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Ekki's ranked thingy

Creator: Ekki February 17, 2016 11:08pm
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 19, 2016 12:25am | Report
GAME #5 (link; replay)

I couldn't sleep (5 AM here in Argentina) so I decided I would play a good ol' morning match. I got firstpick top, I went safe with Nautilus and got matched against a Renekton. Everyone in the match was mid-high Gold. I'm starting to feel safe about my placement.

Their lux accidentally picked Smite and their team was salty about it, so I adviced our jungle Diana to camp mid. The game started awful with Vayne and I dying 2:30 and 5 minutes into the game, respectively. Vayne was apparently lagging hard because she died again by autoing into their duo bot by minute 5:30, and then procceeded to dc and reconnect. This could have gone awry but we didn't flame her. Instead I saved my Teleport and used it around minute 8 to get a double kill bot, which then became a roam mid to kill Lux and get the dragon. At this point Renekton wasn't sure how to follow and kept walking between top and mid lanes, not doing much. By minute 12, Lux had a 0/4/0 score and went afk, the whole enemy team raging. They surrendered at 20.

Two important lessons were learnt today:
1-Good roaming as a top lane can tilt the balance of a losing game.
2-Tilting in /all chat will only give clues to the other team on how to tilt you even further.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 19, 2016 7:14pm | Report
GAME #6 (link)

Third soloqueue match, yet again firstpick top. I'm Nautilus against a Renekton. Jhin and Nidalee started to argue because Jhin banned LeBlanc, who was Akali's pick intent. I recommended them that they muted eachother and didn't dodge because there wasn't any troll pick ( Jhin threatened to go adc Teemo, but he backed down at the last second).

First contested game of my solo ranked games. I kept my standard Teleport bot around 8 minutes and roamed a lot. Renekton played it well and also added his own pressure all over the map. Poppy was getting annoying and denied Akali of a bunch of kills. We won by making picks and good calls on objectives.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 23, 2016 12:38am | Report
GAME #7 (link)

First time I'm top and near last pick. My team went full AD with a Kha'Zix jungle and a Zed mid, but fortunately I was against a Malphite top so counterpicking him with either Nautilus or Maokai would work. I went with Maokai because I could dodge most of the other team's skills with Twisted Advance.

Their Janna was afk over half of the game, which made the overall mood of the team switch to happily confident. I started stealing their raptors, which gave me an early level advantage that I abused to net an early 1v1 kill on Malphite. Lucian died a lot early and my team got cocky, doing some ugly trades that ended up even (or in our favour), but could have been awful if I wasn't tryharding like there was no tomorrow.

After one of these missplays I asked my team to tryhard, not get cocky and close the game. Fortunately they got the message and we started to tryhard right as Janna got back to the game (which further reminded my team that there was still danger of losing). Teamfights were a bit chaotic but we won or tied every single one of them, and we always exploited the advantage to take objectives. If you check the game's match history you can see that above every big blue circle in the match summary there is one or more objectives. This eventually lead to an easy -and a bit sour due to the early afk- victory.

game stats!
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 23, 2016 9:35pm | Report
GAME #8 (link)

Longest game yet. Again got to firstpick top, so I settled with Nautilus into a 9th pick Garen. The game had a big variance in rankings (probably due to a Silver I / Gold I group) and I got paired against the lowest ranked enemy. This gave me some pressure as I felt had to carry, since probably some of the lanes would have a hard game.

The game started with Zac afk until a bit after the minions spawned. I got an easy 1v1 kill on Garen which could have lead to backing and a Teleport bot, but Zac made an awful dive and gave a double to their Alistar. Their Garen, their Warwick, our Ezreal and our Nami were playing badly, while our Annie, their Lucian, their Ahri and me were getting fed.

Most of the game we were on the lead, with someone getting caught from time to time and us getting every single dragon (we got 6 dragons by endgame), but their Garen was getting tanky and Alistar was a bulldozer. To top that off, Zac was always following me to my backdoors instead of caring for the carries (they had a full pick comp). I gave up backdooring just in time for Garen to backdoor and expose our top inhibitor.

