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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 2, 2015 7:34pm | Report

Ranked Game 11 S5

Runes: Atk Dmg, Armor, MR, Atk Dmg Quints
Masteries: 21-9-0


Pretty much a pub stomp. Caitlyn had some trouble with Tristana early on, but was able to bounce back and carry pretty hard even picking up a quadra kill which demoralized the opposing team causing them to surrender shortly thereafter. Well my deleting Tristana shortly thereafter may also have contributed. ;-)

Ahri did some decent work but definitely got herself killed a time or two by being too gung ho.

I looked over my team and decided I was going tank after Ranger’s Trailblazer - Warrior given that the enemy team had an Aatrox, Yasuo, and Tristana and since Thresh takes a while to ramp up to tank status.

And I should give a mention to Lulu who stomped on Aatrox to the point that he bought a rather early Guardian Angel and for giving both him and Nidalee the run around much of the game, while taking the towers in her lane, letting the rest of us wreck havoc elsewhere.

What I learned:

I’ve started both Dragon Strike and Demacian Standard and I feel like the standard is a better start.

Jarvan’s first clear is about the same to slightly worse with Atk Dmg Marks compared to ArPen Marks, at least when starting standard.

Jarvan IV still puts out pretty good damage even when building to the tanky side.
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Aug 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 2, 2015 8:08pm | Report
Your MMR must be very high if you're getting 30 LP a game o_o

I don't play J4 like, at all, but from what I've heard, Chilling smite is super good on him. Just out of curiosity, why did you end up going with the farming upgrade instead?
Thanks to Ubnoxius for the sig!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 2, 2015 9:22pm | Report
Your MMR must be very high if you're getting 30 LP a game o_o

I am not sure what my MMR is or how it is calculated. Hasn't been a big concern to me since I just started playing ranked last season. What I know is that I started in Silver 3 after placements in Season 4 and then dropped to Bronze 1 after placements this season.

So, if the limited amount I understand about MMR is correct then I think the system is trying to get me out of Bronze.

I don't play J4 like, at all, but from what I've heard, Chilling smite is super good on him. Just out of curiosity, why did you end up going with the farming upgrade instead?

I hated J4 too until I learned to use smart casting. Once I figured that out I could actually reliably hit his knock up which is crucial to ganking with him and escaping bad situations.

I think you could use either on J4 because he already has a slow built into Golden Aegis. I opt for the farming upgrade because his clears aren't that fast early and I want to get to level 6th as fast as possible and gank pretty much every time something looks viable and I have Cataclysm up.

I suppose the ideal thing to do would be to sell Ranger's Trailblazer in favor of Stalker's Blade. I may give that a whirl to see how it works out. Thanks for the idea. :-)
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 2, 2015 9:31pm | Report

Ranked Game 12 S5

Runes: Atk Spd, Armor, Scaling MR, Atk Spd Quints
Masteries: 9-21-0


Another drubbing delivered to the enemy team. I was last pick and the opposing team picked up J4. I was going to go Nunu & Willump since the rest of our team was rather squishy though I didn’t like how many knock-ups they had so I opted for Maokai with my Nunu runes and masteries. Then there was a mad scramble on my part to find out how long the saplings from Sapling Toss last for the first clear. Turns out it is 35 seconds. Glad I looked because my guess was 24 seconds.

Best moment of this game was when Ezreal spotted Rengar and LeBlanc in the river bush near our tower due to a ward placed there. He pinged me over and I walked over and dropped a ward in the side river bush at the entrance to our jungle to make sure no one was hiding in that bush. I noticed that our Jinx and Lulu were closing in from the river so when they got close enough I flashed over the wall and used Twisted Advance to lock down one of them and popped my ultimate, which was probably overkill as the four of us where able to drop their health bars from 100-0 in no time flat. Then we strolled over and took our second of three dragons.

Things I learned/was reintroduced to:

The tree is totally viable in the new jungle
His play style still feels a tad odd to me (tanky thing that lobs things and then jumps on people?)
He is hard to kill steal with, which is nice when you want to make sure your lanes get fed
His updated model looks though doesn't really feel a lot bigger than the previous version
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 3, 2015 6:03am | Report
VexRoth wrote:

Thanks for the build suggestions and the reminder that W is an autoattack reset. I had forgotten the later fact.

