The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
Braum is perfectly fine to pick into Blitzcrank if you know what you're doing >.>
By no means a counterpick but he does fine indeed. Braum is also really, really good against Jinx.
I tend to pick Braum (or Morgana) whenever I'm up against Blitzcrank because you can tank all the grabs (by walking into them or abusing your Unbreakable) for your ADC, and then just Stand Behind Me to safety.
I was actually okay with the Braum pick, but given a choice of Braum or Morgana I thought Morgana would be a better choice given that Varus has no escapes. Both of them were queried on their pick choices in champion select after the Blitzcrank was locked in but they were going with them.
Pretty sure if he dies 13 times with Braum he'll die more times as Morgana given how much squishier she is. xD I pick Nami and Soraka against Blitzcrank, I like to live on the edge. xD
Thanks for articulating the reasons that Braum is good against Blitzcrank,MissMaw. Though the thing about Blitzcrank + Jinx is the Rocket Grab + Power Fist + Flame Chompers! combo for the chained CC. I would assume that even Braum would take a beating from all that? Though better the support than the ADC.
I usually prefer Leona into Blitzcrank so I can go ham on their ADC if I get grabbed, though I don't know if I've tried that matchup with a Jinx on the other side.
I usually prefer Leona into Blitzcrank so I can go ham on their ADC if I get grabbed, though I don't know if I've tried that matchup with a Jinx on the other side.
The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
Pretty sure if he dies 13 times with Braum he'll die more times as Morgana given how much squishier she is. xD I pick Nami and Soraka against Blitzcrank, I like to live on the edge. xD
Yeah the Braum was definitely doing some questionable things. About how I probably look playing Braum! XD
You are a brave...or crazy ;) soul!
VexRoth wrote:
Thanks for articulating the reasons that Braum is good against Blitzcrank,MissMaw. Though the thing about Bltizcrank + Jinx is the Rocket Grab + Power Fist + Flame Chompers! combo for the chained CC. I would assume that even Braum would take a beating from all that? Though better the support than the ADC.
by jhoijhoi
I tend to pick Braum (or Morgana) whenever I'm up against Blitzcrank because you can tank all the grabs (by walking into them or abusing your Unbreakable) for your ADC, and then just Stand Behind Me to safety.
You don't even have to dash out. You can also consider it a free gap closer to get in range for Q's. Since I run 0/21/9 with full defensive runes there's no way you're going to die anyway.
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