GrandmasterD wrote:
Riven so OP nurf plz
Dah fuq you talking aall you need is to Pink Wards and CC her noob

oh my god this game
one of the most fun games I've played in a long time. This was literally one big teamfight with barely any laning phase at all.
From the very start we were already fightinh. Our Annie got caught and died giving first blood to Fiddlesticks, meanwhile Riven 1v1 towerdove the Ziggs and went 1 for 1.
The early lane was really tough for me as I was half a level behind from coming to lane late and being an assist down. We got a kill on Olaf thanks to a very nice Elise gank.
Mid lane a 2v2 started. Both Elise and Riven had to flash and Xin was pretty low leaving our jungle running into the river, though I was already on my way and picked up the kill and double buff from him. Not much later I got ganked while pushed up and gave my double buff up to Olaf.
At around 18 mins Elise, Riven and me sneaked a baron and we started pushing. Annie landed a very nice flash tibbers on 4 people so we dove into them, but Fiddlesticks got a really good ultimate off himself. We lost the fight 4 to 1 and they started pushing. They got a bit greedy tanking our turret and I was able to take 2 people out and defending the turret.
This is where the huge teamfight just kept going back and forth. People running in and dying on both sides, constantly fighting over Baron control. When Baron spawned, we each took turns almost acing eachother, starting baron and then getting almost aced the other way around.
The game eventually ended with me making the best play I've ever made in my time playing league.
It started off as a normal teamfight. Our Ezreal instantly got deleted as their Olaf and Xin rushed in and Ziggs landed a bunch of his AoE. I was able to take out 2 people and Graves' GA pretty much on my own and I got out with 10% life left. They had a Fiddlesticks, Ziggs and Graves still alive and started doing baron. I life stealed off of wraiths and mid lane and came back in.
I had vision of the baron so I could see Fiddle tanking it and dropping pretty low as his drain got interrupted by a baron knockup. I landed a Q, killed him and dashed out of the Baron pit. Baron was pretty close to dying at this point so I Q'd it, stole the baron with a Hydra proc and finished off both Ziggs and Graves by flashing their skillshots and kicking them into eachother.
Our team had just spawned so we rushed down their base for the win after an insane 15 minute long teamfight.
I'm really really sad I don't record games cause this would have definitely been worth it :c
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omg have I broken the curse??
shame I couldn't skip 3, I felt like I was pretty close with last few games having diamond 2 players below me in pick order
Oh well I'll just have to skip diamond 2 then ^_^