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Good day, Thalia Kael.
I was watching your ranked journey for quite some time.
Your primary jungler is Elise, she is quite strong pick (I could not get use to her as jungler only as top laner), but I really advise you to find one more primary jungler because sometimes Elise just cannot carry bad team. I can advise you Jarvan IV , Udyr (pretty easy jungler but I don’t like him) or Lee Sin. You can also think about Shyvana (my favorite) or Vi. Shyvana just lack of crowd control and rely on her team to have some. It will depend of your personal taste since you will need to play few games with those champions to understand – do they suit your play style or not?
You need to think about other top laners except Lissandra and Tryndamere, may be some tank like Malphite, Nasus or bruiser like Irelia.
My middle suggestion is not so rich – maybe you can think about Orianna, Annie and Nidalee.
There are various supports and this is really a matter of your preference. Sona is really good support since she feels comfortable on the lane with all ADC. If you have some free IP you can think about Nami she provide team with cc with her Aqua Prison, Tidecaller's Blessing
and Tidal Wave also she has heal Ebb and Flow. Janna is also excellent choice with good crowd control and speed passive for your team (1350 IP only). You can consider Leona and Lulu they are good too (those two support rely on ADC very much since they both don’t have heal, you always need to think over pick them or not). Soraka is best healer in LoL right now but if you pick support ask what ADC your team will have since Soraka feels more comfortable with such ADC like who uses mana very often Caitlyn, Ezreal, Graves and Twitch may be. Thresh is one of the most hard support (for me he is the hardest), he rely on Damnation very much since his armor don’t rise with level. Which champion you will pick as your main is really your choice.
There are few ADC I can offer: Caitlyn (she is picked almost in every game due to her long range attack, mobile and good damage), Varus (I did not play him much but he is good ADC with healing debuff, slow and immobilization (his Chain of Corruption), Vayne (good ADC but suffer because of her short attack range but you really can compensate it with her skills) and Ezreal (one of the most mobile champions due to his Arcane Shift and good damage).
I advise those champions only due to my personal preferences, you really need to play few games with them, read guides or watch streams to make final decision. Good luck to you!
I was watching your ranked journey for quite some time.
Your primary jungler is Elise, she is quite strong pick (I could not get use to her as jungler only as top laner), but I really advise you to find one more primary jungler because sometimes Elise just cannot carry bad team. I can advise you Jarvan IV , Udyr (pretty easy jungler but I don’t like him) or Lee Sin. You can also think about Shyvana (my favorite) or Vi. Shyvana just lack of crowd control and rely on her team to have some. It will depend of your personal taste since you will need to play few games with those champions to understand – do they suit your play style or not?
You need to think about other top laners except Lissandra and Tryndamere, may be some tank like Malphite, Nasus or bruiser like Irelia.
My middle suggestion is not so rich – maybe you can think about Orianna, Annie and Nidalee.
There are various supports and this is really a matter of your preference. Sona is really good support since she feels comfortable on the lane with all ADC. If you have some free IP you can think about Nami she provide team with cc with her Aqua Prison, Tidecaller's Blessing
and Tidal Wave also she has heal Ebb and Flow. Janna is also excellent choice with good crowd control and speed passive for your team (1350 IP only). You can consider Leona and Lulu they are good too (those two support rely on ADC very much since they both don’t have heal, you always need to think over pick them or not). Soraka is best healer in LoL right now but if you pick support ask what ADC your team will have since Soraka feels more comfortable with such ADC like who uses mana very often Caitlyn, Ezreal, Graves and Twitch may be. Thresh is one of the most hard support (for me he is the hardest), he rely on Damnation very much since his armor don’t rise with level. Which champion you will pick as your main is really your choice.
There are few ADC I can offer: Caitlyn (she is picked almost in every game due to her long range attack, mobile and good damage), Varus (I did not play him much but he is good ADC with healing debuff, slow and immobilization (his Chain of Corruption), Vayne (good ADC but suffer because of her short attack range but you really can compensate it with her skills) and Ezreal (one of the most mobile champions due to his Arcane Shift and good damage).
I advise those champions only due to my personal preferences, you really need to play few games with them, read guides or watch streams to make final decision. Good luck to you!
