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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2015 3:12am | Report
Try AD marks on Nami. :3
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2015 3:48am | Report
VexRoth wrote:

I am dedicating this win to Vynertje whose awesome guide, A Diamond Guide to Mastering the Waves ~ Support Nami, and support advice led me to pick up and try out Nami. Now that I have her runed so she is not so squish I am having a lot of fun with her. :-)


Try AD marks on Nami. :3

Work pretty well but IMO they make you very (read: too) reliant on constantly hitting those basic attacks where you sometimes may not want to. This can happen vs. Blitz/Thresh where you only want VERY short trades (to avoid getting hooked) meaning your main damage comes from W rather than long range autoattacks.

Someone should do the math though on what deals more damage: a standard AA-W combo with hybrid pen or attack damage marks.
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2015 4:10am | Report
Vynertje wrote:


Work pretty well but IMO they make you very (read: too) reliant on constantly hitting those basic attacks where you sometimes may not want to. This can happen vs. Blitz/Thresh where you only want VERY short trades (to avoid getting hooked) meaning your main damage comes from W rather than long range autoattacks.

Someone should do the math though on what deals more damage: a standard AA-W combo with hybrid pen or attack damage marks.

We use to have people doing that, sadly they are gone.
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2015 5:35am | Report
just don't bring NicknameMy because otherwise we have a conclusion like this:

"And therefore it is best to get face of the mountain because it is the most efficient item in the game".

Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2015 1:30pm | Report

Ranked Game 8 S5

Runes: Arm Pen, Armor, Mix of Flat and Scaling MR, Atk Dmg Quints
Masteries: 21-9-0


This was a pub stomp. We beat the other team in every facet of the game.

Highlights were ganking bot at level 6th and converting that into a double kill.

Shen made himself pretty annoying to the other team and didn't die much for it.

Lissandra was having a bit of a hard time with Lux who seemed to have her flash up each and every time I ganked her. But Liss made up for it in team fights and tower defense.

Morgana made good use of Soul Shackles and Dark Binding to keep the enemy locked up in team fights.
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2015 11:01pm | Report

Ranked Game 9 S5

Runes: Arm Pen, Armor, Mix of Flat and Scaling MR, Atk Dmg Quints
Masteries: 21-9-0


This game was going pretty well and then turned into a cluster. We took the outer turrets and first two dragons. After taking mid outer turret three of us rotated top to deal with Nasus and I guess he hit his power spike as he dumpstered all three of us. It was the Dog Train thereafter. We could kill individuals on the team but in the process we were over pursuing giving Nasus time to join the party. We collected ourselves and made a push for mid-inner turret and took that and then went for the mid base turret and that is when things started to go wrong again.

I ulted Nasus to keep him off our team while they finished off the tower and it wasn’t enough as we didn’t get the tower and pretty much got aced in the process.

Need to not ult near enemy towers unless fed enough to instagib my targets.

Had this sensation that I should have started to build tanky early and let it go by and continued to build damage. Will try and look over roster screen to see why that might be (am I the only tanky person? If so should probably go tank). We had Gnar but since Nasus was the one winning that fight he was behind Nasus in items.

Another problem was our Vel’koz trying to ult while in the middle of a scrum or showing up late to a fight and trying to ult the enemy team even though the rest of us were fleeing. Great if they are really low. Not so great if they are healthy enough to retaliate.

Oh, I hate Ziggs and Satchel Charge which enabled him to escape my ult several times with just a sliver of health left. May want to build Ravenous Hydra for him for the splash damage.

Ranked Game 10 S5

Runes: Atk Dmg, Armor, MR, Atk Spd Quints
Masteries: 21-9-0


Nasus support. Do I need to say more? He was very insistent that he was supporting. Even barked at me for taking CS. I just ignored him. He pinged a lot needlessly and died a lot. Toward the end of laning phase he decided he wanted to go top, but Annie said no.

It wasn’t looking good post laning but the team stuck with it despite Nasus being dead half the time and got some picks and picked up some dragons and other objectives, even their mid inhinbitor.

But then they took Baron and locked us up in our base. Fortunately our wave clear was good so we fended them off until we got some kills and ran up to their base and took their two Nexus turrets. They fought us off and then dilly dallied around while we farmed up and got items. We went back into their base and had to take out the inhibs again, but for some reason Zyra didn’t go in this time so we ended up getting slaughtered. They came in and trashed our base but we were up in time to defend. Got some kills and ran to their base and took the Nexus for the win.

