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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 29, 2015 12:31pm | Report

Match History

Quinn indeed ****s on Nasus. Too bad their Brand came Top and then Mid when I switched with Yasuo. We probably still would have done okay, except our Kalista got REKT and Alistar who was moaning about it didn’t have the sense to back off or was in to deep given a Thresh hook, flay, box, and Ashe perm-slow after Kalista went down. Guessing he was pretty tilted by the Kalista’s 3rd death or so in the first 12 minutes.

Enough ranked for the time being.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 29, 2015 6:18pm | Report

Match History

Oy! This one was painful for me. Fortunately the lanes were doing well without my intervention. I basically just helped speed up the end of the game by helping my team get some picks and split pushing down some towers while my team kept them busy on the other side of the map.

Made an early mistake in misjudging how persistent Rengar invading my jungle was going to be. He somehow followed me to my Red side of the jungle after I bugged out and head over there after I spotted him invading. I flashed his bolo and went to the red side of my jungle, where I killed the Raptors, took the scuttle crab, and then took Krugs, skipping Red because I felt it would make me too low, and then went over by our Top inner tower, but not far enough apparently because Rengar somehow spotted me and tossed a bolo over the wall and then finished me off. Need to watch the replay on that one to see how he did it.

Hmmm, well he was specifically hunting for me, he got lucky and saw the barest hint of my Duskbringer through the wall separating the Krugs from the Red Buff side bush. So I had the right I idea, I just should have waited to back after I was actually under the turret, or had my finger on Shroud of Darkness just in case, or both. I think I was also spotted out by river bush ward top side as I went to get the Top side scuttle crab so I could life steal some health back before hitting the rest of my jungle. Also play even more conservatively when my Flash is down.

And think about the best angles to fire off Duskbringer so it doesn't reveal my presence. I already do take some care with that, but apparently I can do better.

And another thing I picked up from the replay, before it cut out, is the fact that I seem to be using Duskbringer prior to using Paranoia. I need to hold onto that for the damage boost and the speed increase when I actually get on them.

So under ideal circumstances, I would active Youmuu's Ghostblade + Paranoia contact + AA to get the slow from Dead Man's Plate + Duskbringer for the bonus damage and movement speed + Shroud of Darkness to block any spells they might try to use on me + Unspeakable Horror for the damage and fear + Chilling Smite if they have survived the rest of that and are trying to get away.

Or more simply put, not considering items.

Shroud of Darkness
Unspeakable Horror
AA them to death
Smite if it up and I need to use it.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 30, 2015 8:10am | Report
Agenda item: practice ganking lanes by simply walking into lane and auto attacking my target. Don't use gap closers until after they flash.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 30, 2015 10:14pm | Report

Match History

1 LP away from Silver 2 promos. Hopefully I can get this before they set things back to 0. Zed was screwing around a bit, which got him killed a time or two, but he still had a big impact on the game. Corki kept forgetting to grab his package. I had to remind him several time throughout the game. Master Yi was devoting a lot of his time Top lane and though Gangplank died to ganks a couple of times he acquitted himself well with some Teleport ganks and usually timely ultimates.

Did better with simply strolling into lane and only using my gap closers and CC when I needed to. Went overkill a couple of times though and having those abilities and actives unavailable bit me in the butt. So that is a thing I will try to work on (only using what I need to in order to take care of business).

Also should have just started building tank only after my two damage items. At least I think that would have helped me survive longer in a couple of instances and do clean-up.
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 30, 2015 10:23pm | Report
My god your comp was terrible and you still managed to win. Great job!
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 30, 2015 11:24pm | Report
My god your comp was terrible and you still managed to win. Great job!

XD. Thanks. It was an awful comp. I politely suggested that we get some AP after I first picked Nocturne and saw our second pick was Gangplank. We got Zed XD. Our ADC switched to Corki at my suggestion, and Soraka is just OP in a lot of ways, so it worked out since our team both individually played well and rotated a lot to help each other out.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 30, 2015 11:30pm | Report

Match History

Damn some brutal games for me to get into my series, but I am finally in it. Kha'Zix loved me some of my jungle. I had to get Tracker's Knife just to keep tabs on the damn bug. Fortunately, I also run Exhaust on Shyvana so I had some ability to deal with him without dying 1 v 1 and it gave my team time to converge on him. I don’t like not having the slow from Stalker's Blade but you do what you have to do sometimes. Brand was winning lane early but then Kha'Zix decided to camp mid which got Katarina rolling. I didn’t have a lot of stellar gank opportunities and had to back a lot due to my run-ins with Kha'Zix, so I just tried to farm up as best as I could.

Gnar went beast mode a couple of times and got some good stuns, which helped us start to even things out, but he also went full ham in the smelly kind of way when he bit off more than he could chew, which got me killed at least once when I turned to try and support him, unfortunately without Blade of the Ruined King neither of us could kill Nautilus very fast. I had to go Spirit Visage as my first item after Enchantment: Devourer and Ninja Tabi to deal with the fed Katarina then into Randuin's Omen as Jinx was starting to hurt and we were having trouble focusing on her, which got me killed at least twice, when I got split from my team trying to zone her out of fights.

They tried to take Baron with only 3 members of their team. Fortunately, we had a ward that showed us what was going on so our team rushed over there to contest it and we got Jinx, then there was some more running around and finally we decided to take Baron ourselves which succeeded. Unfortunately Gnar and I died shortly thereafter in the aforementioned attempt to run their team down after Baron. Gnar and I went the rest of the team didn’t. We took too long and the rest of their team was able to show up.

Top lane was pushing so I went over there to push it out and found Cho'Gath doing the pushing. I chased him to their outer tower and the rest of my time went up Mid lane and punched their team in the mouth. I just kept Cho from backing by running in and whacking him to cancel his back. Fortunately I was tanky enough at that point to survive him and the occasional tower shot. With him unable to back the rest of my team was able to secure the enemy Nexus for the win.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 30, 2015 11:47pm | Report
Congrats on getting into promos. I just got into Diamond 4 promos for the first time, and it feels quite weird to finally get out of a division that I had previously (season 4) been stuck in for so long.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 31, 2015 12:41pm | Report
utopus wrote:
Congrats on getting into promos. I just got into Diamond 4 promos for the first time, and it feels quite weird to finally get out of a division that I had previously (season 4) been stuck in for so long.

Thank you! :) I've been trying to learn how to get better at the game, so it is nice to have some progress based on my efforts. I saw your announcement! That rocks! Congrats to you. I only have vague dreams of hitting diamond. That seems a long way off from where I am currently at. Right now my goal is to get Silver 2. After that I will look at Silver 1 and so on and so forth.
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 31, 2015 5:00pm | Report

Match History

Not sure what the hell that game was. Karma got ganked by their non-jungler, I think. They then started spamming pings over any over and *****ing at Xin Zhao for not return ganking. And then repeatedly ran into lane to feed Brand another kill. Our Vayne who actually had good last hitting mechanics had no sense, so for every kill they got they also died. So when they said they would carry despite Karma and I was like “yeah, right.”

Our Singed at some point says “I see that Karma has pinged 45 times since the beginning of the match, what does she want? I muted her about 5s into the game.” Karma didn’t want anything at that point other than to feed. “Good luck with your loss.” was all she said.

To add insult to injury, I DCd probably about 2 min before the end of the match and didn’t get to report the Karma player and probably got reported for DCing. Argh!!!

Well here is to hoping I can win the next two. And Charter is getting a nasty gram from me. My connection has been rock solid for months and for some reason over the month of December my internet seems to be dropping at least once a night completely unpredictably.

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