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Creator: utopus May 4, 2015 9:26pm
210 posts - page 13 of 21
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2015 9:49am | Report
Game 109


Went even in lane with my duo. We would've decisively won lane, but our opponent's Blitzcrank was on point with his hooks, and that coupled with my duo's West coast lag problem meant that he got caught out a couple times. I baited my opponents really well though, and facilitated a kat roam down to bot several times to clean up and help her get ahead. I also roamed mid and made some clutch plays to save kat, or give her something to Shunpo to to avoid Blitzcrank hooks, which were again, on point.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2015 9:56am | Report
Game 110


Our opponents picked LeBlanc and Lulu, and i knew my duo was going to play Ashe, so i was like uhhh.... Morgana? The funny part was that my opponent locked in Blitzcrank afterwards. I thought it was pretty funny, at least. Blitzcrank was on point with his hooks, and I would just Black Shield whoever he was trying to hook and /laugh afterwards. Then when he hit 6, he hooked me, I ultied, and we just killed Sivir LOL. I felt really bad for the Lulu though. Renekton was harassing him a ton.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2015 7:49pm | Report
Game 111


Won bot lane for Varus. Varus wasn't particularly good, but Kalista was worse, and i've played with this Alistar before - he's troll as ****. I made some good roams to force a 3v2 and get mid/jungle REALLY far ahead. Overall a very smooth game though

Game 112


Talk about a ****ty game! I really dislike playing against Leonas. I REALLY dislike it. I got invaded level 1, and got cheesed level 2. Rek'Sai was a monster and won mid and top for his team. I need to learn how to play smarter against leona. I know I should play safer, but it fundamentally conflicts with my playstyle - I'm used to non-stop aggression.

Game 113


Yet another game involving me losing to a Leona. I really should've dodged this game though: Our team comp was a lot worse than our opponents. We actually made a comeback at one point, but a Flash tibbers from Annie put the nail in the coffin for us. I deserved this loss fair and square.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2015 8:13pm | Report
Game 114


Took a break from supporting, went jungle. Carried mid and bot really hard. I got first two dragons really quickly, and camped the **** out of Katarina. I also bought like, 5 wards in the early-mid game to ensure that when ww hit 6, he would never get a good gank off on Katarina without at least me being there.

Game 115


Forced mid as a last pick; My opponent picked Diana and IIRC, Diana does counter LeBlanc, so I decided to play my only other mid laner: Ziggs. I played this game so safely, and even so, I ended up dying a lot. Gragas would always get great ults off on me and Vayne. Vayne got really ahead and the game was about to be over, but thankfully, Vayne d/ced for like 3 minutes and we were able to end the game before she came back and really turned around the game.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2015 11:46pm | Report
Game 116


Singed was AFk for the first 10 minutes of the game. When he did reconnect, he did really stupid **** like Flinging a fed Rek'Sai towards a low HP teammate. Sivir and I won lane, but we didn't win it decisively enough so that when Singed reconnected, we would stomp fights. I'm reasonably happy with how I played, but I need to be more precise with my mouse. There were times when I Eye of the Stormed myself instead of my ADc in 2v2 duels and making what should've been a 2-0 become a 2-1

Game 117


Reasonably content with this game. Top is my weakest role, so my expectations were that hopefully, I would come out of lane even. All my other teammates got the roles they mained, so they'd be largely responsible for carrying - of course, i'd try to carry my own weight. The early game started off ok for the most part. Garen got off an annoying Flash Decisive Strike + Judgment when he was REALLY low that ended up getting him a solo kill on me. Basically every other kill on my after that was Nidalee and Garen tunneling on me. It was actually pretty funny. Shyvana would come top, and Nidalee would jump me, and garen would follow. They'd try hard to kill me, and Shyvana would just be AA-ing them to death lol. She got so unbelievably fed from top and jungle, and she was able to legit just like 2 shot anyone that got close to her. Something that I need to improve on in my top lane play is knowing EXACTLY how low kill % is. I'm sure there were several times that I could've solo killed Garen, but I was worried he'd just DEMACIA!! it, and live :P

Game 118


Duo queued with my duo partner (That's kinda redundant, isn't it?). This was a relatively easy game though. Ashe got poked down really hard in the early game and had to recall early and get only a Doran's Blade. I took this time to roam mid and get Azir a kill with a Headbutt Pulverize combo on Lux. After Ashe returned to lane, we won most trades with ease. One thing that got REALLY annoying was Riven's TPs down to bot lane without any response from Irelia. It was actually REALLY annoying. I was like, 1/1/12 when I noticed that Irelia's score was like 1/1/1. I was soo ready to flip table xD

While my duo's score didn't look good on paper, she died a lot because of Riven's TP ganks bot lane (and a couple times when he didn't listen to me XD)
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2015 12:10am | Report
Game 119


Kinda ****ty game. Janna and I didn't have very good synergy. She would go in when I wouldn't, and I would go in when she wouldn't. It was kinda funny - Vayne would usually live with <50 hp each time we fought, and sona would always get the last hit on me. Sona legit had the most kills on my opponent's team at one point. Anyways, whenever we were decisively winning an all-in, Riven would TP bot and clean up, and Tryndamere legit did nothing to make her pay for that, which kinda sucked. Not my best game though :S It happens though.

