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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 29, 2016 11:14pm | Report
And the graphics glitches in the client are back again. The client is now also crashing on me from time to time, which cost me 3LP for a queue "dodge", which of course happened right after I had two other queues where people dodged.

Played around on my alternative account trying to make some progress getting it into silver.

It went rather well, with 3 wins in a row.

Karthus game - I was doing some scouting on and I noticed that Karthus had a pretty good win rate and only has a few bad mathch-ups, that aren't all that bad if you just hang back and farm. After a normal game with him and watching Valkrin play a couple of mathch-ups I gave him whirl in ranked. And it went rather well though I was up against a Lee Sin, which I didn't figure out until too late to switch my runes around to be vs AD.

Evelynn game - didn't really know who to pick so I opted into Evelynn with the idea of trying to gank early and ganking often. I am definitely a bit rusty on her clear because I took way more damage than I would have liked. The ganking early didn't actually happen, but after I got my ult, I cemented our Bot lane's lead with a lane gank that netted me a kill and assist. Since our Ahri was stomping their Zilean and our Renekton was holding his own vs their Shen we were able to sew this one up pretty easily.

Shen game - the early game was rough. Our raptors got marked right after I did Red Buff so I went over there and not thinking about it, I went ahead and Smited the large Razorbeak but didn't kill it. In strolls Kindred who simply smites it to finish it off for a mark. Grrr. I got out of that relatively unscathed though missing the XP and gold from at least the large Razorbeak which set me somewhat behind, which isn't great on Shen because his clearing speed is rather low. At some point I went to Top lane to help GP and we got ring around the rosied by Yasuo and Ekko and then Kindred also showed up. As I recall they ended up picking up a double or triple kill on us during that fiasco. However, Kassadin eventually roamed down and picked up at least a double kill in return, which put him in a good spot. Late game, we figured out we could start off fights with Gangplank's ult and then lay into them while they were slowed. I spent my time trying to CC their damage dealers or keep divers off of Jinx. She returned the favor by picking up multiple triple kills over the course of several fights. Last fight she was the only champion standing on the map and since we had already taken their Nexus towers Jinx was able to stroll into their base and take their Mid inhibitor and then their Nexus for the win.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2016 10:41am | Report

Bronze to Silver promo life. This one should have been in the bag but then my team started taking some bad engages and being too spread out across the map getting picked. We took their mid tower and inhibitor. I pinged dragon. Kalista hung back screwing around getting herself killed which means her damage wasn't available for dragon. Pantheon ults in and dragon was still too high for me to smite. However, if I had accounted for the damage his ult did, I could have smited then, but I chose to smite him instead to keep him from running out with Ghostblade active and jumping on Syndra. We scatter and I barely get out with the help of Thresh. Still a very winnable game, but then Thresh wanders off and gets himself killed. After Thresh revives I signal my team to go for a Baron bait, except Maokai TPs onto the ward they are standing on, activates a Turbo Chemtank and runs in to no effect since they knew he was coming in, but it baits my team to follow him into the jungle. Thresh catches sight of a target, so he hooks them and goes over the wall to start an engage and pretty much dies then and there and they follow up with a Leona ult and then an Annie ulted on the rest of my conveniently grouped up team. GG.

I need more practice with Elise in team fights. I find it hard to pick out appropriate targets when the **** hits the fan, especially ones in the jungle where the terrain adds to the chaos.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2016 12:21pm | Report

Kind of feel like Lissandra is more of a counter to Kassadin in the late game. He brings more damage in the early laning phase, which is point and click, and can shield much of your damage in the early game. Sure if he gets too close you can momentarily root him and get a Thunderlord's proc on him, but once he has his ult he can just pull up short out of range of Ring of Frost. Fortunately this game our Lucian was on fire and we were able to do just enough to protect him to make sure he could continue picking up kills.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2016 1:53pm | Report

I was hoping to get an early gank off on Zyra so I went Krugs, Raptors, Red, but Ryze had her too pushed in for me to make it work so I went to my Blue side and scared off Shyvana who was eyeballing my Blue buff. I managed to stymie/ward off a couple of Shyvana ganks Top lane which helped Tahm keep his lead. Everyone kept getting away on rather low health, so didn't really start a snow ball. Tahm was doing well, Mid was holding their own, and Bot was winning so I just picked up my damage items and did knock-up duty when it was needed with an assassination or two in-between for variety.

