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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 16, 2016 11:46pm | Report

One of the better Yasuos I've played against. Once he got his ult I learned I had to stay completely behind my minion wave and also take care to make sure I had a tower behind me. Pre-6 you can knock him up if he tries to dash onto you, assuming he doesn't block it with his Wind Wall. Picked a nice early kill onto Evelynn who tried to clear the wave after Yasuo either died or had to back while on really low health. Burned her down with a close to max range ult. Zac tried to help but since he doesn't have any hard CC he couldn't keep Yasuo from dashing around and didn't bring enough damage to finish him off even if I managed to get a knock-up on Yas, so he basically wound up just pushing my lane a couple of times. Between Rumble, Lucian, and Thresh we were doing pretty well in the other lanes. Rumble really started rocking it in the later part of the game despite having a few miscues earlier in the game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2016 7:29pm | Report

Went for a little more tanky build and just focused on keeping Draven and Vel'Koz alive since I didn't come out of the early game ahead. The salt was flowing in the comments on this one. I just ignored it all and went about my business. Vel managed to kill Fizz twice early, but Fizz didn't some roaming and got himself back in the game that way and then he started killing Vel'koz with quite a bit of help from Lee Sin. Lulu killed Irelia once early but after that Irelia got the better of Lulu which meant we had a fairly fed Irelia running around causing problems for us. They actually got all the dragons including the elder dragon and they got the first Baron, though I managed to Smite the second one even though their entire team was up and made a play on it. After that we rolled them up for the win.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2016 8:31pm | Report

Can't say I'm really impressed with Ryze support. Would have dodged but since I'm in promos that would have been an automatic loss anyway. Darius fed the **** out of Singed with a little help from their Amumu and my Bot lane was always dead by the time I was in position to gank so really couldn't make any headway there. Murdered [Katarina]] 2 or 3 times, but it didn't add up to enough.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2016 10:21pm | Report

Did ninja things. Netted our Bot lane a couple of kills. Pantheon was winning Top and Ashe and Zilean were winning Bot with the aforementined help from me. Noc was picking up kills via roaming, but he wasn't all out murderizing Vel'Koz. Basically we only really had to deal with a fairly strong Nocturne so we were eventually able to roll over them. Paranoia is definitely annoying for Shen since you lose vision and Nocturne kills squishy champions so fast so you generally can't ult in to save the day for whoever he targets.

Fun game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 17, 2016 10:27pm | Report

This one happened prior to the Shen game above. It was my 2nd promo game to try and get Silver 3. On the bright side if I don't drop completely out of Silver 4 again, I'll have one win going into my next round of promos.

This was a **** show. Good team fighting comp, but too bad we never actually made it to team fighting as we got pummeled in pretty much every lane.

Can't say I'm impressed with Ryze Mid so far either. Though it is a little soon to past verdict on the rework especially when a Silverish level player is playing it.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 18, 2016 10:19pm | Report

So we were winning this pretty handily. However my team had a hard on for the Elder Dragon, but we just did not do any damage to it. No crit, no Blade of the Ruined King and no Earth Dragons to our name. They got all mad at me for trying to run down Trundle after we mauled them in a team fight. I'm like look at how much damage you've done to and you have been wailing on it forever. I wasn't going to help that much. They really all respwaned and we han't even gotten it much below half health. That is a hella long time in game terms that late into the game.

Despite giving up at least two Barons and the Elder Dragon we kept coming out ahead in fights. Finally we caught Trundle trying to clear the Top lane and then ended up chasing a bunch of them up Top lane and picking up more kills. I held back and cleared the minions so we would have a minion wave breaking on their Top base turret shortly after we arrived. We were able to ride that in for the victory.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 19, 2016 7:56am | Report
Midish season review:

Reviewing my OP.GG stats as I've taken to do periodically, with the intent of looking at the champions I'm having success on to put more emphasis on them and to put down or consider some concentrated normals games on ones that I look like I need work on.


