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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 29, 2018 9:14pm | Report

Team lost it late game. Two of us go to clear a huge wave barreling down Top lane. Once of us could probably have done it, but I didn't have a choice in the matter of my companion. The rest of my team decided to take and engage as three and die as three. Then setting setting up for Baron Nashor I run into Thresh and easily back out. The rest of the team runs right into the choke and dies.

Welp, can't really stop stupid.

And of course the 2-8 Ahri never buys any MR vs the Fizz she had been feeding. Sigh.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 29, 2018 10:13pm | Report

You know the this is your Warwick and this is there Warwick videos? Yeah I feel like our Warwick. Every time I try to make a play on this champion I get killed or lose half my health and don't really get much out of it.

But whenver I play against it, he is like the killergizer bunny.

Ekko flamed Ezreal all game long. Ezreal got tired of it and quit.

I fed my *** off as noted above. I'd go in to do something and I would die. Even in fights we won, I would die.

I am making too many mistakes. Usually not huge ones, but enough that I'm letting the games get out of my ability to have some influence on.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 29, 2018 11:17pm | Report

A victory! Had decent laners and we didn't make any unrecoverable errors.

Test case one for Electrocute. I didn't seem to be getting much out of PTA over the course of a game. But that may also be that I'm not using maximally with an AA reset from Titanic Hydra.

I can see Kindred being a pain verses Rek'Sai in more competent hands. My teams was doing well enough that the match-up between them and I did not matter that much.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 30, 2018 9:09pm | Report

I'm glad that Zed can kill me through Ninja Tabi with basically one item. Eh, he may have had a bit more than that at the time, but that sort of the thing is one of the reason I hate playing against AD assassins in Mid. Seems like they just need one kill and then they can run amok through your entire team. By the last fight he could kill Twitch despite me knocking him up as soon as he went on him and since he was a lot of our team fight damage that meant the fight just went downhill from there.

Really have to watch ulting Zed if he shadow swaps back into his team that puts me in a really awkward spot.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 30, 2018 9:59pm | Report

Well Rek'Sai isn't working for me either. Like that I can get in and out of the enemy jungle pretty easy, but is doesn't stop my Mid laners from going ham right after they should have seen Shaco walk over a ward that I placed after invading.

Lissandra roamed Bot a couple of times. Ziggs chooses to follow her rather than annihilating her turret for first turret gold. Le sigh. This is going to be a long one.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 30, 2018 11:14pm | Report

Oy! I don't know what these games are. Nothing is easy. I about tilted myself out of the game after Master Yi stole my Red buff and then I went to his red buff and he managed to kill me there. Then Annie on practically no health roamed in late and tried to kill him and died to him. Like please don't add to my idiocy. So from then on the Master Yi was a problem and kept invading me. Finally Annie started roaming and then the game started to get more even. Garen was just getting dumped on by the Cho'Gath so it didn't look like I would get much help there, but late game he was a definite threat to them and he put in work. I just tried to stun Master Yi before he killed my entire team every team fight. Annie got in on that actioin and tried to delete him every fight, which worked pretty well most fights.

We spotted Master Yi hunting for a pick in our Bot jungle and we were on the other side of the map so I had the team rush down Baron. That really got the game rolling back in our favor even though it still felt like it was a knife's edge, because if we let Master Yi get out of control once in a team fight we were probably donezo. Cho'Gath was also problematic, but we managed to body block and kite sufficiently enough that we were able to deal with him.

I'm not sure what you buy verses a stupidly fed Master Yi with all the true damage he was pumping out, so I just bought Warmog's Armor as my last item to try and last a tiny bit longer and be able to heal up if I did survive.

Note to self, just do a two camp clear vs. Master Yi as his level 2 is pretty good and the little *******s seem to like to invade in my experience.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2018 12:33am | Report

Easy ganks, mid Udyr. Proceeds to burn his Flash and still die at level 1 for standing in the pixel brush in the river. Easy ganks indeed. Too bad you were dead before I could get there Galio. He didn't seem to understand how the Swain and Olaf pairing worked. If he went aggressive and dashed in on the Swain he was just dead if Olaf was around. Swain would pull him in and then Olaf would ax him to keep him in range for Swain and Olaf to kill.

