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Chirika's journey in Ranked

Creator: Chirika October 23, 2013 10:13am
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2013 1:04pm | Report
You could've probably posted all that in one post though
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2013 1:14pm | Report
You can probs get plat easily, +27 LP is super good. Your MMR is easily gold 2 already, possibly gold 1 too.
Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 3, 2013 4:27am | Report
You could've probably posted all that in one post though

Sorry my bad, i should add it to my last report.

You can probs get plat easily, +27 LP is super good. Your MMR is easily gold 2 already, possibly gold 1 too.

I will do my best to get platinum.
Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 3, 2013 6:37am | Report
The first game for today.
To be honest it was not my best game I have ever experienced I was doing really bad at the beginning but Ezreal was not the vest ADC, and I cannot rely on him in fight. He was very careless and died from Annie and Ashe combo stun. Xin Zhao was trying to help us but did not have much success even when we were 3vs2 my team could not kill anyone (they have just escaped). Enemy pushed all lanes and we could not do much, but at one point we cached enemy one by one so we could take down warvick and Diana and pushed mid. Successful teamfight resulted our advantage and we could make ACE and pushed middle straight to nexus and finished the game.
My mistakes: my mistakes came mostly from point that I could not fully rely on my ADC (it seems he did not really know how Soraka was), but I cannot fully blame him for my misses. Few times I was very careless and got cached by Ashe Enchanted Crystal Arrow or Annie stun resulted my death and my team anger toward me.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 3, 2013 7:55am | Report
The second game.
I have to pick Kayle in middle position because we had premade. To be honest I don’t have much experience at middle but managed to fight againt Orianna and with help from Nocturne managed to take her down two times. Even we lost first bottom tower we could pushed bot lane and even take dragon two times. Riven was doing pretty good at top lane but sometimes rushed on enemy too much (sometimes even 1vs2 or 1vs3), of course she managed to took down one enemy but it always ended her death. But I must say Riven and Blitzcrank were who carried the game. Blitzcrank was very annoying for enemy when he could cached somebody with his Rocket Grab and we were 4vs5 (that’s why I asked captain to ban this champ because he really can turn game around).

My mistakes: middle is not my best position and one time I absolutely lost Orianna 1vs1. Few times I choose really bad position in teamfight resulted my early death (when I even did not have chance to use my Intervention). One I can say – I could do better.
P.S.: one more problem is that Kayle is my only middle champion I have and I should purchase some in the future.

Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 3, 2013 8:39am | Report
both Lulu and Zyra can go mid with success, if you don't have anyone else. In s4 I believe a lot of supports will be able to go mid better.

Jet wrote:
i always thought read was xaioli

they both cry whenever i post
Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 3, 2013 1:02pm | Report
both Lulu and Zyra can go mid with success, if you don't have anyone else. In s4 I believe a lot of supports will be able to go mid better.

Oh yeah, you are right. I absolutely forgot I have Zyra (i did not played her for very long time) and did not tried Lulu as middle even in normal games I think it is pretty risky pick. I always like Syndra but she is hard to master.
Chirika's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 3, 2013 1:04pm | Report
The third game.
Well. This game was bad from the start. Tristana had a lot of trouble with landing last hit so she lost a lot of farm also got caught by Thresh Death Sentence very time he used it because of this we gave enemy first blood. Our Nautilus did not have much success in jungle and every time he met Lee Sin it always end badly for the Nautilus so he even could not escape and there was not much help from him when he came to gang. Around 8-10 minute Nasus got disconnected and enemy pushed all lanes pretty hard so we had no choice but defend. LeBlanc was the only one who was doing something good but without team’s support (I was trying to help her any way I could) cannot do much. In the end Tristana was walking around and only came to end of teamfight when she could not help us because it was too late.
My mistakes: this time I can clearly say that my adc was the reason why we lost bot lane so hard. Two time Ahri caught me with her Charm and before I could do anything she killed me.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 3, 2013 1:06pm | Report
The fourth game.
In champion selection Vladimir asked us to switch position so me and Vayne go to top and vlad go to bot. Unfortunately Tryndamere spotted us at blue so enemy switch too. We managed to hold position even when Katarina or Maokai came to gang us (but two time it ended badly for me and Vayne when she was caught by Leona Solar Flare and even my Crescendo could not save her). Katarina was very annoying when she jump at us and used her Death Lotus, in one teamfight she could make triple kill because my team (included me) wasted all our stuns just a moment before it. Tryndamere was causing us a lot of trouble too. When my team was away from the base he used that moment to pushed the lanes and destroy tower (at one moment of the game he managed to destroy 1 tower, inhibitor and 1 nexus tower before me and Aatrox returned). In the final teamfight our Aatrox successfully landed on the center of enemy team with his Dark Flight and we could land our ult on enemy team (included my Crescendo and Zyra Stranglethorns) and win the fight. After it we proceed to enemy nexus and finished the game.
My mistakes: there were no fatal mistakes I have made during the game, but there were some minor.

P.S.: one more step left to platinum.
Thalia Kael
<Inhouse Addict>
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 3, 2013 1:23pm | Report
good luck, I'm almost there too
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures

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