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Ekki's ranked thingy

Creator: Ekki February 17, 2016 11:08pm
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2016 3:22pm | Report
Ekki wrote:
Sisi, estoy estudiando en Capital. Ahí te agregué al LoL...

Dale, recien llegue ayer de chile. Ahi te acepte

Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the awesome signature!
Hecarim is a devoted brony
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 27, 2016 5:27am | Report
GAME #12 (link)

I felt like playing some ranked in between studying (bad idea) and played jungle Volibear because I didn't want to think over what would be the actual best jungler for the game (bad idea x2). Thinking it through, Rek'Sai has way better early presence than Volibear, making her a really good counter to my playstyle.

My most awful game as Volibear yet. I missed a lot of gank opportunities and died needlessly a couple of times. I was underlevel, underfarmed and underperforming. Hopefully I kinda got carried by a Fiora top who constantly 1v1 killed their tank Akali, an Anivia who played really well, a Kog'Maw that got to finish his Guinsoo's Rageblade comfortably and a Morgana that connected the most crucial Dark Bindings.

I still had some impact on the game, making a bunch of well timed counterganks, cleaning the most wards and buying the most pink wards.

LP gain: +26

I'm starting to doubt if I'm having some extreme luck with my matchmaking or if I actually influence my allies to not flame with proper map presence while pressuring my enemies to rage at each other this much.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 27, 2016 12:43pm | Report

That awkward moment when you're in a 9-win streak but it doesn't count towards hot streak because 7 of them were on placements.

Also, empty division gotta be empty. A few days ago (as soon as I finished placements) I was literally the only one in the division.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 27, 2016 4:07pm | Report
GAME #13 (link)

I kept queueing in hopes of either losing or carrying a game. Got jungle again, went Volibear again. This time against a jungle Rumble. Our Anivia seemed to be a support main that queued as support/fill and our Lulu had her feeding in her last game as Lucian. Fortunately this didn't start a flame war.

So I still underperformed. I played slightly better than my last game, but I made an awful level 3 gank and made a couple of bad engages that could have snowballed the game against us. The enemy team rotated a lot to bot lane, but Lucian and Lulu were a great duo (IDK if premade) and that allowed us to add pressure to the other lanes, especially the Pantheon, who snowballed hard against Wukong. We even telegraphed a couple of their "all bot" plays, making some early teamfights. This was a bad idea, since Rumble's ult could break us all, but we still managed to even out or win every bot fight (mostly because of poorly timed or poorly placed Rumble ults).

Sometime around 20 minutes their Ekko died and went afk for the rest of the game, so we slowly closed the game. We still weren't stomping them, showing that if Ekko stayed, they could have outscaled us and turned the game in their favour.

So this time I actually cleared more wards than the rest of my team combined and bought 5 out of our 7 total pink wards. I also de-prioritised ganking top since I knew Pantheon would stomp unless Rumble did camp top. I guess I had some more influence on winning than game 12... I guess.

LP gain: +26 (again...)
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2016 8:42pm | Report
GAME #14 (link)

Another game, another jungle that I end up as Volibear because I can't seem to grasp the best champion for each teamcomp. I went into a jungle Evelynn and Tahm Kench top (ugh). They were both 8th/9th pick and I was 3rd/1st (don't remember) so I couldn't expect that I would jump into that hell.

And even then, we managed to win. This time I corrected a bunch of the mistakes of previous games, avoiding to gank mid when Annie wasn't sufficiently pushed and going top to kill Tahm Kench instead. While our Urgot died to Annie and their Evelynn got severely fed, our Irelia was getting fed too and playing all over the map.

We somehow got to late game and started winning teamfights there (despite the awful warding/positioning). I was always overcommiting, which almost leads our team to defeat. I made LOTS of really dangerous mistakes all over late game. Even with that under the carpet, we got bot/mid inner towers and both nexus towers. Some time after minute 35 I got caught and died alone versus 5 under our middle mid tower, their team walking back to take a free baron. My team pushed mid in a play that was either super stupid or super risky, and then the 5 enemies engaged them from the rear... my team won the 4v5 somehow (great play by Irelia and Urgot, awful play by Annie, Tahm Kench and Evelynn), so we pushed mid and took their inhibitor and nexus.

