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The King of Demons is on the Move!...

Creator: DemonSovereign January 3, 2013 8:39pm
DemonSovereign's Forum Avatar
Sep 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2013 9:49pm | Report
I admit I was a bit too aggressive in that match. Irelia was MIA a lot so I pushed towards her tower a ton. So I just killed her minions instead of simply last hitting. I guess I just gave her more farm >.>
Also thanks :D

5th game:

My team: Evelynn, Shen, Darius
Enemy team: Amumu, Blitzcrank, Malphite

Top: Jax vs Elise
Jungle: Lee Sin vs Dr. Mundo
Mid: Cho'Gath vs Ahri
Bot: Caitlyn(me) & Alistar vs Ezreal & Sona

This game was horrible. We got stomped on so hard. Early game, Lee Sin decided to gank bot early but it was warded. Dr. Mundo came in from behind Lee Sin, while Sona and Ezreal came in from the lane. Me and Alistar were at our turret. We noticed so we went to help Lee Sin, and he escaped with like 30 health. He Safeguard / Iron Will to Alistar and got away, but once Lee Sin was gone the enemy focused me. They killed me and Ezreal got FB.

After that Sona and Ezreal poked me a lot. I poked back, but they did more damage. Alistar tried to get in range to Pulverize and Headbutt but failed each time. One time he Headbutt Ezreal into me when I was low health and I died. Ezreal just used Arcane Shift to get away.

I couldn't freeze the lane, because if I tried Ezreal and Sona would just poke me. Alistar just sat back next to the tower and healed me. The minions were really squishy so the turret killed them off fast. I was unable to farm because I misclicked a lot(which pissed me off) and I needed to AA twice before the enemy minion would die or else I would get ks'd by my turret. Alistar tried to help get my CS up by AAing the minions, so I could last hit properly but he killed some of them too.

Bot out leveled us and Dr. Mundo dove us constantly when Sona used Crescendo. Ezreal got more kills while Dr. Mundo took turret aggro. Then there was a time when I almost got away, but Ahri popped up and murdered me. Another time, I tried to shut down Ezreal but he killed me and had 20 health left. It was a good thing Alistar was there to finish him off though.

We lost our tower bot lane and Jax was getting completely stomped on by Elise. I tried to farm more CS and it was going smoothly until the enemy team decided to push hard. Dr. Mundo kept tanking all turret aggro while the rest of his team killed us. Eventually we surrendered. There was so much stuff I could have done better. I should have farmed better, not feed, told Alistar to ward the bot river brush, etc.

MY GOD I was pathetic this game ;-;
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Dark Metallica-Rocking With Mordekaiser
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2013 9:51pm | Report
I retain that i was kicking the **** out of Ahri until she went down there. T.T
DemonSovereign's Forum Avatar
Sep 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2013 9:57pm | Report
Yea you were. Ahri just took advantage of bot's poor early game and got herself fed. Everyone focused me. If I wasn't there they would focus Alistar. I'll need to work on farming like A LOT :/ I've gotten too used to using Siphon of Destruction with Mordekaiser...
My first self made sig ^_^
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Dark Metallica-Rocking With Mordekaiser
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2013 10:06pm | Report

Yea you were. Ahri just took advantage of bot's poor early game and got herself fed. Everyone focused me. If I wasn't there they would focus Alistar. I'll need to work on farming like A LOT :/ I've gotten too used to using Siphon of Destruction with Mordekaiser...

Well, bot lane is waaaay different for farming than mid where it's safer to shove.

Perhaps do what I did and pick a carry that has more "your style".

Perhap's Graves with his innate tankiness, and he also posesses a good waveclear in the same shape as siphon. :p

Example: I main Viktor, a lane bully mage with great zoning capabilities.

as a carry I play Draven, who is also a lane bully with even angrier burst and chase power. :p
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2013 10:51pm | Report
Couple things I can say bout that:

-Your items suck. Never rush those kind of items especially when you're behind like that. You need lifesteal to trade with Ez + Sona, it's no wonder you were getting poked out and killed.

-Take Cleanse against Sona + Ahri. For some reason Ez took Barrier but it'd usually be good against his Ignite too.

-You really should avoid dying so early, they have no pre-6 CC.

-You need to take control of the lane early with something like Cait + Ali. Push, grab yourself brush control and commence zoning. At least hold on to your side of the brush because Ali is useless if you lose it. Ez + Sona outpokes you but only if they both hit their Qs.

-It looks like your AD mechanics just need a lot of work, your cs is preeeetty bad even for a losing lane and to tie in to the last point it's likely why you were getting hit so much. Bad positioning/timing leads to taking a lot of needless damage and it's a huge deal in bot lane.
DemonSovereign's Forum Avatar
Sep 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2013 11:25pm | Report

Well, bot lane is waaaay different for farming than mid where it's safer to shove.

Perhaps do what I did and pick a carry that has more "your style".

Perhap's Graves with his innate tankiness, and he also posesses a good waveclear in the same shape as siphon. :p

Example: I main Viktor, a lane bully mage with great zoning capabilities.

as a carry I play Draven, who is also a lane bully with even angrier burst and chase power. :p

I'll probably buy Graves soon. Don't have him atm.

Luther3000 wrote:

Couple things I can say bout that:

-Your items suck. Never rush those kind of items especially when you're behind like that. You need lifesteal to trade with Ez + Sona, it's no wonder you were getting poked out and killed.

-Take Cleanse against Sona + Ahri. For some reason Ez took Barrier but it'd usually be good against his Ignite too.

-You really should avoid dying so early, they have no pre-6 CC.