Oh, also, I need to learn to rush that tri brush fast when i'm on the blue side. I gave FB because I was talking with the cleaning lady for the first 10 seconds of the game, and left fountain 5 seconds late.

Game 120


REALLY sad about this loss. My duo and I won lane so unbelievably hard it wasn't even funny. Top and Mid fed REALLY hard though. When we got to the mid game, Corki would get 2 shot by a 4 item Rengar. He would die so fast that I legit wouldn't even have time to react and CC the Rengar. That, coupled with the fact that Azir was REALLY terrible lost us the game

Game 121


Quite a hilarious game. My duo and I won lane pretty hard (as decisively as you CAN win lane against a Soraka anyways) and rotated to dragon. We misplayed really badly (I forgot exactly what blunders we did - i'll need to review the replay), and 4 of us ended up getting killed. Then, Riven legit 1v4ed our opponents, and good guy Irelia let her get the penta. Then we realized that Irelia wasn't just being a good guy - he was trolling his temamates. Anyways, we had a good time with it, and eventually decided to close out the game.

Game 122

This should've been a dodge from me. first pick didn't ban Ryze, or Cho'Gath. We had a Jarvan IV mid, and he just kinda didn't listen to what we said. So Draven and I were pinging Blitzcrank was missing for a solid minute and a half. Then, a level 1 blitzcrank just comes out of a mid lane brush and allows chogath to get FB on Jarvan IV. Jarvan rages at us, even though we were legit spamming pings once every 5 seconds. Anyways, mid and top lost lane so decisively that even though Draven was able to get off some League of Draven stacks, Ryze and Cho'Gath would legit just 2 shot anyone that got close to them.

Game 123

Got counterpicked :< Laning phase was rough for me. Vayne died from a Flash auto under tower early on, so that kinda sucked. I was OK with Death Sentences, but Morgana's Black Shield made it so that the only was I could chain CC my opponent's carries was to go on a suicide mission. Not sure there was much I could do to carry this game though - Rek'Sai was having connection issues throughout the game
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2015 12:32am | Report
Game 124

Ahh! What a disappointing game to lose! our Lee Sin was REALLY good. He deserved to win. Unfortunately, Morgana ended up getting a lot of my kills early game, which set me far behind - this didn't really matter though, because Jinx was also equally far behind. Fizz got REALLY fed and we were ahead for a large part of the game, but Kha'Zix + Zed would pick me off with deadly efficiency almost every single time. Caitlyn's DPS is looking a lot better late game with the Headshot rework though. Something that I was irritated about this game was the amount of crits that Jinx got compared to me. It was kinda BS how she could get 3 crits in a row, and I could get none in the same team fight. Something that I could've done better in this game was plan out escape routes, and litter them with traps before a big team fight. I needed to account for flanks better, and use vision to my advantage to plan out a good route to kite through.

Game 125

IIRC, this game was pretty silly. I outplayed the **** out of my opponents. I would Headbutt Morgana's Soul Shackles, Unbreakable Will Fizz's Chum the Waters, and Tristana's Rapid Fire, and Pulverize Rengar's Unseen Predator. It was HILARIOUS! Rengar would come out of stealth, and he'd just get ****ed. Anyways, i'm largely happy with this game.

Game 125


A tad annoyed at my duo partner about this game. He plays Sivir too scared and doesn't respect her damage. I had a ton of good picks on Karma in the early game, but she didn't make good enough use of them and ended up in me giving kills to Corki early on. The nail in the coffin was Fizz getting REALLY fed, and unkillable. With Trinity Force and Frozen Heart, he could duel my ADC while he was under nexus tower. It was disgusting. Anyways, Veigar ragequit for some reason, so we just /ffed.

Game 126


2nd time playing Nautilus (1st in ranked), and I gotta say, i'm pretty happy with how i played. He's REALLY strong right now - neither of my duo partners really liked him as a support though, so I just never played him! xD xD

Corki and I won bot lane decisively, and we had some beautiful tower dives. Around the 30:00 mark, Renekton just because unkillable though. He legit would just never die, and would manage to 1v1 Corki every single time. Needless to say, Renekton carried his team HARD.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2015 12:33am | Report
Game 124

Ahh! What a disappointing game to lose! our Lee Sin was REALLY good. He deserved to win. Unfortunately, Morgana ended up getting a lot of my kills early game, which set me far behind - this didn't really matter though, because Jinx was also equally far behind. Fizz got REALLY fed and we were ahead for a large part of the game, but Kha'Zix + Zed would pick me off with deadly efficiency almost every single time. Caitlyn's DPS is looking a lot better late game with the Headshot rework though. Something that I was irritated about this game was the amount of crits that Jinx got compared to me. It was kinda BS how she could get 3 crits in a row, and I could get none in the same team fight. Something that I could've done better in this game was plan out escape routes, and litter them with traps before a big team fight. I needed to account for flanks better, and use vision to my advantage to plan out a good route to kite through.

