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Ekki's ranked thingy

Creator: Ekki February 17, 2016 11:08pm
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 7, 2016 3:51pm | Report
GAME #17 (link)

I played one ranked game yesterday I forgot to post here. Went Volibear jungle against a Lee Sin. Our adc picked Kog'Maw even after we pointed out the lack of mobility/utility in our comp vs theirs. He wasn't even a Kog'Maw main.

Just an overall bad game. I started by doing some useless ganks which lead into easy jungle steals by Lee Sin. Gangplank asked to not be ganked, but he got dived undertower by Lee Sin repeatedly as soon as he got to level 6. The whole game fell apart very slowly until we lost.

Things I did well:
- I was more or less nice in chat, even after everyone was doing poorly (myself included).

Things I should improve:
- Learn to predict good ganks and avoid bad ones.
- Be more aware of my jungle, both via wards and overall map awareness with the enemy laners+jungler.
- Learn to play a more mobile jungler.
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 7, 2016 3:55pm | Report
Ekki wrote:
GAME #17 (link)

I played one ranked game yesterday I forgot to post here. Went Volibear jungle against a Lee Sin. Our adc picked Kog'Maw even after we pointed out the lack of mobility/utility in our comp vs theirs. He wasn't even a Kog'Maw main.

Just an overall bad game. I started by doing some useless ganks which lead into easy jungle steals by Lee Sin. Gangplank asked to not be ganked, but he got dived undertower by Lee Sin repeatedly as soon as he got to level 6. The whole game fell apart very slowly until we lost.

Things I did well:
- I was more or less nice in chat, even after everyone was doing poorly (myself included).

Things I should improve:
- Learn to predict good ganks and avoid bad ones.
- Be more aware of my jungle, both via wards and overall map awareness with the enemy laners+jungler.
- Learn to play a more mobile jungler.

That winrate though

Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the awesome signature!
Hecarim is a devoted brony
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 7, 2016 9:24pm | Report
That winrate though
That game ended a 13-game streak. I wasn't even mad at losing xP

GAME #18 (link)

One more game, one more champion IDK how to counter. Had to pick Maokai into Poppy. I guess I could have gone Volibear or maybe Darius, but I felt like we would need both teamfight potential and magic damage, and Maokai was a decent pick against Poppy.

Early laning phase was hell. Elise seemed to be duoing with someone (was Gold III, the rest of her team was Plat IV and we were all Gold I/Plat V) and apparently that someone was Poppy, because I got rekt and then camped. So things were looking pretty bleak and I couldn't follow Poppy properly, but our Vi somehow got really fed and started cleaning fights whenever they happened.

By the time teamfights started I got focused way too much, sometimes managing to survive, which meant we won pretty much every single fight that happened (you know, focusing the tank is bad and all that). The result was a clean win with easy teamfights.

Things I did well:
- Initiating with Turbo Chemtank past laning phase.
- Still buying a lot of pink wards.
- Peeling for the carries 99% of the time.

Things I should improve:
- That 1% of the time I went bananas into their Caitlyn for the kill.
- ****py laning phase. Lots of deaths, too aggresive after going 0/2/0. I've clearly forgotten how one should play when losing lane :P
- Learn to play some non-tanks top.

LP gain: +27
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 8, 2016 2:37am | Report
What the!? That win rate...
Thanks to MissMaw for the sig!
Sticks and stones may break my bones, b*tch you can't phase me.
Ranked Misadventures
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 8, 2016 4:08am | Report
What the!? That win rate...
I hard carried most placement matches, then got lucky on my initial 4-5 ones. And now I'll probably be stuck in Gold I for a while like every season for the last 3 years...

GAME #19 (link)

I'm having a bunch of increasingly toxic players, I played with this dude that insisted in firstpicking Pantheon top and this other guy who had to start a fight over it. Personally I was against the Pantheon pick, but I had to defend the guy's freedom to pick him since I saw he was a main. I went jungle Volibear even though I wanted Nautilus because he was banned T.T

The Pantheon top was lame and the Lux mid fed the enemy Corki but I felt like there was something I should be doing that I wasn't. I gave an early kill to that Pantheon, only to have him stay and die as soon as Poppy went back, then he started complaining over how much armor she has. He went on making horrible calls and throwing himself into the enemy team "for teh killz" in the most awful of ways, only to die as soon as more people appeared. Our Lux wasn't that bad, but Corki showed that he was just that much better.

