An easy game overall, we just got a bit cocky cause lb was dc since lvl 2 and for that rek got some kills but when we grouped once they could nothing and surrendered as soon as possible.

that game was hard, not very much tho. Jinx and xin were over fed, we just couldnt fight if there was jinx, during mid-early game. When late was on us, i just could get in to oneshot jinx ( we also caught her sometimes while alone) and rengar was pratically useless, which led to an easy win as soon and jinx and xin were down. At one point yi and diana died lefting baron with about 2k hp cause lucian didnt come and went mid to push, and didnt take a single turret out of it, and enemy team took baron. I think that either diana, yi and lucian made a huge mistake there. I mean, if you saw that you couldnt 2v1 baron, and lucian didnt want to come, just go with him and at least take a turret or even the inhib. Also lucian could just go to do baron(cause with him would have been easy) instead of pushing if nobody is with you and you know you aren't going to get anything. The throw there was real, but fortunately i was still able to oneshot jinx, and yi was able to 1v1 her on top when she was splitpushing cause of randuins i guess. Overall, jinx and xin just threw hard the game for their team and we went 5 mid push after a won teamfight.
Maybe i'm you, who know?
And tbh i don't even know why and how i started to play and like talon so much, i just think that i was going to play him in a normal game cause wanted to try something unusual and since he was a champ i didn't know much about i just looked at your guide. After that game i read it all word by word, and started to spam him in normal games for a long time since i wanted to at least know him better and know his limits, till i got enough confident to spam him in rankeds.
And tbh i don't even know why and how i started to play and like talon so much, i just think that i was going to play him in a normal game cause wanted to try something unusual and since he was a champ i didn't know much about i just looked at your guide. After that game i read it all word by word, and started to spam him in normal games for a long time since i wanted to at least know him better and know his limits, till i got enough confident to spam him in rankeds.
"Fus-Ro Dah"

Qualified for promos to Gold II!
Vayne dced at lvl 3 (i think after her 1st death) and that my single death were when we were destroying nexus' turrets and i engaged under them and got all the ult by their team on me QQ

Easy lane, easy game.
Every lane won, even before ww could reach lvl 6 to gank i think. Twisted fate just didn't play safe enough and they had a gp jungle, which was kinda useless. Stole a drake and got a kill 1v4(and died, sadly).
1-0 on promos, let's hope that 5 win streak goes on.

Teemo top.
7 0 enemy vayne at 11 mins on bot.
EDIT: yeah double smite enemy, ofc we didnt get a drake etc etc the only tower we took was the bot one when i splitpushed alone. And top shyv con tp smite didnt even went for devourer or ad one.

i dont even.
I just won every single damn fight for my team since i was the only fed and they were all dieing to j4 and graves, so i was just oneshotting graves and giving away free wins to my team, but at one point (ofc we didn't have a drake yet) my team decided to engage 4v5 to be closed in j4's ult, sona ult graves ult and yasuo ult. Ofc after that MAJESTIC engage where they died in 4 and i could nothing we lost. FFS THE THROWS.

I really felt like i didnt deserve to win for the whole game and i'm not even annoyed cause i lost, but cause i know i did throw that game so ****ing hard, my team was carrying me early and mid game and pratically was winning alone, then i got some kills and had a come back, but i just made so many bad actions like engaging alone when i thought that it'd be an easy kill on ahri or vayne when it was just a trap to make me go in, and getting caught my thresh's grab just to get instabursted and CCed to death.

i'm ****ing salty and mad as **** atm.
Before we lose my promo cause of people that throw and go for 4v5 fights without me, now this game where people just cried all the time and ****ing surrendered at 25 just throwing my 20 lp out of the window. i mean, why the **** surrender? i find no godamn reason, if people would have just stopped to go solo and getting caught i could easily pick up free kills on vayne and then help with the others, but noooooo **** the comebacks, they are fantasy things, just lets surrender! ofc! im ******* happy that im not one of those that just spams insults and flames in chat cause otherwise i could have been banned after that game.
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Didn't happen much during lane phase, it was mostly farming and then i left it and began to roam everywhere to secure objectives and picking kills here and there. Eve made some good ganks both on top and bot, which brough a good unstoppable lead and we easily won the game. Also eve stole a secured penta for vayne by killing tristana while she was reviving through GA while vayne already took a quadra.