H4xDefender wrote:
you don't build graves squishy. you go warrior into fmallet, followed by steraks/maw/cleaver/etc, you arent squishy at all.
Source on that? I've legit never seen a Graves build Fmallet on any lane/role, the builds I've seen are Youmuu's into Sterak's, with a Warrior beforehand on Jungle graves.
Jungle Graves:
Top lane Graves:
ADC Graves:
When we have enough damage in the team, I like to build Graves jungle something like this: AD jungle item --> Boots of Swiftness --> Black Cleaver/hexdrinker --> Maw of malmortius --> Sterak's --> DMG item.
mastrer1000 wrote:
Last time I played(late summer), mallet was pretty much garbage tier, at what point has that changed?
Its stats got adjusted some in preseason. I still wouldnt call it a great item but it is nicer than it was.
Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
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