Finally made it back to Silver 2 which is where I was at the end of pre-season so I'm stoked about that. :-)
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2016 8:26pm | Report

And I should continue to stay away from playing Elise. I can usually pick up kills on her, but I don't know who to use her well enough to really snowball the early game in which case I feel like she becomes too team reliant to carry a game.

Xin Zhao is still dumb as long as you have some sense with respect to when to engage or not.

Ekko yep, his clear is even worse than it was before and I find it much harder to play him glass cannon than tank. Glass canon I suspect is much easier when the rest of your team is also doing well so you don't become the focus of everyone's attention and this game my team was anything but ahead.

So, stymied for the moment in my quest to get this account out of Bronze, but I've got one win in the bag for the next go round.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2016 9:54pm | Report

Well, every lane managed to give up one or more solo kills. That is sans jungler involvent. I pulled off ganks on Ryze and Viktor that they both managed to skate out of with about 20 health, so no love there. Karma was basically useless, with no sense of positioning or timing, which lead to her multiple deaths. Draven DCd for a time, which skrewed up the momentum in that lane and meant that Miss Fortune got a farm lead. Beaten by a Riven jungle. Sad day. :-(

Interesting Ryze build.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2016 11:22pm | Report

That feeling when you are 1 off flame horizoning your lane opponent in farm and the rest of your team is cocking it up so badly that you still lose, despite TPing and roaming to pick up kills and save turrets.

Shen gave up and started AFK farming the jungle after, according to other players on our team, dithering around fights, doing nothing while they died. I saw the AFK farming but not the other incidences. Was going to report him for giving up, but the client crashed on me while trying to do so.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 6, 2016 10:30am | Report

Can I have a game where I have one winning lane? Please? Is that too much to ask? Sona and Vayne got absolutely **** on. Illaoi gave up a kill to a Volibear she knew was there. Brand was sort of holding his own against Viktor. Got a nice gank off against Viktor] but we apparently didn't have enough damage to kill him so he just walked back to his turret. Ended up getting a shut down on Draven when he went too ham and ran past our turret, but it was really too late for that lane. He could pretty much two shot Sona and her sense of positioning was not good, so she would glide into his range frequently. No pressure in any of the lanes. Draven even left lane for a while to go harass Brand since our Bot lane was so dysfunctional and cowed by that point. Feel like maybe I need to be providing more early pressure, which may mean I have to switch back to playing Gragas.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 6, 2016 12:46pm | Report

I believe this was my first ever win in Silver 2. Yay! Kassadin was annoying since he could just Q me over the minion wave and then shield a chunk of my retaliation damage. Bought a Negatron Cloak and I just stayed back and farmed mostly and pushed to turret every time he tried to roam or followed him. He still managed to kill me twice in lane though Ekko and I eventually got him back for one. Jhin and Morgana were doing very well and Karma was holding her own to slightly winning her lane and we managed to coordinate our map movements better which allowed us to pick up the win.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 6, 2016 7:44pm | Report

Caitlyn got big, which meant that Sona got bigh too. Maokai had some issues with Tryndamere, but eventually itemed up and got tanky as well as providing a hefty amount of damage. Talon murderized Twitch a few times which gave us some space to work with while he was dead. I practiced using my barrels for zoning tool when we were sieging and being sieged upon. With Caitlyn's ranged and traps we wer able to pin them under their turrets. I could Body Slam Sejuani to keep her from getting and idea engage and Explosive Cask Fiddlesticks the hell off my team if he decided to Crowstorm into us, so we basically had answers for their team and managed to get far enough ahead in the early game that we were able to put a V on this one.

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