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Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Game 26, May 3rd
Bans: Hecarim, Shen, Malphite, Elise, could not remember the other two.
Stopped ranked for a bit more after the last game and decided to pick it up again. Qualified for series after a good Vlad game top. Lane partner was Skarner, and he could not touch me. One death in lane, because I dove him without waiting for my pool cooldown. Jarvan came top once, but my wards stopped him cold. Diana was having a hard time mid, due to Jarvan camping, but it just meant I could roll all over Skarner, which I did. We lost a couple of early teamfights because they were 4v5 without Tristana there, but once we grouped up, everything went smoothly and they ended up surrendering after we got baron.
Arkharan wrote:
How come you're not gold yet lugi o:
Had to stop playing for a while because of roadtrips and then I haven't been feeling up to it so... I think I would do bad. After a little bit more life fixing, I'mma go back to ranked. :P
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Game 27, May 28th
Bans: Cho'Gath and I don't remember our other two / Alistar, Zed, Akali
3rd pick and opted for support over jungle. Went with Janna and screwed up a lot early getting both me and my ADC killed. We started picking it up once Amumu got a double kill down bot. He first picked him somehow. Jayce lost top somewhat early and a couple kills were gotten on lux early as well, but we started picking it up once Amumu got rolling and started ganking lanes. When it came to teamfights, we had a lot of good ones after the enemy team decided to engage and we just knocked them back after ults were blown. Lux got a double kill with her laser and their Sej ragequit. After that, it was a little more sitting around their base and then we pushed for a win.
I need one more win to be back in Silver 1, and then I begin the trek to the top once again.
Game 28, May 31st
Bans: Amumu, Blitzcrank, Thresh / Hecarim, Twisted Fate, Shen
Interesting final series match in that everyone in it was gold tier, except me. I picked Vi for our jungle, and they grabbed me Janna. Best idea I've had all day. It confused our last pick who thought we were doing jungle Janna, but it was sorted out quickly. MF and I gave her a smiteless red in lieu of doing golems, and their Cait/Ez pushed the lane hard and hit 2 before us. The one death I had was to get MF a double kill. We were outmanned bot lane and they were up on our turret almost constantly. Thankfully, Vi came by a lot for a lot of kills and caught us up quickly. It never got to the teamfight phase, as they surrendered when we took down their first inhib.
Now, I'm Silver 1 again! I re-begin my trek to gold tomorrow, or later today.
Game 29, June 4th
Bans: Thresh, Shen, Hecarim / Blitzcrank, Malphite, Amumu
I thought the game was going to go bad when our last pick, Sona, said they'd only play Jungle and our third pick, Vi took it from them. They sucked it up and supported anyway, even after complaining about Vi jungling. Kha and I were first 2 picks, being on purple side, so we picked flexible laners. I ended up top against Singed, who I'm pretty sure I counter, and Kha went mid against Ryze. Vi ganked mid super early and got first blood. I died to Nunu/Singed when I went out to ward. My runes served me well when I was barely outpacing Singed at all stages of the game while we had equal boots. I complained to my team that Sona was warding my lane, since bot and mid tower dropped far before my own, and making me waste money. My team was smart and forced 4v4 fights, and we got an inhib at about the 18 minute mark. I pushed to the second top tower and joined mid for one last teamfight and we pushed to win. The singed was nice, and quite good. If I had never played Vlad before, he would have won handily.
Game 25, April 15th
Bans: Blitzcrank, Twisted Fate, Vi / Amumu, Hecarim, Nasus
Jungle Zac game after not playing jungle and only doing stupid things, like AD Mid Swain as well as ARAMS, for the past week. Game started off solid on our side with first blood going to the Sona because the enemy Trist/Taric engaged at level 1. Sona got a double kill. Things started getting rocky when Ahri tried to roam to bot lane to get kills, got trapped by Jarvan, and died in their jungle. The then died straight up to Kha, and proceeded to buy no armor. She blamed me for her deaths, so I ignored her for a while. I gave her blue and started camping mid. I got a double, she got away with her life. Things started looking up. We started picking 4v4 teamfights since our CC was far, far better than theirs without a top laner. The last teamfight was 4v5, our favor and we completely aced them, losing only manmode-Nekton in the fight. They surrendered right after. I'm at 91 LP in Silver 2, and I will get back to Silver 1 by tomorrow. Probably gold by the end of the week, if nothing else comes up that stops me from playing.