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S5 Ranked Thread - Goal: Plat

Creator: Jack Rubino August 4, 2015 7:38am
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Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2015 7:38am | Report
Hi everybody, i know i've been missing for quite a lot of time(and you probably already know why since i spammed it when i was back not much time ago) and have lost some things that happened here, but i think it's time to start over with a new ranked thread (i'd thank whoever can lock my old one since it won't be used anymore)

I played quite a lot since i had my pc back, just normals cause wanted to get familiar with the tons of changes of the latest patches and to regain some of the "skill" i've lost cause i could not play for so long, and now that i feel confident again with the game, i wanted to start again my climb from where i left it.

Previous season i reached gold from silver, this season i sat at gold V for so much time cause i didn't feel ready to go forward and didn't have enough mental sanity to go through it, but now i'm ready for the next goal, which is, as the thread's title suggests, to get at least Plat V or as close as i can.

Most of the games are going to be a duoQ with my friend (you might remember him cause i invited him to play inhouses 2-3 times) ChanteClaire(that may use sometimes another account called D1struct0R).

Now that the intro is done, lets take a look at my champion pool in every role and lane:









Now the PFFAQ (Probably Future Frequent Asked Questions):

1)Yes, i read the whole guida to Talon by Vapora over and over again, and learned so much on how to play him.
2)Yes, i'll play only Talon in rankeds.
3)No, i'm not doing it cause vapora did and can do.
4)No, i'm not randomly playing him cause i think he's free elo or things like that.
5)No, i'm not a Vap's fanboy that bothers him every now and then.
6)Yes, i really love this champion and i'm trying really hard to master him, without getting bored/annoyed and lose fun with him.
7)No, i'm not doing this cause i'd care if people would think that i'm a stupid fanboy, i made this to answer for real to probably future frequent asked questions.

Now that i said everything that is needed, the only thing left is to play some rankeds and have fun, also reaching the goal and having some good luck by you wouldn't be bad at all!

Thanks for passing by!

Actual Rank: Platinum V Goal Rank: Platinum V

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds"
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2015 9:21am | Report
First game of today:

I was top vs vlad, and it was a pretty tough lane, i never tried to fight him early, since i was forced to farm with my W most of the minion waves, both taking minions and hitting my q on him, which didnt do much early levels since he could just spam Q and my W deals very little damage till leveled. Eve ganked and i was able to get under turret without burning flash or anything, saw her going into lane brushes and knew that she would camp there for a while, so i didnt try to push or played safe. Then vi came to help me and, like i said, eve was still there to counter gank, we killed eve, but she killed me and vlad killed vi, so i had to deal with a double buff vlad in lane. Once i was back in lane with my ignite and lvl 7 i fought vlad and successfully killed him without dieing (thanks Ignite <3), after that he wasnt more a problem since i bought a Hexdrinker as first item(also useful againist both eve and malz). Mid was doing very well, but bot lane kept dieing and flaming each other, fortunately me annie and vi were pretty positive and we could cool them both. Splitpushed a bit here and there, malz tried to instaburst me waiting in a bush in lane while i was pushing but every time i oneshotted him when his combo ended cause hexdrinker's shield protected me very well. We got every drake and despite the enemy team took 2 barons we could easily fight and kill them all immediately after. Last teamfight both teams were at drake cause it would have been our 5th and they didnt have one, but with annie's flash ult stun on their team and me jumping on vayne we did a 5-0 with no sight of hope for them, and then ended the game. I liked the fact that my whole team was upgrading trinkets to the vision one and buying pinks to spot eve and every wards around, which pretty much won us many fights.
"Heheh.... the laws of this world... I shall decide them!"
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2015 11:50am | Report