The teamfights were chaotic, people getting caught when spread out or otherwise being poked to death when grouped up, no chance to engage versus decent Janna/ Poppy players. Our Jinx nearly carried a couple of fights, but her positioning proved to be weak in the very late game, when Master Yi was too strong and we couldn't deal with both him and Corki.

Things I did well:
- Early presence with successful ganks.
- Good focus in SOME teamfights.
- Prioritizing armor over MR even when Corki was fed. I think it was the right choice, even if it proved fatal in the late game.
- I'm still "the guy who bought nearly all of the pinks for the team".

Things I should improve:
- I NEED A NEW JUNGLER. I've tried Vi and I'm thinking Poppy/ Rek'Sai.
- I might play secondary support. I'm just afraid of getting it 90% of my games. Top lane is my best role, so I need to get it often enough to climb.
- Better jungle control. I should invade more often and be more careful for early invades after a level 3 gank.
- I don't know what to do if the teamcomp isn't teamfight oriented. I just lose my strategic farsight as soon as I face a heavy poke/disengage comp or a decent splitpush comp.

LP loss: -15

Gettin' back to average win rate...
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2016 9:45am | Report
I abandoned this thread for a while because I stopped playing ranked but I forgot to put one ranked game before that.

GAME #20

Don't remember much about this game. Picking Maokai into Cho'Gath was a deliberate bad matchup, mostly because I don't have a good matchup vs cho, so I picked expecting the team to do something with the huge CC that comes with a Nautilus/ Maokai duo.

I lost the lane but managed to hold up my score/farm to some degree. Draven was terrible and Nautilus didn't know what to do. I don't remember much else.

Things I did well:
- Can't remember.

Things I should improve:
- How to play vs a Cho'Gath. Don't even try to outsustain him.

LP loss: -12

Down to zero.
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2016 10:03am | Report
GAME #21 (link)

I got back to rankeds yesterday with a bunch of friends I haven't played ranked with since season 5 even though playing normals with them constantly. I decided I was good enough with Vi to play her in rankeds over Volibear, who would have been a terrible pick into Vayne/ Poppy (and Janna, but she was picked afterwards).

I got a bunch of kills in mid/bot, up to 4/0/0 by minute 8. Their Annie was terrible but their Shyvana got fed early and outscaled me pretty hard.

The fights were hard to pull off, with Shyvana dealing tons of damage, asking to be focused, but also a Vayne in their team, protected by Janna and a Poppy that single-handedly won a couple of teamfights with her Keeper's Verdict. Fortunately their Annie was so bad and our Jhin so game-aware that we managed to win some fights. In the end we won by catching people, especially Annie, who liked to roam alone, and going for objectives afterwards.

Things I did well:
- Catching people off-guard. Lots of good Q+ Flash, sometimes followed by ult.
- Balancing early clears of the jungle with ganks.
- I stole two consecutive blue buffs without risk of dying.
- Wards. Like always, I bought the same amount of pink wards as the rest of my team (4 miserable pink wards).

Things I should improve:
- One of the blue buff steals ended in my death.
- One or two bad ults in some fights. In my defense it was hard to prioritise between Shyvana and Vayne.
- A bunch of misplays all over the place, mostly due to not knowing the champion in depth.

LP gain: +25
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 19, 2016 12:41pm | Report
Woohoo! Two games today.

GAME #22 (link)

Today I decided to play a bunch of games, so I went in with my brother, who's climbing back to Diamond. I picked Udyr for him and he got to counterpick an Irelia for me. I phased out thinking who to play against her and decided on Rammus aiming for the late game. Not a really good matchup but meh.

It was a terrible pick into the comp. It all started well but eventually she started to outscale us. Udyr ganked around minute 6 and we gave a double to Irelia. Ouch. Ezreal complained the whole game so I muted him. Unfortunately he kept whining, sometimes dc-ing then connecting back after a minute, playing worse and worse as time passed, tilting everyone.

We could have won it but Vayne wasn't exemplar either and most fights ended with all the tanks dead while both carries ran away or both carries dead while most tanks weren't nearby.

Things I did well:
- Uhhh, errrr, IDK. I bought a lot of wards (?) I guess muting Ezreal was good too.

Things I should improve:
- When to pick Rammus. It was a bad matchup and not useful enough for the teamcomp. We needed more CC, maybe a Nautilus or a Maokai.
- What to pick against Irelia. Rammus was a terrible pick, end of statement.
- I also played too aggressive even though my enemy laner was fed.
- I need more and better top laners.

