Making some progress. The Graves game was really painful to watch. Shen was 3 levels down @10 minutes and had questionable ultimates and taunts until the very last team fights. Same could be applied to Morgana. Morg would land all the 360 no-scope no way to hit this guy bindings but missed every single easy one. Not sure about the item build.
8 winstreak with 1 loss in the middle feels good.
"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
2 more wins
I didn't enjoy the Graves one. It was every champion for himself/herself after leaving the bot lane. I was really fed, I think it was 4-1 + 40 cs lead on Corki but then I literally got nothing from anywhere. We had Shaco jungle who decided to take top lane, top laner went mid and mid laner went to bottom so I was usually just clearing the jungle camps whenever one was up.
I ended up having almost less gold than enemy Mordekaiser who went 1/8 in the top lane. We just split pushed to the victory I guess. We had no real team fights as someone was always split pushing for objectives and we did that until there were no inhibitors left.
Lucian one was a feast. Nobody really left their lanes and enemy surrendered before we had the chance to go team fight. I had a really good Thresh support vs Tristana + Sona. We got really early double kill and that's where it started. Every kill after that was just enemy positioning bad or Thresh hooking someone.
Sitting at 51 LP
I didn't enjoy the Graves one. It was every champion for himself/herself after leaving the bot lane. I was really fed, I think it was 4-1 + 40 cs lead on Corki but then I literally got nothing from anywhere. We had Shaco jungle who decided to take top lane, top laner went mid and mid laner went to bottom so I was usually just clearing the jungle camps whenever one was up.
I ended up having almost less gold than enemy Mordekaiser who went 1/8 in the top lane. We just split pushed to the victory I guess. We had no real team fights as someone was always split pushing for objectives and we did that until there were no inhibitors left.
Lucian one was a feast. Nobody really left their lanes and enemy surrendered before we had the chance to go team fight. I had a really good Thresh support vs Tristana + Sona. We got really early double kill and that's where it started. Every kill after that was just enemy positioning bad or Thresh hooking someone.
Sitting at 51 LP
Winstreaks continue
Game started out quite horribly as every lane lost and my only early game gank to the bot lane got countered by Irelia, resulting in a triple kill. We pulled back slowly by farming and their bot lane started to play too aggressively so we quickly wrapped up kills there. We were behind by ~8 kills when we started to team fight but Nasus was just too big and we started climbing back until we won every single team fight clearly.
Game started out quite horribly as every lane lost and my only early game gank to the bot lane got countered by Irelia, resulting in a triple kill. We pulled back slowly by farming and their bot lane started to play too aggressively so we quickly wrapped up kills there. We were behind by ~8 kills when we started to team fight but Nasus was just too big and we started climbing back until we won every single team fight clearly.
"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
So heavy teams, Riot stop it
Irelia + Jinx were having problems with their internet and both dc'd and fell behind early game. I got few good ganks to the top lane and bot lane where the laners got all the kills so I assumed we were fine but every single lane started to overextend and the enemy team quickly got back into the game with Lissandra + Fiddlesticks roams.
Fiddlesticks had few really awful ultimates or Blitzcrank just denied him so we got three really good dragon fights but Irelia started to go to the top lane 2nd tower and kept dying there so the enem yteam quickly got back into the game again. They even managed to get baron + inhibitor once.
We then just decided to go for 5th dragon and we won the fight quite easily due bad Fiddlesticks ultimate. I + Jinx took baron after and we finished 1 team fight after. 5th dragon + baron was quite nasty.
12-1 since placements and support shenanigans
Irelia + Jinx were having problems with their internet and both dc'd and fell behind early game. I got few good ganks to the top lane and bot lane where the laners got all the kills so I assumed we were fine but every single lane started to overextend and the enemy team quickly got back into the game with Lissandra + Fiddlesticks roams.
Fiddlesticks had few really awful ultimates or Blitzcrank just denied him so we got three really good dragon fights but Irelia started to go to the top lane 2nd tower and kept dying there so the enem yteam quickly got back into the game again. They even managed to get baron + inhibitor once.
We then just decided to go for 5th dragon and we won the fight quite easily due bad Fiddlesticks ultimate. I + Jinx took baron after and we finished 1 team fight after. 5th dragon + baron was quite nasty.
12-1 since placements and support shenanigans
When in doubt, pick Rek'Sai.
Won my promotions 2-1. I was last picking in the Thresh game and I got support. We won bot lane 3-0 for Lucian but we had top lane tank Riven who was not... tanky. Game was lost due our mid lane Katarina had 2 completed items at 40 minutes and was lower level than I was.
Rek'Sai game was just a complete stomp. Bot lane Kalista and Nami got 2v5 pentakill in enemy base at 23th minute which explains how far ahead we were.
Won my promotions 2-1. I was last picking in the Thresh game and I got support. We won bot lane 3-0 for Lucian but we had top lane tank Riven who was not... tanky. Game was lost due our mid lane Katarina had 2 completed items at 40 minutes and was lower level than I was.
Rek'Sai game was just a complete stomp. Bot lane Kalista and Nami got 2v5 pentakill in enemy base at 23th minute which explains how far ahead we were.
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I went to the shop to buy feta cheese after a long day of work. I headed towards the usual stand and grabbed one. Then I happily walked home to get few hours of sleep and wake up to make some chicken salad with feta cheese. At my fridge I realized I forgot to buy other ingredients for the salad so I just decided to eat the feta cheese. It was that very moment when I realized my mistake... the shop had switched the position of garlic + parsley cheese to the old position of feta cheese and now I'm eating this garbage that tastes awful.
On a side note: I got to platinum 3 with one of my smurfs. The account was platinum 3 with 75LP but I let it decay to platinum V. Decided to make it my Lee Sin + Tristana tryout account and I went 9-1 placements to realize I wil get back to the same tier. Like I still should have had platinum 3 MMR and get higher than that...