I have to disagree with Chirika here - I think you should definitely work on playing Thresh. While he might fall into the category of "difficult" supports I found him extremely easy to play and it only took me a couple of games to get the hang of him (hah). Mind you I was already used to playing aggressive + poke supports so all I really needed to work on was his skill-set. His abilities have very high base damages and he's naturally tanky due to his passive. Does mesh with virtually any AD carry and can be played defensively and offensively offering both engage and disengage. Amazing in late game while still having one of the best lanes. Also has play making potential :] You might have to rely a little on hitting your Q (though surprisingly you don't rely on it completely) but it gets easier the more you play.
Nighthawk wrote:
where's shyvana
Thank you. I was just edting my post when i saw yours.
I have to disagree with Chirika here - I think you should definitely work on playing Thresh. While he might fall into the category of "difficult" supports I found him extremely easy to play and it only took me a couple of games to get the hang of him (hah). Mind you I was already used to playing aggressive + poke supports so all I really needed to work on was his skill-set. His abilities have very high base damages and he's naturally tanky due to his passive. Does mesh with virtually any AD carry and can be played defensively and offensively offering both engage and disengage. Amazing in late game while still having one of the best lanes. Also has play making potential :] You might have to rely a little on hitting your Q (though surprisingly you don't rely on it completely) but it gets easier the more you play.
Thresh has good potential but I just did not fit him to my play style yet. I advised support champions who are more or less are easy to play (and again i repeat myself - it is only my personal preference).
Nighthawk wrote:
where's shyvana
He's not worth of it yet
Gave you a good laugh or helped? rep+ so i can know ;)
Thanks to TinyStar, Jhoi, Xiaowi, Virus, Bard and Arcana(eww)...for my signatures!
Elohell is like Irelia's stun: if your real level is equal or lower than the level you are in, you're STUNNED there forever. If your actual level is higher than the level you are in, you're just SLOWED in your way up.
Heres my Shyvana guide! I will dance in their ashes
I will be playing a lot of normal games and occasional ranked games for either 50-75 games total (like a 10 to 1 ratio unless I'm doing really good with ranked) with a certain pool of champions and then I will do an equalish amount of ranked games and normal games for the rest of the season.
I'm not putting this in one of my S3 threads because, well, this is not S3 and also because my main goals for S4 are :
- Becoming a better player
- Reducing my rage and toxicity to 0 and increasing my enjoyment to over 9000
- Achieving high Plat (1 and 2)
You may think that I am setting the bar pretty high with my Plat 1/2 goal, but I really think that if I can just settle down with the wanting to only play ranked and just train a lot through normals and stuff and also cool down my rage completely and act like in Meyhje's Ending the Blame Game guide, I should be able to achieve at least Plat 2 and probably higher.
I am hoping to create a champion pool of 10 champions.
Some may think that it's a lot but I want to have 5 primary champions that I will focus the most on and 5 secondary champions that I will practice but a little less in the case where I can't pick the primary champion for the role. If I can't even get one of my secondary champions, I can pretty much play most champions to a decent extent.
So far :
Primary Champions :
1- Elise in the jungle, top (and perhaps mid and support)
2- Lissandra in the top and mid
3- Cho'Gath in the top and mid
4- Twitch in the ADC
5- Leona in the support (preferably a standard support AKA not Nidalee)
Secondary Champions :
6- Jinx in the ADC
7- Veigar in the mid
8- Sona in the support
9- Testing in the jungle
10- Shen in the top (and possibly other lanes)
0- I will pick Tryndamere to counter or when I think I have a really good opportunity
This way I can focus on learning a primary champion for each role but if the champion I was going for gets banned or picked, I will still have an almost equally viable option.
I would like some suggestions for the empty slots please. And when I say possibly other lanes, I don't mean I want the champion to be able to play other lanes too, I just mean that if you say Diana for jungle, I could also play her mid. But what I mean is that I'm not requesting multilane champions by saying that.
No, I will not remove Veigar from my roster. I could switch out Draven but the others are pretty much set in stone.
The training :
- First two games :
In these games I went jungle Elise and pretty much dominated from the start. In both games the enemy
team had at least 2 plat players and 1-2 gold players and our team had max 1 plat and I think 1 gold. I
forgot to SS the games but I will go more in-depth in the future games I post.