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Game 7, missed the screenshot. We threw the game when our support facechecked a bush and got us aced.
Bans that I don't care to format: blitz, malph, shen, Ali, Kha, Amu
Moving on to the next, hopefully better game.
Bans that I don't care to format: blitz, malph, shen, Ali, Kha, Amu
Moving on to the next, hopefully better game.
Game 8, January 26th
Bans: Amumu, Malphite, Kassadin/ Blitzcrank, Shen, Kha'Zix
This ****ing game, oh my god... Ezreal engages at level 2, while I'm level 1. He gets himself killed because, "I thought you had stun" after I had just used shatter a couple seconds ago. Later on, he bought a Zeal after graves had had both double dorans, and a BF Sword. The memorable quote that followed was, "300 damage crits and gaining life is better than 300 AD"
Basically, my ADC sucked and I had to support him. Lee Sin blew up instantly to Talon because he had 0 armor. A lot of people were building weird, ala Darius, or just bad. I really hate this game now. q-q
Because they couldn't get aggressive before level 2 and Shaco ganked top early and not us. I didn't need it and I didn't think Ez would've gone full ******.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
You also don't need to start Shatter. You never what's going to happen but it is never a bad idea to start stun.
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Lugignaf wrote:
Because they couldn't get aggressive before level 2 and Shaco ganked top early and not us. I didn't need it and I didn't think Ez would've gone full ******.
Ezreal has strong level 1 damage. Taric has a strong level 1 presence with stun. Nunu & Willump has no way to sustain Graves. Being aggressive on Graves at level 1 will make him chug potions which can open up later opportunities to harass further and get a kill once Ezreal hits level 2 and has Arcane Shift. You also have a distinct range advantage with stun before Graves gets Quickdraw to react to your stun. Even if Graves started with a Doran's Blade, he still has to autoattack to restore HP. Get him under 50% hp and you can zone him.
Obviously your AD wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, but neither were you.
hi embracing. yes i play ff14 now.
Lugignaf wrote:
Because they couldn't get aggressive before level 2 and Shaco ganked top early and not us. I didn't need it and I didn't think Ez would've gone full ******.
That is why you get your skill when minions spawn or at brush stakeout, not in fountain :P
Game 6, January 25th
Bans I actually don't remember some of them. Darius, Blitzcrank, Malphite, Amumu, Kha'Zix is what I do remember though. Fairly standard right now.
First pick was our ADC and swapped with me for Nunu support. I did it willingly. After we first picked Nunu, they decided to grab Vayne. Enemy got first blood on Cait because of a bad fight by us bot lane, but once Xin got to ganking, things turned around real quickly. Shyvana lost top hard and ended up going for Ninja Tabi against Kennen. Don't know why, but I told her the mistake and, she actually sold the boots, thankfully. Kass trounced all over Renekton in mid and roamed a lot. Him and Xin probably won us the game with all those ganks and pick offs.