Around 38 minutes Ezreal got caught in a Warwick ult, which lead to them taking down mid and top inhibitors. We got defensive, took the fifth dragon for the first time around minute 40 and got a baron with the advantage. We eventually recovered both inhibitors and started playing more seriously, which lead to killing most of them while they tried to siege (they were just rotating outside of our base). After that we took their mid inhibitor, then 5th dragon again and made a final push bot which ended in diving their team and killing 4 of them ( Warwick went backdoor and took 2 inhibs), so we won right after that.
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2016 3:48pm | Report
GAME #9 (link)

Got firstpick jungle. Haven't played jungle in a while and I didn't check if the newest patch was in so I was a bit nervous. I picked Volibear because jungling with him is like riding a bike*, you don't forget how to do it.

I applied lots of stuff I learned from previous games.
- Their team had heavy lategame comp with heavy single target CC, so I made my mind to protect the carries instead of going for kills (I still went for kills a couple of times tho) and pressuring every single lane as much as possible, starting from Kassadin.
- Our team didn't have great engage, so I bought a first item Turbo Chemtank, to ensure mid-game teamfights went well.
- Their Vi started building Enchantment: Devourer so I ocassionally invaded the enemy jungle, took as many scuttle crabs as possible and insisted in annoying that Vi in every possible way.

The game was an early stomp, with my ocassional missplays almost always ending up as kills for my team (at this point I don't even know if it's blind luck or skill). Their Vayne was scary, roaming to the right places and making a great duo with Thresh. Their Kassadin was getting scary too, getting a double kill somewhere around minute 17 and roaming as he pleased. Our Fiora was getting disconnected for short periods and I was getting anxious because she might dc for good if we stalled for too long. Our Caitlyn was afk farming bot and taking jungle as if playing solo, but at least she was doing an appropriate build and had decent positioning. Our Janna roamed a lot. She was kinda bad, but always played her ult in the right moment. I got an early lead (3/0/3 at one point) so I was free to roam a lot, while Vi eventually realised (or her team coerced her) that the devourer wasn't worth it, swapping it for a cinderhulk.

We somehow won most fights, eventually killing Vayne, Gangplank and Thresh, taking their mid inhibitor, and went for a baron with both Vi and Kassadin close to the pit. I got extremely nervous, but I managed to Smite- Frenzy right in time, even though both of them jumped at the same time as I did it. After that it was a cleanup. We traded 1x5 (I died after an awful Flash over the pit in front of Vayne, Thresh, Kassadin and Vi) and made a final push to which they surrendered.

*random fact: I can't properly ride a bike
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2016 7:01pm | Report
Got ranked in Gold III after a 9/1 placement. Kinda dissapointing if you ask me. I didn't even save the screenshots. I played one more game with the 2 guys I did my last promo match because they were playing really well and I was needing an initial LP boost to feel confident. I played both games awfully because I wasn't used to the teamplay that comes with 3-man-queue, but got hard carried both games.

GAME #10 (link)

I was Nautilus against a Garen. I counterpicked him.

Aaaaaand down goes my KDA with Nautilus. Not that I care too much, but it was the first game I lost so hard in lane and I didn't compensate with proper map presence. Their Garen killed me twice due to noob mistakes I made and then snowballed all over me. I still held myself and roamed a lot, while going face to face whenever we were 1v1 (he seemed to get scared). Their Warwick was really bad and we took an early baron around minute 22.

GAME #11 (link)

Got second pick top, against a Gnar. I made the mistake of picking a Malphite for the AoE comp instead of a safer laner.

My laning phase was awful. I always ran out of mana because I'm getting too used to spam abilities and I didn't know the most convenient build path for the situation. Fortunately our Yasuo (who apparently was premade with our Alistar) got extremely fed and they surrendered at 21 minutes.

LP gain: +26
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2016 7:33pm | Report
Gold III


Sig made by me!

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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2016 8:32pm | Report
#PlatEloProblems (?)
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May 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2016 8:50pm | Report
Wait. You live un argentina?
Me hubieras dicho boludo. Soy de Neuquén yo.

Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the awesome signature!
Pantheon loves singing Adele
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2016 8:33am | Report
Sisi, estoy estudiando en Capital. Ahí te agregué al LoL, para no meter mucha conversación en español acá (si no me equivoco a los admins no les cae bien que se hable mucho en otros idiomas).

Back on the topic of my placements, I'm still annoyed to be placed Gold III even after a 9/1 placement. I would have accepted it after a 6/4 placement or something like that, but that 9/1 skyrocketed my expectations.

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