LP gain: +22 (promotion games!)
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2016 9:36pm | Report
I realised that in all of your game summaries you talk a lot about the bad things you did. That's awesome. Recognising your mistakes is the best way to improve; yet if you are negative in all of your games, you could start losing confidence and underperforming. Just be careful, it has happened to me.

Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the awesome signature!
Pantheon loves singing Adele
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2016 11:05pm | Report
Nah I love how well I play :P I just make sure to compensate focusing in all the bad things I do, so I don't forget that I still have stuff to improve. I'm only getting salty because pretty much every "mistake" I think I do is ending up in my favour lately, so I'm having a hard time finding which parts of my gameplay I should stop doing and which parts I should keep and improve.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2016 6:24am | Report
GAME #15 (link)

Got top, 7th overall pick, still got to firstpick. Obviously Nautilus as my safe bet, into a Trundle (!!!). Our team appeared to have the advantage, but the hard utility ( Lulu, Thresh, Lee Sin for disengage) on top of that Kog'Maw was scary.

So we got an afk on the other side. Their Lee Sin got extremely fed by staying mid and abusing the matchup vs Akali. Our Elise was always trying to dive Trundle after I won my trades (he was low on hp but I was low on mana) and those always ended up badly or even. Bad decision making on my side for letting her dive, horrible plays on her side for how badly she dived. Yet bot was getting fed. I explained my intention of Teleporting bot and they responded with a deep ward that gave me a perfect gank for a 2x0.

The game was all over the place and it looked as if we were going to lose a 4v5. This was only apparent as we were taking every dragon, throwing towers and going almost even on kills on a 4v5. It was just Lee Sin and Trundle getting too fed and Kog'Maw scaling even if slightly behind. In the end we won after the first organised "teamfight" around minute 20.

(A little idea copied from other ranked threads I saw lately)

Things I learned:
- Trundle is a decent counter to Nautilus.
- Nautilus isn't a good diver until mid-late game. I already knew this but I kinda forgot.

Things I did well:
- 4 pinks bought vs 2 from the rest of my team.
- Looking to the map while farming (big mistake I always do as a top laner).
- An early Teleport bot. At this point this is my signature move as a top laner in soloqueue.

Things I should improve:
- Mana management when playing aggresive. I'll refrain from picking Malphite until I get better at this.
- Better measure the windows of time for a towerdive.
- Know when to swap trinkets and what trinkets to get. It's not that I know I did badly, I just don't know what to do and upgrade/swap to whatever when I hit 9.
- Try to also gank mid. Sometimes the mid laner feeding can be the reason for a loss.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2016 4:47pm | Report
GAME #16 (link)

I played a 5-man team with a bunch of friends. Everyone got his main role except for Ahri. I was against inviting him because we had a really good adc main in his role, but well... Went Nautilus against an Illaoi, around #600 Illaoi in Not that it means much since nobody plays Illaoi :P

Shaco got denied hard early on. Then got denied hard late game. Twisted Fate got a bunch of kills but my hard CC just killed him. Ahri was lost most of the game. He got caught mid-late a bunch of times which could have been turning points for the enemy team. Only reason for his KDA was the late game stomp.
We got every dragon, a rift herald and a baron. We only lost one fight where we left Illaoi 4-man ult us. It was a 3x4 though, which ended in a 3x5 because Ahri stayed farming.
In the end we threw every inhibitor and won the game after taking baron.

Things I did well:
- Focusing Twisted Fate with my Depth Charge.
- Warding their blue so Xin Zhao could steal it after a strong leash I gave him.
- Payed attention to the overall game. I guess it was the teamplay and Skype chat, but I was very aware of most champions' positions most of the time.
- As always, I bought around double the pink wards than the rest of my team. Against Shaco this meant he couldn't do much.
- Picked the right teamfights against Illaoi.

Things I should improve:
- IDK how to play against Illaoi. I got to counterpick her but I couldn't think of a counter nor a decent match (most of my top laners are melee bullies, which lose hard vs her).
- After the game I remembered I got Gnar, but I'm not comfortable playing him. I should probably practice more with him.
- I've been winning or tying so many top lane games that I forgot how to play when behind. Not much to do here since I won't be able to practice this a lot in normal games.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 3, 2016 4:54pm | Report


  • Short-term: Gold I DONE. I'll try to get to Platinum IV for now, to have a good baseline during college.
  • End of season goal: Platinum I-Diamond V. Got my standards quite high. I'll probably stay at mid-Platinum, but I want to aim as high as possible within my skill.

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