-You need to take control of the lane early with something like Cait + Ali. Push, grab yourself brush control and commence zoning. At least hold on to your side of the brush because Ali is useless if you lose it. Ez + Sona outpokes you but only if they both hit their Qs.

-It looks like your AD mechanics just need a lot of work, your cs is preeeetty bad even for a losing lane and to tie in to the last point it's likely why you were getting hit so much. Bad positioning/timing leads to taking a lot of needless damage and it's a huge deal in bot lane.

Can't believe I forgot about LS the entire game ~_~
Only time I died pre-6 was at the start of the game. The rest of my deaths were from Alistar's fail Headbutt and Sona's Crescendo turret dives.
Alistar stood in the back most of the time because he kept getting hit by their Qs.
I tried taking control by setting a bunch of traps all over the bush, but Alistar's reaction time was kinda meh... We didn't work together very well.
Yea I don't play much ADCs at all. I'll need to improve that a lot. ADC positioning is hard :< ADCS SO SQUISHY!
Thanks TinyStar for the amazing sig<3
Care to check out my Mordekaiser guide? I'd appreciate it :D
Dark Metallica-Rocking With Mordekaiser
DemonSovereign's Forum Avatar
Sep 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2013 8:27pm | Report
6th game:
My team: Shen, Shaco, Darius
Enemy team: Malphite, Amumu, Evelynn

Top: Irelia(me) vs Garen
Jungle: Kha'Zix vs Wukong
Mid: Lux vs Master Yi
Bot: Graves & Soraka vs Ashe & Annie

This game was pretty easy. Graves got FB and a double kill a few minutes into the game. I was being harassed by Garen's Judgment a lot. He had a lack of wards so Kha'Zix and Lux came up to gank a lot. We got three kills off him by fifteen minutes or so. By then, he gave up and gave me a fourth kill for free. I got shut down when I was warding the tribush at top though. I warded it, and then got blasted in the face by Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow, and then bursted down by Master Yi. Wukong died a lot and raged about his deaths. He also raged about how "****py his team was". Graves continued to get fed. Soon, we pushed mid and got two inhibitors. Kha'Zix got a quadra kill, but Master Yi died to a turret so no penta for Kha'Zix lol. After that, we pushed mid again and Graves got a triple kill. By 32 minutes, the enemy team decided to surrender. In the end, Wukong continued to bash his team about how bad they were, and then told us that we were bad. So everyone just reported him.

Things to Improve:
  • CS was ****. I need to farm better.
  • There were a few "stand stills" when both teams didn't do anything. Was a waste of time and I should have just went off the farm. We just stood there for a few minutes until Wukong decided to "sneak" behind us, initiate, and fail hard.
  • Be more careful when warding brush when I am less than 50% health. Getting an Enchanted Crystal Arrow to the face was no fun :(
  • Remember to Recall and spend gold. Had like 4k gold just sitting there and forgot to spend it xd
My first self made sig ^_^
Care to check out my Mordekaiser guide? I'd appreciate it :D
Dark Metallica-Rocking With Mordekaiser
DemonSovereign's Forum Avatar
Sep 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 12, 2013 9:26am | Report
7th game:
My team: Evelynn, Elise, Kassadin
Enemy team: Shen, Malphite, Amumu

Top: Riven vs Olaf
Jungle: Skarner vs Maokai
Mid: Orianna vs Master Yi
Bot: Ezreal & Blitzcrank(me) vs Miss Fortune & Sona

Early game Riven got first blood. After a few minutes, Orianna and Riven started to dominate their lanes. Ezreal and I were doing good against Miss Fortune and Sona. The enemy team just loved to gank bot. Maokai and Master Yi ganked bot several times but always failed. Skarner and Orianna always came at just the right times to counter the gank. WARDS WIN GAMES! The enemy loved to focus me a lot so I died several times. I was okay with it though. My teammates were able to safely get kills and get fed. Ezreal, Skarner, and I did a few stupid things though. We all started attacking the outer bot turret and wanting to take it down since it was almost dead. We completely ignored Sona and Miss Fortune who were right in front of us. Sona used Crescendo while Miss Fortune used Bullet Time. Miss Fortune got a triple kill off us and the tower didn't die. It was stupid of us, but it didn't matter much at that point. We got a few dragons and stole camps in the enemy jungle. The enemy was really behind in turrets. We took down seven or eight and they only took down three. Eventually we aced the enemy team and took the mid inhibitor. After it went boom, the enemy team decided to surrender and it was GG.

Things to Improve:
  • Don't roam so much when warding and lose out on exp.
  • Pull in Miss Fortune instead of Olaf lol
  • Stop dying so fast so I can get more assists!
Thanks TinyStar for the amazing sig<3
Care to check out my Mordekaiser guide? I'd appreciate it :D
Dark Metallica-Rocking With Mordekaiser
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 12, 2013 11:53am | Report
warding is very important but a very heavy burdon if you have to do it on your own. Consider upgrading your boots soon, maybe Mobility Boots.

Either way, you can always take the risk of not warding. :P

Sig made by Hogopogo
DemonSovereign's Forum Avatar
Sep 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 12, 2013 1:35pm | Report
Hmm that reminds me. I was the only person who warded lol. Warded the entire enemy jungle while everyone else pushed lanes. We could see if the enemy was coming and back off at the right time.

I think I won't take that risk of not warding :P
I ward and in exchange I get carried :3
Thanks TinyStar for the amazing sig<3
Care to check out my Mordekaiser guide? I'd appreciate it :D
Dark Metallica-Rocking With Mordekaiser

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