You should really stop playing ranked for the day after 2-3 losses in a row.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
LevasK wrote:
You should really stop playing ranked for the day after 2-3 losses in a row.
well i didn't really felt like playing something else, and i admit over reacted a lot, i should just take a pause when it happens, i know. At least i will laugh at theese rants one day.
Do not even ask me how we won this game
Talon bot
Lane didnt go that bad, there were no kills by both sides, mostly because that soraka heals were too much for me to deal with. In late heimer just got super fed and i pratically could do nothing but push, and i took both top and bot turrets. We just couldnt win a fight with heimer and diana(even irelia, who in the beginning was 1 4) and they took 3-4 drakes and 2 barons.
The second game i was bot support talon. While in lane blitz grabbed me and i jumped on graves killing him, after that graves told me (when the game ended) that he said to blitz to dont grab me cause i could jump on him, or that at least he shouldnt have when he was so low. Blitz and his whole team started to flame to graves, who proceeded to feed us intentionally cause they insulted him very hardly without any reason. K.
Forgot to screen some games (too many) btw after a failed promo (1-2 days ago if i'm not wrong) here i am.
i'm surprised that we won against such a comp since we had kat(that should have been pratically useless but the enemy team didnt focus her enough), btw enemy team's throwing, we caught that chance and took 2 barons and all the drakes we could, i could also oneshot vayne and even if i was sometimes being caught, they'd waste most of their ults and spells just for me, which led to an easy win for my team.
i'm surprised that we won against such a comp since we had kat(that should have been pratically useless but the enemy team didnt focus her enough), btw enemy team's throwing, we caught that chance and took 2 barons and all the drakes we could, i could also oneshot vayne and even if i was sometimes being caught, they'd waste most of their ults and spells just for me, which led to an easy win for my team.
Top vs Heimer
The lane phase was really a pain in the ***, heimerdinger pratically blocked me almost under my turret for the entire lenght of it, but i was able to get ahead in cs. Didn't have any open chance to kill him since he rushed zhonya (obv) and he brought a pink which combined to his ult Q was just impossible to trade with, so i never went all in. At some point i had about half hp bar and was blocked under turret, then wu came from the tribush behind the turret and comboed me under turret, but he didnt have ignite, so i just replied with my full combo + ignite and killed him. After that tf ulted to gank my lane and i went all in on heimer, who, i thought, would use ult q + zhonya, but he just didnt even tho he had all the time to. After early game ended i was 2 0 and urgot just dominated everything, i do not even know how, and he could take alone at least 3 people in their team. On the other hand, ww was afk for the most lenght of the game, and just couldnt catch up with us. Easy game.
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not in the mood to describe them