There was one instance where Olaf was invading me and Galio came over to help. I just wanted my farm as I didn't think we could kill Olaf, but apparently we could have so my bad on that.

Guinsoo's Rageblade Udyr is not too shabby, though you typically have to start with a heavy AD item to make it work well, which is a downside if your team doesn't have an actual tank as you end up more of a bruiser with this build, but my can you delete squishes in short order if you can get on top of them.

The Gangplank was honestly the real hero. His ults stymied there advances several times allowing us to get back into the game.

Galio also contributed by stealing the Baron after I killed Olaf in a 1 v 1. I was so low that I couldn't help try and secure it. Twould have been bad if we hadn't have gotten it. We did get it though and that made a big difference.

Swain is a ******ed champion in his current form. I don't mind him being a force, just not this impenetrable wall of death that his team can sit behind. Kind of like a fed Azir. Can't really get near him, though Azir is worse in some ways because at least Swain has to put himself out in front of his team.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2018 11:40am | Report

This game was - how does the line from the movie go? "Like playing cards with my sister's children."

Annie Top who didn't respect the level 3 gank timers. Got chunked hard then walked back into lane and got killed. But mah jungler! Your jungler can't gank for you when you are stupid. She made some plays roaming to Mid but would then just walk back to lane and die to Teemo when her ult was expended. So Top was a problem. Especially with her inting in Mid game, trying to play hide in the bushes. Here is a tip - if Voli is with them and you don't instantly kill all of them you are just dead and you are behind, so you aren't going to instantly kill them all.

We won a fight in Mid lane and pushed down their Inner Mid lane turret and I back pinged for Dragon, but no, we must get the tower. Got some chip damage on the tower. I think we got Dragon, but it was costly because they contested. Should have abandoned that plan once we started in on the turret, so that was my bad as we lost our inner Mid lane turret for it.

We won another fight in Mid and Azir chases after a Volibear rather than taking their Mid base tower and possibly their inhibitor, but it was so we could a a free Baron? What was free about it, Volibear was still up making it a 50-50. But I have my wall!! And I'm actually a pro gamer (that was later in post game chat). Yeah like I'm going to trust a Silver Azir to use their wall correctly after I've seen you flub a couple in skirmishes.

We go back to Baron after that and Azir flubs his wall or maybe never even actually uses it. I don't know I was busy trying to DPS down the Baron while Teemo was shooting me in the face because it was too low to stop. Free!!!!

The End.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2018 1:44pm | Report

I bent Kayn over my knee in this game. Favorite play was bush camping his Red buff and straight up murdering him. I kept it warded on spawn and didn't let him have another one. The rest of the lanes played well so I had the pressure I needed to do that.

Helped Singed when he pinged me for a tower dive on Garen since I was camping Red buff at the time, I knew can was in the area so I was a little hesistant but I guess he was wary of getting mauled again so he went Bot and I went Top to kill Garen and then took the Rift Herald.

With their whole team going to Bot lane I dropped the Rift Herald in Mid lane and Singed picked up their Mid inner turret while the rest of us kited back.

Really like the Enchantment: Warrior into Guinsoo's Rageblade. It is 733 gold cheaper than Trinity Force plus Warrior. The ideal thing would be to pair Enchantment: Cinderhulk as that is 125 gold cheaper than the other enchantments for an even lower price, however Rageblade scales off your bonus AD or AP so you need a big AD or AP item first. If you get far enough into the game you would want to replace your Warrior Enchantment with another item such as Ravenous Hydra if you feel like you need to split push for your team to win or Death's Dance if you need to team fight.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2018 2:16pm | Report

Sivir got destroyed in lane and started running it down Mid. Riven and I managed to kill both Shaco and Renekton in a skirmish, though it was close, I had to switch back to Shaco in light of him probably being squishier than Renekton and since Riven was focusing her efforts on him. Riven was able to clean up the Renekton after Shaco went down.

Not much more to write about since it was such a one sided stomp.

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