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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2016 8:07pm | Report

Applied the Wu to good effect. Didn't hurt that all the lanes were doing reasonably well, albeit with my help in some cases. The Nunu & Willump mid didn't work out for them all that well. Part of the reason I picked Wukong was for that and also I've found it sometimes helps to keep Nasus bouncing around in the air so he can't unload on your team.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2016 10:01pm | Report

They had no ADC and were pretty much all AP so that made itemizing against them pretty easy. Their Lux and Morgana bought lane gave our Bot lane fits. I went over and tried to help and it didn't go so well since Fizz showed up in time for a countergank. Though things were lookng fairly grim when Lux and Morgana started rotating and taking towers. I bascially had to sit and watch them take two since it was too dangerous to get close to them. Once we got some MR though it got easier and on top of that Ryze came on line and started doing work. With not steady source of DPS we were able to mop them up in team fights.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2016 10:11pm | Report

Top wanted Fiora so I asked him to get me Hecarim though I said if he did that then we needed an AP Mid laner. Our Mid chose Zed, so our Top asked for Rumble instead. All well and good. Except Zed didn't connect for the first 10 minutes of the game and Rumble died at the 4 minute mark so we couldn't remake the game. Then Rumble died again. And again. And again. Apparently Rumble into Sion is a losing matchup especially when you have a Gragas to help you out and the other team's jungler (me) is busy holding Mid lane as best I can against a Yasuo who is getting to basically free farm. Yasuo got big and they had enough knock ups to set him up nicely which meant that we ended up losing some team fights that looked like me might have a chance. It was really annoying how tanky Yasuo felt given that he is supposed to be a squishy melee, but he was far enough ahead in terms of level and items that he felt impossible to kill especially if there was a minion wave nearby for him to dash through.

Frustrating loss.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 11, 2016 4:20am | Report

If that Twisted Fate wasn't a smurf, I'll eat my shorts. Picked a gold card every single time. Used their ult just as soon as they hit level 6 for a successful gank. Got a gold card off after i had him stunned under his turret in an early dive. Uh-huh. Bot lane just got demolished. Two spell shields and just destroyed.

Cleaned up a kill on Pantheon. Couldn't gank Twisted Fate as he would just gold card me every rotation. By the time I got to Bot, it was seriously dangerous to try and get to Kog'Maw and we would invariably only kill trade.

Mid game their global pressure just got to be too much. Should have played Shen but I didn't think of it in time. Oh well.

Another frustrating one, this one for being so one sided.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 11, 2016 10:00pm | Report

Lee Sin really wanted Mid but got put in Top. Awesome. Another Lee Sin Top. They tend to get first blood, maybe even a second kill, but then their lane opponent outscales them or the enemy jungler starts to camp and they are useless after that. Kind of like Yasuo..except I really didn't help Yasuo much as our Bot lane with Annie ADC was constant need of blood transfusions because for some reason they though it would be a lovely idea to get near a Blitzcrank while one of them had backed. Syncronize your backs idiots and stay safe or go roam to another lane if you don't have anything else to do.

Lee Sin and Annie claimed to be smurfs. Which is just freakin rude. If you are a higher ranking player leveling another account, shut your pie hole and win lane and win game.

Lee Sin was *****ing about me stealing all the kills. A sure sign that they are not in fact a higher ranking player, who knows that a kill is a kill even if doesn't end up on the optimal champion, especially if you can get objectives after the kill. And of course Annie ADC. Again a sign that they are not in fact a smurf or they are trolling. Play freakin' TF if you want to have an ADC with a stun. Or maybe you know, Jhin or Ashe who are both quite strong right now.

Anyway, I actually had fun with this game and we did better than I expected we would. We might have won if Yasuo didn't decide to split push when we were rotating to their Top tower. Since you know we have a Zac who can set him up with a knock-up at will. We end up getting caught and lose the team fight sans Yasuo who does manage to get a Nexus tower but then dies thereafter. Then he Teleports back in after reviving to try and get the other turret and dies pretty much instantly. Final fight, Yasuo snagged by a Blitzcrank pull and there goes a lot of the damage that we would have needed to mount a defense considering they had Baron and the Elder Dragon buff on them.

And did I really only get an S- on Zac for that scoreline?

I probably should have bought an Abyssal Mask since I was the main source of magic damage on my team.

