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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2018 10:56pm | Report

My team actually managed to get out of laning phase slightly ahead in Mid and Bot!!! Wooo. Much better than realizing you are screwed and being forced to play out the rest of the game in a slow and painful march to the death.

You play like a wuss. And I haven't died 10 times, so what is your point?

People at this ELO have no regard for their life. Like weeeee, I am Leona, leap into the fray with me!!! Into an Illaoi ult? Followed up with a Quinn blind and armor shredding and rockets from Corki? No thanks.

How about we wait for her to ult then kite out with a pillar? Then go back in. Oh look that worked? Who would have thought it?

I am not quite sure how Vladimir kept dying to Elise ganks. She has one form of crowd control. And Illaoi has effectively none. So if you dodge the Elise cocoon you should be gucci.

Bot got pissed at me when I accidentally blocked out Leona with my pillar in a choke. I mean I was only trying to block off like four of their angry teammates who were probably going to end up killing us all once they finished with Leona, but hey. Not really sure what our team was trying to accomplish there in the first place. Mute all worked nicely along with muting the pings from my Bot lane.

Someone suggested turning off the announcer as well so you don't have to hear double kill!!! when your Bot lane overextends and dies. I might have to try that.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 5, 2018 9:24pm | Report

I thought the Malphite Mid and Mordekaiser Top looked a bit sketch, but I did a multi-search on the team and I came out as the weak link, so I figured what the heck.

Team was looking very melee heavy so they asked for some range so I volunteered to play Kai'Sa who I have practiced with in a couple of normals.

And my team actually played well together! In the chat before the minions spawned Mordekaiser was like

"When I hit 6th level I am going to roam down to get the drake."

Then they ammended their statement with "To be clear I need help with the drake." XD

And he did and then we took the Bot turret with it, though I got jumped by three people while trying to get vision in behind the tower. So my bad for walking that way was a squishy ADC.

The rest of it was just timing and taking towers. The team backed each other up and prevented anyone outside of myself from dying.

Quite a fun one to play. Especially with my team hand feeding me kills :)
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 5, 2018 10:44pm | Report

Had to quickly mute the Lux and the Riven. IIRC they both got early kills and then the Riven just didn't play respectfully with respect to Renekton's potential to return the favor so she died and then started whining. For Lux's part she was getting gang banged by Xerath and Kayn but again it was caused by poor positioning in lane.

Anyway, didn't have the best start. Fortunately Riven actually watched my Red buff like I asked her to do and so she was able to chase off of Kayn. Since he was eyeing it I figured I had better go clear it after Blue. Then Kayn ganked Riven and I had a strong suspicion that he would be back so I started up Krugs to be there in case she needed assistance. It would have been a great time to gank Renekton, but I didn't have my pillar yet because I was still only level 2. Anyway this irritated the Riven.

I went over to Raptors and tried to clear that but Kayn ganked Mid so I had to leave off doing that. IIRC that was one of the two ganks that killed Lux so she was irriated at me.

And Bot lane was not doing super hot. Nami was a death magnet during most of the game. Fortunately Riven started popping off and the rest of us were able to support her when she went on her adventures. Most of the time.

Managed to Smite an Infernal Drake away from Kayn in the midst of scrum. I ended up dying for it, but I believe we picked up a couple of return kills.

At some point they dropped Rift Herald in Bot lane and we sent too many people over there to deal with it so we lost our inner Mid lane turret. But I believe that is when Riven went ham and picked up several kills.

Their team didn't play very coordinated after that or we were able to separate a couple from the herd at a time and finish them off making them easy pickings. We aced them and knocked down their Mid base turret and inhibitor and at that point their death timers were long enough that we were able to finish off the Nexus with what we had left in the tank.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 6, 2018 8:56pm | Report

And pooped on by an on-hit jungle Teemo. He was doing enough damage that if you didn't kill him instantly he would delete you in return.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 6, 2018 9:59pm | Report

If there was a way to try and throw this game, my team gave it a whirl. Darius off on solo missions 1 v 5 ing their team just to kill their ADC. Which is great and all except for if the rest of the team isn't in a position on the map to do anything Darius keeping their team busy.