LP loss: -14

GAME #23 (link)

Another match because I didn't get tilted by the whiny Ezreal. I was last pick and I got to counterpick a Nasus. I could have gone Rammus but I was demoralized from the last game so I went full aggro Volibear.

I rekt him. He was the lowest ranked player in the other team and it showed. Their Ezreal was awful too, so we rolled all over them.
EDIT: Just noticed it was the same Ezreal that kept whining the previous game.

Things I did well:
- Good ol' aggresive Volibear top.
- Even though I didn't have map presence I was aware in case I was needed. As I wasn't needed I focused on denying Nasus.
- Stole 2 blue buffs back to back from their Malphite jungle.

Things I should improve:
- Sometimes I was a bit too aggresive just because we were winning.
- Didn't pay attention to the map and got killed in a mid game gank.
- I cheesed with the build instead of tryharding for the team. I rushed a Giant's Belt and then a Sterak's Gage for cheesier Frenzy bites. This may not be bad but it could have been if we weren't winning.

LP gain: +25
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 1:52pm | Report
Two older games I forgot to add here (I'm not having too much free time between procrastinating and college).

GAME #24

Picked Rammus into a Yasuo top. I was playing with my brother who's climbing back to Diamond.

I got ganked a lot by Wukong after he got a kill bot and the lane snowballed against us. Master Yi focused on farming too much and ended losing so much map pressure that our jungle was lost before he charged his devourer.

LP loss: -15

GAME #25

Our team was having too much AD, so I picked Maokai in the jungle both for the magic damage and the lockdown on Vayne.

Haven't played Maokai jungle for a while now, but I managed to look confident enough that my team didn't flame me whenever I did a mistake (as happens when you say you haven't played a champ for a while).

LP gain: +24
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 29, 2016 6:37pm | Report
GAME #26 (link)

Played a game with a couple of friends because I started the gym and I was hyper af. Picked Maokai into what seemed to be a first pick Rammus top. It was top though (could be jungle... I guess). Amumu's first words in chat were a threat of trolling if anybody trolled. A pretty bad omen if you ask me.

The image format is different because I forgot to take the pic when the game ended and **** OCD.

I tried to steal raptors but Corki saw me and as I walked back to mid lane without wasting Flash, Twisted Fate stayed undertower, seemingly "lagging", so I burned my Flash and got killed as both Rammus and Corki used theirs (also, Rammus started with puncturing taunt for the kill). Amumu started flaming as soon as I died so I muted him as soon as he started flaming.

I abused the early game advantage of both a Doran's Ring over the Corrupting Potion and Rammus' lack of Defensive Ball Curl. I zoned him out of much farm and won a couple of trades, which eventually led to his death after an Amumu gank around minute 4.

Twisted Fate was AWFUL. He always managed to stun the tanks with his yellow card and did a couple of derp gates of death into the enemy team. On the other hand, their Caitlyn was dead meat too, so the teamfights became a game of "who pokes the tanks to death first" very soon. We lost most of the teamfights, but I rushed a Banner of Command into Zz'Rot Portal, which meant we always had our minions over their towers. We even gave a free minute 30 baron that didn't amount to anything for them.

Eventually we started winning fights after I bought Turbo Chemtank and focused on protecting Twisted Fate and Jhin. I denied Nidalee pretty hard whenever she jumped on anyone (mostly Twisted Fate, who always ate the spears) and Caitlyn died to anyone, leaving Corki as a threat, but he couldn't do much from afar and if he got even slightly close he was dead.

In the end we won on a 5th dragon into baron into a lot of disrespect and chaotic fights because we were in the position to do so.

Things I did well:
- My build. I guess. Rushing Aegis of the Legion was controversial in my head, but I felt that if there was a game where it works it was this one. The second item Zz'Rot Portal was needed after going for the Banner of Command, which delayed Turbo Chemtank, but everything worked as intended so I guess it's fine.
- Pushing waves. I normally suck at this, so even if it was easy to do against a ****py Rammus without pushing items it's a big deal to me.
- Some teamfights. I did a bunch of clutch saves and escapes. I was well positioned in every fight we won.
- Muting the toxic player ASAP.

Things I should improve:
- Those other teamfights where I focused Trundle or Caitlyn.
- Zz'Rot Portal management. I don't know where it's optimal to place nor when it's a good idea to put it on a deep bush or save it for defensive purposes. Banner of Command on top of it made everything harder to define (both of them in the same lane or on different ones?).

LP gain: +25

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