enemies. Shyvana caused us some trouble with her gangs but nothing critical. Because we had good vision of the map we could catch enemies by surprise and kill them when they were not together. After good fight we fell back and went baron while our minions kept enemy busy. With baron buff we pushed middle and caught Ziggs with our CC so he could not escape after his death Vi charged at the rest of enemy team so they just could not counter attack us. With 4 enemies down they surrendered.

My mistakes: both my deaths was only my fault: first time I was OOM and Leona wasted all her CC at me and unfortunately I did not have my Crescendo to save myself; the second was when I separated from my team and linger just for a moment so Rengar and Shyvana attacked me (at least I separated them so my team could use this chance in teamfight against Ziggs, Leona and Caitlyn).

<Magic Man>
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May 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 28, 2013 12:52pm | Report
The switch between your smurf and main confused me so hard.

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