mid vs kennen
Lee invaded amumu and got fb, after that i got ganked by amumu not much later, but it was so stupid by me cause i didnt have the river warded(since i didnt back yet) and wanted to kill kennen who survived to ignite+Q bleed with about 50, if not less, hp so i just overstayed and gave a kill to kennen like an idiot. After that when i went back in lane i was able to 1v1 him and get a kill and right after lee gave me blue buff. After i got another kill on kennen in another 1v1 i just started to roam and join my team for an easy win. Also gnar rushed trinity when he was very behind, it was easier to oneshot then kalista lol.
That moment when i hit 6 go all in on ahri, use ignite and everything, she escapes with about 50 hp and i realise that i put a point on e instead of ult.......................................................
BTW, easy lane easy game. I roamed top 2 times, getting 2 kills on cho(cause j4 was in very need of help) and 1 on ahri when she came to look for me. Bot won hard and we just started to snowball hard, and the enemies surrendered at 20.
Also, it was the second game for promos. I'm gold I!!!11!!11one!
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Mid vs Annie
Overall was an easy lane, really didn't expect it, that annie and lee were really not good, i dodged an ulti stun by annie by simply using my E on her and then bursting her in front of lee, who did miss a Q in melee range. The only threat in this game was ez, but he alone just wasn't enough to stop all of us, so we did force fights and objectives and just won everything. Oh yeah, vlad stole a baron which started a teamfight that gave us even more advantage. GG