I tend to play a lot of champions in the jungle with the intent of having an ideal pick for the particular match-up. The Mid-Season Mage update shook up the two champions I was maining Vel'Koz and Shyvana, though Vel'Koz's changes have been largely reverted so he feels like he is in a decent spot. Shyvana on the other hand feels less effective. Between the nerfs she received to Twin Bite and the removal of Enchantment: Devourer her ability to deliver sufficient damage in a quick burst feels like it is lacking, which means more potential kills get away than they would have previously which makes it harder for her to snowball and if she doesn't snowball you tend to lose post 30+ minutes into the game.

Shyvana is my most played champion this season with 58 games and a 64% win loss record. I've won games with her since the Enchantment: Devourer removal, but she definitely feels less dominant. Wondering if Ghost might be the answer as you quite often have to give up on potential kills if they are able pull away from you. Also invading after a Red start has worked for me against champions with somewhat low sustain like Hecarim, though whether Ghost or Exhaust would be more useful in such cases might require some testing. I think the thing is I don't have a case where I think Shyvana would be the best choice here other than when I see teams with low mobility and few snares or stuns.

Gragas is still strong but I'm only holding a 44% winrate on him and haven't played him in a while. Explosive Cask can be such a wild card at times. Some days I nail them perfectly, but other days...

Volibear is still strong but again I'm not getting the most out of him having a 43% winrate. I tend to wreck with him or not do much.

Skarner Sitting at a 54% winrate with him though I really only got over the less than 50% hump this past week. I tend to feel very strong with him if I get a chance to farm it out, but if the enemy jungler gets his team ahead through early ganking then Skarner can feel lackluster. I think I've found a happy medium on him where I have a good idea for when to go for picks on him and when to sit on my carries and stun or Impale targets that are going on to my carries.

Udyr haven't really played him since he was heavily nerfed.

Zac I really enjoy playing Zac but I have not been able to translate my enjoyment for him into wins. Currently sitting at 27% win rate with him, though I tend to pick him when we have a Yasuo on our team and most games that hasn't translated into a useful synergy.

Shen Shen is definitely a bit on the clunky side which tempers my enjoyment with playing him. Wish his autoattack animation was faster and smoother. I tend to pick him when we need a tank and they have global threats so I can pop in to even the odds. At a 67% win rate out of of 9 games played, I think I should probably keep him on my list.

Hecarim 25% winrate despite having some really good scorelines with him. E.g. I still have a 4:1 KDA on him despite only winning 2 ranked games with him. I feel like you need to close the game out with him fairly early as his late game feels somewhat anemic, but that means getting my team to pick up the pace to match mine and I haven't been able to make that happen in soloqueue.

Wukong fun to play and I've got a 71% winrate on him. Early clear is definitely on the painful side, but he brings a heap of damage when he ganks, especially post 6. Though post level 11 is when he really brings the pain with respect to his ult damage.

Graves 57% winrate with 7 games played. Find it a little tedious to kite the camps with him, but can't deny that I appreciate the burst damage he brings to the equation. Tempting to put some more time into to try and learn a more control style of jungling.

Amumu ...I tend to either wreck with him or have a meh game at best. 43% winrate at the moment. He also isn't my favorite jungler to play as I get tired of nailing 5 man ults only to have my team stand there doing nothing in awkward surprise. There is a big freakin' circle where everyone one is snared, you should know what to do with that!

Ekko ...haven't really tried him since the base damage nerfs and the other nerfs he received. My estimation was that his early jungle clear was going to be even worse and it wasn't that great to begin with. 67% winrate pre-nerfs, so could still be worth thinking about.

Warwick I'm actually really enjoying Warwick, especially against him mobility squishy assassin types. Zed is not so slippery when you can just ult onto him and keep him locked down for a considerable amount of time and if you keep track of shadows you can ruin his day even if he successfully kills your laner before you can intervene.

Rek'Sai I feel like I still don't know enough about the game to really make her work. 20% winrate. Feel like I'm kind of useless in team fights after I Unburrow for a knock-up, especially if I miss it. Also I find maintaining a useful Tunnel network to be somewhat tedious though to be fair that has something to do with not being completely comfortable with where to put them. Predictive jungling is still something I need to work on more.