I opted for Homeguard in this case because we were doing a lot of base defense, but I prefer Furor if I'm ahead.

When building Trinity Force is that your first big item? Do you go Phage or Sheen first?

Would you build Youmuu's Ghostblade along with Triforce? Or get one over the other? In what circumstances would you build one over the other?

Trinity Force > Berserker's Greaves - Furor > Statikk Shiv > Infinity Edge > Last Whisper, > Defensive Item

Mmmm, guessing you need some lifesteal in build somewhere so that leaves Blade of the Ruined King or Bloodthirster?

I've tried the triforce rush on Sivir but it's not worth it: her W steroid with IE rush is much better. I always go IE - Shyv. From there, I'll get bloodthirster for the lifesteal (or ruined king versus a really strong dive comp, but I try as much as I can not to get it) or a vampiric scepter into ghostblade/triforce if I really need to kite.

I've done ghostblade + triforce but was told it's overkill and I tend to agree. The difference between both is that triforce is more expensive but gives you more sustained damage overal (although the Sheen proc gives some burst, specially with shyv), whereas ghostblade is more run/chase oriented with a window of extra sustained damage due to steroids.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 3, 2015 7:59am | Report
I was doing some reading up on Trinity Force to see if I could decide for myself what would be a better first item and for Sivir I think I would lean toward Phage for the synergy with her passive, Fleet of Foot. Plus Sheen offers little help with last hitting. If I am buying Sheen on an ADC I always try go back with enough money to buy some potions and a Long Sword for the AD.

When doing the IE > Shiv rush do you prioritize Shiv over boots or simply rely on the movement speed boost from Zeal?
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 3, 2015 8:04am | Report
If you're rushing Triforce you start with Phage, yes. IE - Boots - Shyv. In general, you should always try to finish your first major item before getting tier 1 boots, and definitely before tier 2 boots

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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 3, 2015 8:14am | Report
FalseoGod wrote:
If you're rushing Triforce you start with Phage, yes. IE - Boots - Shyv. In general, you should always try to finish your first major item before getting tier 1 boots, and definitely before tier 2 boots

Thanks for the tips. I always waffle on where to put the boots while working on my first major damage item, so some guidance there is definitely appreciated.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 3, 2015 10:01pm | Report

Summary (Game Order From Bottom To Top)

3] Yasuo support. At 0/9/0 Probably enough said. But of course they are Plat on their main and it is the rest of us that suck. And the opposing team’s Lee Sin was pretty good, so trying to deal with his mobility is by itself frustrating. E.g. I just about killed him in my jungle and he flashed over the dragon wall and then came in and ganked top and combined with Darius to kill Jax while only having about 25 hit points. After the Tristana game my duo partner who was on Caitlyn was pretty much ready for a padded room over Yasuo's BS.

2] Psycho Leona that never saw an engage that she didn’t like and she hung around too long and soaked some of my first camp experience setting me off to a rough start in the jungle. My duo partner was 15/5/8 on Tristana so it wasn't like we didn't have any carry potential. We had a decent amount of poke but never got a change to use it due to Leona's propensity to dive in at the drop of a hat.

1] 1/11/8 Kalista and a lot verbal abuse flying between her and Lucian.

#3 was pretty infuriating and I don’t get mad very easily. It is games of that sort that make people not want to have anything to do with ranked. If you would get something from Riot saying that someone had been disciplined after reporting them it would help, but as it is it takes one person to ruin the gaming experience for at least five people. And really 9 because it usually isn’t that much fun to have a no contest. Frustrating.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2015 3:51am | Report

Runes: ArPen, Armor, Flat and Scaling MR, Atk Dmg Quints
Masteries: 21-9-0


The story of this sad game was champion select and a Varus who picked Varus into a Blitzcrank and a formerly Gold Braum that picked Braum into a Blitzcrank when he said he all the champions. Oh and the Varus bought Runaan's Hurricane and couldn’t dodge Rocket Grab.

Then at some point everyone decided to migrate top lane even though I was pinging that the fed Jinx was at our mid inner turret rapidly mowing it down. We lost the mid inner turret, the mid base turret, the mid inhibitor, and me while I was trying to slow the opposing team down long enough for my team to respond.

I told the team to focus Jinx and our Shyvana said and I quote “But the Jinx is not the problem”. Facepalm.

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