Lost the first Baron. It was in Smite range and then it magically dropped to 200 health and I didn't get it when I tried to Smite it.

Alistar going in 1 v 3 with only Kai'Sa around but half the time not able to back him up because of a bazillion plants poking the hell out of her.

Kai'Sa taking her ult into four of them when we had Baron to siege with.

I am not exactly sure how Brand is a counter to Ekko but I have seen it work twice now, though the first one I saw did it a little better, but that Brand didn't have to contend with and Evelynn sneaking up on him.

I found Evelynn at her blue in the early game and manage to kill her and take her Blue buff.

Definitely had some deaths where I was out of position/didn't respect their ability to collapse on me.

My team responded well to constructive criticism. I asked Alistar to rein it in if we weren't together as a team. Darius stayed with us at the end of the game. Kai'sa admitted going in was a screw up. I had to eat it for being in bad spots a couple of times.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2018 11:57am | Report

Wasn't super stoked about our 25% winrate Irelia in Top lane, or being vs a Twisted Fate in Mid lane, but we took the lead in the early game and didn't let up.

TF was entirely too confident in going after Ziggs so I killed him a couple of times for his hubris.

Messed with Zac in his jungle. We had good wards for Zac in the river and some in his jungle so he didn't manage to get anything done in the early game, while I was having decent success.

All my lanes played well, though later in the game I was a little worried about my Bot lane as they didn't seem to care too much about having vision in places they were walking. But we were causing enough mayhem on the rest of the map they were never punished too hard for their lack of caution.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2018 12:44pm | Report

Should have dodged this one. Their Cassiopeia was good and our Yasuo was not. I think the Yas was in their placements as they didn't have much match history, so I decided to chance it. But I shouldn't have with Top on Galio since they don't seem to have played it recently. Too much of my teams history said get out.

Yas got crushed in Mid lane and then went Top and helped contribute to a double kill against us.

It was taking three of us to kill Sion if I didn't have my ult up and in the meantime they were stomping us elsewhere on the map. But if we left him alone he was knocking down tower.

Not sure what the hell Yasuo was duoing during team fights, but it wasn' super useful to the team. Seemed like he was trying to dive their back line, which might have been useful if he wasn't just getting kited out.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2018 1:27pm | Report

I tried to throw this one. Didn't manage to get my Smite off on a drake. Later we killed Leona but Varus Flashed and Healed to get away. For some reason I decided it was a good time to go get vision in the enemy jungle rather than try to take Bot tower. Varus looped back around at close to full health with Rengar and killed Caitlyn. That cost us and Infernal drake.

But Zoe was doing a good job of keeping Ekko in check and Urgot was winning against Darius. Bot lane was also reasobably competent, so we ended up winning team fights with enough people up to do things after wards.

Did manage to kill Darius when I ganked Top, so that was part of the reason that Urgot was ahead.

Wasn't very far ahead, so I opted for tanky before damage to try and survive engages and keep peeling for the other damage dealers on my team. Worked out pretty well.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2018 2:59pm | Report

Hi, my name is Akali. I have and circle of invisibility that can't be pierced by anything anymore. Oh and it gives me a 4th dash that lets me go over walls. And let me tell you how much I heal for between my passive and Triumph. I'll give you a hint, it is a lot.

Had one instance where I ulted her while she was in stealth and it felt like when I lost vision on her my ult just stopped. I suppose it is possible that I canceled it, but it felt weirdly abrupt like I just popped out of my ult rather than stopping the spin. Dunno.

Should remember that Teemo is not a Gnar counter. Wukong is, but that is generally from kicking his *** in lane.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2018 3:49pm | Report

Bot lane got **** on despite a bunch of help from Twisted Fate and myself.

Made decent progress in the Mid game, wheels came off in the late game with Lux getting picked off over and over again.

I ran around too much and didn't farm enough because the lanes were a cluster. My fault on that. Need to protect my farming time better.

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