Nocturne 50% winrate. Feels hard to solo carry with unless you get super far ahead. I do enjoy those gamse where 1 Paranoia = 1 or more kills as it can really get into the heads of the opposing team.

Evelynn 50% winrate. I've been able to get my team ahead in the early game with her, but I quite often haven't been able to translate that into a win and if you don't get ahead in the early game you can feel rather useless.

Fiddlesticks 3 wins - 100% winrate. Approximately 16:1 KDA. Fun to play if your aren't bullied too much early game. Needs to be on the list.

Olaf - 33% winrate. I feel like you have to take him into the right comp for him to work well/there are often better choices. Have had some success going straight into tank and only picking up damage items later in the game.

Kha'Zix 0% winrate. Nuff said.

Xin Zhao 50% winrate but only 2 games played. Think the Enchantment: Devourer nerfs may have killed him and other junglers feel more impactful when behind.

Jarvan IV I've only played him once this season but it went well which has tempted me to try him more, however there are so many champions now that can hop out of his ult that it feels kind of sad at times. His early jungle sustain is also lackluster. In the game I brought him out it felt like people had seen so little J4 that they didn't know how to play against him so he has that going for him.

Rengar I've only played one ranked game on him, so the jury is still out. I find him fun to play though.

Diana also only one game on her and she is another champion I've always enjoyed playing.

Jungle Short List

Skarner, Shen, Wukong, Warwick, Fiddlesticks

Mid Lane

Uh yeah, I pretty much play Vel'Koz unless the match-up is terrible for him and I really haven't settled on an alternative. One game in as Cho'Gath vs a Katarina, which went decently for me, but the rest of my team didn't manage to hold up their end of the bargain and I didn't manage to carry them.

I've tried Morgana a few times, but just don't feel like I get things done with her from Mid lane.

Would like to jump into something that was more lane dominant and had more roaming potential that can also deal with assassins reasonably well. Maybe Ahri? But I need to get down a do a tone of practice in normals and there aren't a lot of Mid lane champions I feel super comfortable with.

Wish Kassadin's Force Pulse wasn't gated by having to have 5 spells cast in his vicinity. Super clunky and means his wave clear kind of sucks, which limits his roaming. More Null Sphere damage would be nice but I'd really like for them to just smooth out his kit and boost his wave clear even if only slightly.

Perhaps Fizz? He has that god fed-Fizz gg type effect on enemy teams. I'd have to learn to lane with him better than I understand how to now.

And I got a chance to play Ahri last night vs a Katarina. Many things to work on, but it was fun ulting in to Charm someone then chunking them with Orb of Deception and Fox-Fire.

Mid Short List:

Vel'Koz, tentatively Ahri
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 20, 2016 6:55am | Report
Updated champion pool as of 7-20-2016

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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 20, 2016 7:32pm | Report

Bit of a weird flow to the early game with Heimerdinger and Yasuo dying to early Shyvana ganks.... But fortunately Bot was wrecking minus a small hiccup when they got roamed and TPd on.

Not my finest game, but enough to put me into Silver 3 once more.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 21, 2016 8:18pm | Report

Thought about going Skarner but didn't really want to try and run through Veigar's Event Horizon. Still managed to get stuck in that damn thing a couple of times. I don't like Elder Dragon as an objective unless you can do it really safely over Baron as it takes too long to kill. Had a couple of games of late where going for that over Baron ended up being a mistake.

I over chased a couple of times in this game. Also probably shouldn't have ulted Lux around the Dragon pit. Should have saved it for Jinx or Veigar. Did learn that if Lux starts the animation for her ult before you ult her it still goes off. That was a bit frustrating as it did a decent chunk of damage to my team.

We had trouble dealing with the Maokai. Well that and the Fiora that Rengar fed the bajesus out of. And that with me coming over to help him kill her twice.

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