Game 125

IIRC, this game was pretty silly. I outplayed the **** out of my opponents. I would Headbutt Morgana's Soul Shackles, Unbreakable Will Fizz's Chum the Waters, and Tristana's Rapid Fire, and Pulverize Rengar's Unseen Predator. It was HILARIOUS! Rengar would come out of stealth, and he'd just get ****ed. Anyways, i'm largely happy with this game.

Game 125


A tad annoyed at my duo partner about this game. He plays Sivir too scared and doesn't respect her damage. I had a ton of good picks on Karma in the early game, but she didn't make good enough use of them and ended up in me giving kills to Corki early on. The nail in the coffin was Fizz getting REALLY fed, and unkillable. With Trinity Force and Frozen Heart, he could duel my ADC while he was under nexus tower. It was disgusting. Anyways, Veigar ragequit for some reason, so we just /ffed.

Game 126


2nd time playing Nautilus (1st in ranked), and I gotta say, i'm pretty happy with how i played. He's REALLY strong right now - neither of my duo partners really liked him as a support though, so I just never played him! xD xD

Corki and I won bot lane decisively, and we had some beautiful tower dives. Around the 30:00 mark, Renekton just because unkillable though. He legit would just never die, and would manage to 1v1 Corki every single time. Needless to say, Renekton carried his team HARD. I think my duo was at fault though for rushing Bloodthirster instead of Last Whisper.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 17, 2015 12:45am | Report
Game 127


I went SO ham in this lane. I strongly suggest watching this replay if you're looking to maximize your early game lane pressure with Leona, because I exerted so much pressure against my opponents in this lane. I carried this game pretty hard - that's not to say that teammates didn't carry their own weight, but I was making a **** ton of plays.

Game 128


Laning phase was rough for us. Jinx got poked down hard really early, and recalled in a dumb spot under tower. She took a Boomerang Blade + Flash AA and died. We didn't have summoners up, because Rek'Sai decided to skip her red and gank bot. Vi 3 buffed Rek'Sai, and exerted pressure on other parts of the map. I had some REALLY good outplays in this game. I ended up dying a lot, but my deaths were actually poisonous to my opponents team. Like, Ahri and Nocturne repeatedly caught me out with Charm and nightmare, and I'd usually die from that, and them my team would get a kill on ahrii / Nocturne afterwards. I did feel like an idiot for not going Spellthief's Edge this game though. The gold proc makes it really safe for you to face check brushes with Tormented Shadow, but for some reason, i thought it would be better to start off the game with Ancient Coin. Anyways, I had some good Soul Shackles + Zhonya's Hourglasses that zoned out some carries, and some clutch Dark Bindings on Fizz (which is really hard to do)
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2015 1:43am | Report
Doing this quickly since i'm exhausted, and there wasn't much to say for a lot of these games.
Game 129

Game 130

We were winning for a large part of the game, but somehow, Hecarim just ended up one shotting Caitlyn every team fight, and I couldn't do much to help peel for her.

Game 131

Kalista and I won lane decisively hard, but it wasn't enough for us to stop the Irelia, who got insanely fed off of Gnar :S

Game 132

Pretty annoyed at this game. Janna and I won lane hard. We should've won it harder, but I misjudged the cooldown of Rocket Grab. It was weird. Blitzcrank missed his hook, and I immediately started counting out loud, "1... 2... 3...", and when I got to around 12, (This is around level 4 for us), he threw out another Rocket Grab and hooked me. Despite me getting caught out, their bot lane was still REALLY far behind. Unfortunately, Fizz got fed off of mid and jungle that he could legit just kill me with Q + AA.

Game 133

Game 134

Tristana and I won bot lane, but we didn't win it decisively enough to convert it into a major advantage. What REALLY sucked was that I was forced to pick Morgana early on, and couldn't counterpick the Katarina or Alistar with something like Janna or Alistar :S

Game 135

I need to learn how to play against a Vayne as an alistar. I had a lot of trouble in the laning phase, since Vayne would literally just ignore me, and focus Lucian. She would kill Lucian, escape with a sliver of health, and then kite me well enough so that I couldn't pick her off >:/

Game 136

Dead weight Sivir. This should've been a dodge from me: Nunu & Willump and Alistar is pretty bad against a Vayne.

Game 137

Had a game winning bait near dragon pit, that got my opponents grouped as 4 closely enough so that Sejuani could get a good Glacial Prison off. Trist and I also won bot hard. the new Karma is REALLY strong, and I really like her.

Game 138

If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)

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