The laneswap strategy, 100% win guaranteed. Originally we went to invade and spotted Irelia at their blue. We then made a thinking progress and came to a conclusion they are laneswapping. We made a call that our blue will most likely get invaded by their bot so we went there, got first blood off Jarvan IV and got our lane against Twitch + Morgana.
They put every single egg in the Twitch basket and failed every single gank & kill attempt. Every other lane was getting rekt by Katarina + Kha'Zix roams. We got top tower after 4 man group and went to bot lane where we found Irelia off position -> Got dragon and bot tower. Then we just were so much ahead and just grouped mid and tower dove as we wanted.
They put every single egg in the Twitch basket and failed every single gank & kill attempt. Every other lane was getting rekt by Katarina + Kha'Zix roams. We got top tower after 4 man group and went to bot lane where we found Irelia off position -> Got dragon and bot tower. Then we just were so much ahead and just grouped mid and tower dove as we wanted.
"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
Lost a afk game which I won't even bother positng due it lasted 13 minutes or something.
EIDT: Second game 2x DC/Afk (with at least some effort to win the game tough).
I'm calling it a season and ending it at Diamond IV.
EIDT: Second game 2x DC/Afk (with at least some effort to win the game tough).
I'm calling it a season and ending it at Diamond IV.
"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
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The end game screen got bugged and didn't show any scores except blank screen so
that's the best I've got. We had monster Jarvan IV who really put up ganks.
He got first blood from mid lane, ganked bottom for double kill and went back mid
for another kill. Our mid Ryze still managed to lose the lane and Ahri got
super fed and enemy top lane Riven was pretty fed.
Our Rumble scaled really well for the late games anyways and Tristana + Ryze
are nobrainers too. So simply out we outscaled them.
15 winstreak ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your ****ers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