Mid Vs. Brand

The lane phase wasn't hard at all, brand didn't harass me that much and sometimes let me freely farm, probably to have mana for ganks since they had jungle vi. By the way, at level 3-4 rengo ganked, brand was over extending and we killed him, sadly vi just flashed q to kill me from the jungle after the kill while i was going back to my turret, but didnt hit much the game's course. After that i went for Hexdrinker and The Brutalizer as first items since he had armor seals and dominated the lane, meanwhile every rengar gank resulted in a kill and graves was doing good indeed, then i simply start to snowball and taking whoever was out of position to death. Despite vi and naut i was able to jump in, kill brand and get out many times without taking any damage at all. After game lobby, brand and vlad were just flaming each other for being toxic, good thing when happens in the enemy team, makes things a lot easier that way.
"Fus-Ro Dah"

Special thanks to Vapora Dark!
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2015 3:39pm | Report

Idk wtf m8

Not worried/mad for teemo adc (which actually did better then us all) but leona and sejuani just kept dieing and going solo with way less levels then the enemy at early stage and i just lost my focus in this game, failed an easy as **** dive kill, over stayed in lane with low hp which resulted in w+flash shyvana when i felt to be safe. Not really much to say, really, they got 5 drakes we 0 and i just played plain bad. Probably wasn't feeling the game while playing it. Oh and i reached their nexus' turrets while they were all out of base, but then with no mana and garen back i just stood still cause running was kinda pointless, and my team died at river instead of keeping them occupied while i took their nexus.
"Heheh.... the laws of this world... I shall decide them!"

Special thanks to Vapora Dark!
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2015 4:21pm | Report

Oh well long short story. Irelia kept dieing at vladimir just to send him to the nice score of 7 2 and kept dieing over and over again, and when i killed wu and almost vlad at the same time but i died, she said that dieing to him wouldn't help, so we lost every drake cause she kept stay up in top to die and then when she was pissed of the situation cause it was all fault of her team, she kept going yolo on people and dieing without caring that much, so yeah, she trolled pretty much. I couldnt kill anybody and they were just in our base 24/7 and i couldn't even get out of it to splitpush. So yeah, we pratically did lose only cause of vlad. I mean, morde with lich banes, k.
"Some call it magic. I call it good graphic."
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2015 5:11pm | Report

Was doing well during lane phase, i got 2 early kills on gragas + a blue buff and was ahead, gragas kept invading our jungle which resulted to be kinda useless as he died way too much and we were in a pretty good spot, then we owned fights and so on. But then, when we arrived at enemy's nexus and instead of giving the last hit to kill nexus' last turret , draven tried to drive under it 1-2 people and died, so that turret recovered some hp over the time instead of letting either me or wukong xpeke the nexus since he had tp and i could easily get over them with my mobility youmuu ulti and flash. So yeah, like i was saying i was fed, but then again my team had to fed fizz more which resulted in him ult+q shot draven, then zhonya to get back his e and be safe from my burst while his whole team was fighting us with all the CCs they got. Now i fear to get back to Gold V. Worst is that looks like my "skillz" dropped from a game to the other. I went from 2 wins in a row with a pretty much godlike score, to things like that and even if many mistakes were made by my team, i still feel like i could have done so much more but couldn't focus on what. Killing i was killing. Roaming i was roaming. Farming i was farming. Splitpushing i was splitpushing. Teamfighting i was teamfighting. I don't know, maybe i'm just tired atm or something. There is always more to be improved.
"Heheh.... the laws of this world... I shall decide them!"
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2015 5:13pm | Report
Now that i think at it i feel kinda **** to play talon and loving him so much after i laughed at his e nerf some time ago...

Guess it's karma.

sorry vapora
"You belong in a museum!"
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2015 6:13pm | Report

Well... I first picked talon and kassadin was picked right after.

The screen tells it all, i could've died less tho, but im a greedy ***** in such situations.
"Cross over."
Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2015 9:37pm | Report
I remember when you had a decent champion pool. :|

Basically MOBAFire.
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2015 6:16am | Report
I remember when you had a decent champion pool. :|

I don't think i ever posted a champion pool before, cause i actually have played what i liked the most back then. Things like Xerath Vladimir Shen Darius Malphite were some of my most common picks, i used to play only Ezreal when i was forced to adc, but i don't like the role that much. At least now i know that my primary role is to be an assassin.
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