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7.4 Tier List + AMA

Creator: H4xDefender February 20, 2014 5:06pm
4307 posts - page 102 of 431
Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 6:15am | Report
I think Ahri is tier 1.

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NorthernRedStar's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 7:42am | Report
Joxuu wrote:
I think Ahri is tier 1.

She is. Why?

- Strong roam capability
- Pickoff and AoE potential
- Surprisingly low-ish mana costs
- Safe pick and tower diver

She can have strong lane and objective control. Can snowball other lanes easily. Late game playmaker and slippy AoE-assassin = huge threat in 1v1 and teamfights, where she is hard to focus down unless caught completely off-guard.

Anyone who saw Peke vs Dade in worlds can't argue she wouldn't be top tier pick.
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OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 8:28am | Report
I said Ahri was tier 1 in my tier list and everyone blasted me. :D
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 8:36am | Report

She is. Why?

- Strong roam capability
- Pickoff and AoE potential
- Surprisingly low-ish mana costs
- Safe pick and tower diver

I don't think she is tier 1 because:
  • Doesn't shine in the utility department; only has the charm.
  • Arguably the weakest late-game of all assassins.
  • Only 1 AoE spell.
  • If she falls behind, then she's pretty much useless for the rest of the game; doesn't bounce back easily.
  • Most meta match-ups are not that favourable.

I'd place her at high tier 2.
Lady Amelyne
Lady Amelyne's Forum Avatar
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Mar 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 8:57am | Report

I don't think she is tier 1 because:
  • Doesn't shine in the utility department; only has the charm.
  • Arguably the weakest late-game of all assassins.
  • Only 1 AoE spell.
  • If she falls behind, then she's pretty much useless for the rest of the game; doesn't bounce back easily.
  • Most meta match-ups are not that favourable.

I'd place her at high tier 2.

Pretty much. Her lack of utility simply makes it hard for her to stay relevant after falling behind, having nothing to contribute with but her damage. Even though her laning phase has been buffed, she's still only moderately safe, and doesn't outlane the likes of Orianna and Syndra.
Credits go to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 11:44am | Report
I think her mid game is significantly better than Orianna's and maybe even syndra
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 11:45am | Report
Mooninites wrote:
I think her mid game is significantly better than Orianna's and maybe even syndra

Generally speaking that is probably true, although it's heavily dependent on team composition. Also, Orianna does pack more utility.
Cooper112's Forum Avatar
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Feb 27th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 1:16pm | Report
Think Cork is best early game and mid game adc now with changes. His one down side is late game though still Lucian and Tristana are better but if your a good corki you will get such large lead his mid game is insane honestly.
NorthernRedStar's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 2:10pm | Report

I don't think she is tier 1 because:
  • Doesn't shine in the utility department; only has the charm.
  • Arguably the weakest late-game of all assassins.
  • Only 1 AoE spell.
  • If she falls behind, then she's pretty much useless for the rest of the game; doesn't bounce back easily.
  • Most meta match-ups are not that favourable.

I'd place her at high tier 2.

I guess it'd be more accurate to say she has a higher skill floor and ceiling than i.e. Fizz and requires more effort for the same reward.

You're right, she does become pretty useless if she falls behind, but imo, same can be said about many other assassins. She can roam to grab some kills though, and bounce back.

A good Ahri player is tier 1, most definitely. Average one is mid-tier 2. The reason for this rating is her solo-carrying potential via high mobility, fight-start / pickoff combination. Not quite sure if I agree that she falls off late game. But her strong point is definitely mid game.
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NorthernRedStar's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2014 2:17pm | Report
Cooper112 wrote:
Think Cork is best early game and mid game adc now with changes. His one down side is late game though still Lucian and Tristana are better but if your a good corki you will get such large lead his mid game is insane honestly.

A player who knows how to abuse Lucian's mechanics to their fullest is miles above any other ADC early game. Corki included. Corki is still bloody ****!ng annoying with his Trinity Force.

Early game pecking order is roughly

> Lucian
> Caitlyn (early lane mostly)
> Corki
= Graves (not quite sure if he is above or below Corki)
> The rest

(petty sure I forgot someone, quite sleepy)
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