Bronze 1 the final result. Oh well, time to grind it back to Silver and hopefully beyond.
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 2, 2015 2:31am | Report
Man you're getting some weird *** comps.

About Nasus, you needed the early camp (silvers/bronzes often don't understand how minion waves work and end up pushing nasus to his tower during the process of trying to deny him, which allows him to farm under his tower). Even so, between all 5 of your team members you should've had enough lockdown to kite him, I'm guessing some skillshots went haywire and some CC was overall misused. Either way, fed dog is always really scary.

Glad you were able to win the Sivir game despite your support ^^
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 2, 2015 7:31am | Report
FalseoGod wrote:
Man you're getting some weird *** comps.

At this elo I believe I'm lucky if I get one top, one mid, one jungler, an ADC and support. XD

Okay that is a bit of hyperbole. People do tend to stick with that meta but they don't seem to know much about comps other than the basics:

Do we have a tank?
Do we have a mix of damage types? (usually)*
If you pick Urgot I'm dodging

*Somewhat frequently insured by me picking someone with the damage type that is the opposite of the majority.

FalseoGod wrote:

About Nasus, you needed the early camp (silvers/bronzes often don't understand how minion waves work and end up pushing nasus to his tower during the process of trying to deny him, which allows him to farm under his tower). Even so, between all 5 of your team members you should've had enough lockdown to kite him, I'm guessing some skillshots went haywire and some CC was overall misused. Either way, fed dog is always really scary.

Glad you were able to win the Sivir game despite your support ^^

I believe Gnar was pushing Nasus into his tower early, but that didn't last long as Nasus started pushing back. I rotated top twice for successful ganks on Nasus, once with the help of Vel'Koz. It was the third rotation after he had gotten the tower down that didn't go so well. XD

But I agree we should have been able to lock him up long enough to deal with him. I'll take some of the blame as I focused too much attention on Jinx and Ziggs before realizing how strong Nasus had become.

FalseoGod wrote:

Glad you were able to win the Sivir game despite your support ^^

Thanks.:-) Me too. We all thought Nasus was joking in champion select. He had Exhaust and Teleport. I told him to drop the Exhaust for Ghost and he did. Then he followed me to lane. Sigh.

Sivir was the first ADC I really tried to play so I am glad that though not the best duelest she is in a pretty good state overall.
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 2, 2015 7:41am | Report
Sivir is pretty strong at lower elos because people cannot deal with her well. As long as you can time your shield properly (wait for the particle//for the sound of them using it. Per example, you know Lee Sin will have to get close so once you hear the "HUUH" you press E), you can just start with W, use it every wave you can but always making sure you take cs (she can even use W to reset her animation).

Up til gold, most ADCs can't even cs properly under tower, many times because their support also doesn't know how the wave + tower damage behaves. Push them, ward decently, save E for need and get out if/when the gank comes. She fits with most supports because she pokes well (alon with nami/sona/lulu/karma/vel'koz), she can help engage with her ult and has some decent burst (Leona), and she also plays well with good peel (janna/nami/lulu/karma). I love playing Sivir.

One thing though, I would probably replace Phantom Dancer with shyv just because it gives you even more pushing power and W poke, and Sivir is very mobile in a way and always moving so she stacks fast, but your call. Also consider Ghostblade or Triforce (and Furor enchantment) against teams that can go ham on you/follow you hard so you really kite them just by auto-attacking
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 2, 2015 8:32am | Report
FalseoGod wrote:
One thing though, I would probably replace Phantom Dancer with shyv just because it gives you even more pushing power and W poke, and Sivir is very mobile in a way and always moving so she stacks fast, but your call. Also consider Ghostblade or Triforce (and Furor enchantment) against teams that can go ham on you/follow you hard so you really kite them just by auto-attacking

Thanks for the build suggestions and the reminder that W is an autoattack reset. I had forgotten the later fact.

I opted for Homeguard in this case because we were doing a lot of base defense, but I prefer Furor if I'm ahead.

When building Trinity Force is that your first big item? Do you go Phage or Sheen first?

Would you build Youmuu's Ghostblade along with Triforce? Or get one over the other? In what circumstances would you build one over the other?

Trinity Force > Berserker's Greaves - Furor > Statikk Shiv > Infinity Edge > Last Whisper, > Defensive Item

Mmmm, guessing you need some lifesteal in build somewhere so that leaves Blade of the Ruined King or Bloodthirster?

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