The Zac damages though. Funny - Not Funny. I always pick Zac when we have a Yasuo on our team thinking that should synergize well and it almost never works. My win rate on Zac is rather abysmal at 27% despite actually having pretty good stats on him at a KDA of approximately 4:1. For some reason I just can't close out games with him, despite the fact that he has great engage, good damage, and is rather tanky with a typical jg build.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2016 11:33pm | Report

I felt like our team comp needed Amumu. Ganked Top after my first back and we picked up a kill on Darius. Ganked Mid and picked up a kill on Lissandra. Then Cho'Gath nommed Katarina. He tried to kill me after but went to ham and got into turret range so he died instead. Got a revenge kill on Darius after he took out Riven. And then Kat and I teamed up to kill Lissandra again. So I was doing pretty well by tend of laning phase.

Things would have gone a little more smoothly if my team waited for me to engage. Several times they were so far ahead of me that I couldn't really get into to position to pull off a good Curse of the Sad Mummy.

Had a couple of positioning mistakes that got me killed. One was trying to rescue Riven who of course managed to run out of that fight leaving me in the middle of five of them. A second was picking up turret aggro while Darius was going ham on our somewhat low health team while we were sieging their Mid base turret.

I would have liked to have gotten Bot more, but their Bot lane generally had our Bot lane pushed in so I couldn't lane gank and they had the lane warded well enough that they were able to back off when I showed up. However I got Riven and Katarina ahead + the Rift Herald buff for Riven so they were able to roam and make plays, with Kat helping out Bot quite a bit. Unfortunately they kind of needed it so latish game I guess Vayne felt sufficiently far behind that she was farming our jungle while our team was making plays around the map which meant we had some deaths we probably shouldn't have if we had our ADC with us. She picked up a double kill late game which netted us their Top tower and inhibitor and then helped to take the Nexus so there is that.

Overall, this went pretty well for having something of an odd team composition.

Still need to be better at not toggling off Despair during the middle of a fight or even forgetting to toggle it on until I notice that it is not on. Also wish Riot would make the graphic for it something other than a ground effect graphic that quickly gets lost in the middle of a scrum which is what Amumu does. That would potentially offer more counter play as enemies would also find it more noticeable.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 15, 2016 11:37pm | Report

Easilty winnable game. Thrown by the Jax who was dead set on split pushing sans Teleport and who didn't have the sense to run away when they sent 3 people after him. If you manage to last long enough that we can get something with that time, okay fine, but if you can't join the team and kill carries. Jax does that well too.

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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 16, 2016 8:00am | Report

Helped our Bot lane pick up and early kill which helped set the tone for that lane. Burned Ryze's Flash to give Tryndamere some breathing room. And while I didn't directly help Veigar get a kill on Zed I did stymie a couple of ganks against him by being a presence in the area. With all lanes effectively winning I got Tryn to start splitting as he was trying to group this helped us pick up some towers while we had their team otherwise occupied. Thresh while missing some abilities here and there did a pretty job of hooking champs so that gave us some opportunities to pile on and get some quick kills. I did much of the same though early in fights I would hang out by our carries if we couldn't get a pick and would simply ult Zed or Warwick if they ulted a target.

Fairly smooth as soloqueue games go.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 16, 2016 12:31pm | Report

Wasn't quite sure about the Fiddlesticks pick, but we already had Tahm Kench and Volibear locked in so I felt like we had a sufficieny of tank and since our Mid went with Graves I was glad we had some magic damage. Graves was pushing the heck out of the Taliyah early, but she kept outplaying him by taking advantage of his overaggression and chucking him into her turret or getting a bunch of burst damage on him when he would dash over her exploding mine field, so I was worried about dealing with a fed Taliyah. But Graves picked it up Mid game and started getting a bunch of kills. Tahm killed Tryndamere and then Teleported to Top lane and helped them pick up a kill. I mainly did CC bot duties and kept Jax and Tryndamere off of our carries, with the occassional ult to lay down a bunch of damage. I was ahead enough that I was able to get a Zhonya's Hourglass early so when we hit their Mid inner turret I was able to Ult in to push them off the turret and use Zhonya's stop taking damange, which allowed us to push that turret down.

Another smooth one for the most part.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 16, 2016 11:36pm | Report

Didn't have much impact on the early game other than helping Pantheon get a kill on Fiora. Constantly seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Still didn't do anything majorly dumb and helped my team out where I could.

Quinn and Blitzcrank were wrecking their lane opponents and Gangplank would up absorbing quite bit of jungle pressure without being too much the worse for wear.

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