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"I can beat everyone." - Piglet,...

Creator: BigBoxGamer March 22, 2015 11:37pm
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Oct 4th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2015 11:12pm | Report
IPodPulse wrote:

You should clarify that those were 11 loses and 9 wins. I'm surprised though, if you can make challenjour then you should of definitely been able to carry these feeders. especially with your challenjour level CS

Click on the "ranked" tab, it's 11 wins, 9 loses. But, I do admit my CS hasn't been up to par lately and I'm always working on it. Otherwise, I will make Challenger. Either ranked tab works, I never play duo, only solo.
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2015 5:03pm | Report
I recommend playing a custom game every day and aiming for 10 cs/min. While that likely isn't achievable in real games, it'll still help your cs a lot.

I also recommend focusing on one champion/role and playing it a metric ****ton. And don't forget to dodge if you think you have no chance of winning the game right out of champ select.

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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2015 5:16pm | Report
Also try and die as little as possible even if you have to give up a lot for it in lanephase. For example I noticed you went 1/26 in a zed game (not sure if you were intentionally feeding or what happened but anyways). In that game what you should have done (even though it's really frustrating I know) is just stay back by your turret (and if they can dive you, leave turret). If you can't cs, you'll die for it, don't cs. Just don't die and minimize your impact on the game as much as possible so that your team can carry you (and hopefully once teamfights start you can pick up some kills on low hp champs and get back in the game).

I'm pretty bad at not dying too but generally I think you want to die less than 5 times in 99% of your games. I always notice high elo players rarely die more than 3 times in a game. Just have to play a lot more cautiously.

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Oct 4th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2015 2:32pm | Report
Thanks for the advice from the last two posters, I'm always working to improve and I do play custom games to work on my CSing. As for the 1/26 Zed game, I was trolling and doing my best interpretation of a Bronze V player. Right now, my main account is banned, but if anyone wants to play smurfs add: C9 Critz.
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger
<Altruistic Artist>
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Sep 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2015 2:59pm | Report
Thanks for the advice from the last two posters, I'm always working to improve and I do play custom games to work on my CSing. As for the 1/26 Zed game, I was trolling and doing my best interpretation of a Bronze V player. Right now, my main account is banned, but if anyone wants to play smurfs add: C9 Critz.

May I ask how it got banned?
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Sep 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2015 3:11pm | Report
Thats funny I remember very clearly that after that Zed game you told me your teamates were horrible players and it was all their fault you lost.
Ban out GoodPlays GG
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Oct 4th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2015 3:16pm | Report
IPodPulse wrote:

May I ask how it got banned?

Detail not important.
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger
<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2015 3:22pm | Report
Sure, it is. It gives insight.
Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2015 5:35pm | Report
Idk about you but when I play games in B4 (which is generally ELO hell in my opinion pretty much) I don't troll when my teams losing.
And I'm getting to the point where I don't flame either.
It wins games.

Basically MOBAFire.
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Oct 4th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2015 7:29pm | Report
At some point, one can only get so much of players that don't listen to pings, or over extend to much and pretty much break and wanna show them what they do. And, type things in chat like "omg, gg, game over, the enemy saw me overextend... i mean, you suck, i didn't overextend."
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger

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