Is there reason Tristana is so low wtf not even tier 1 i think shes best adc in the game atm.
Before there was bt to give huge power spike to adc's and alot champs like lucian are alot weaker and not as strong early and mid game. They can build bork but its not same as before you can now beat these champs alot easier.
Before there was bt to give huge power spike to adc's and alot champs like lucian are alot weaker and not as strong early and mid game. They can build bork but its not same as before you can now beat these champs alot easier.
Electro522 wrote:
What are your thoughts on Morde? I know I may have been saying this a bit too much, but really ought to try him on top.
He can be a very strong jungler.
lol tristana's one of the highest rated tier 2 picks on hax's list. Not sure how that qualifies as "so low"
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Bryun wrote:
I think he means why isn't she t1. :p
She's actually really strong right now and I think she deserves t1 as well.
I just dont see how kog is better she does same thing but has an escape and better early game.
I think we will see her become stronger i dont even think twich is tier 1 anymore its out dated.
I would put tris tier 1 and twitch top of tier 2.
Lucian is getting huge nerf on pbe so i expect him to drop also and tris will be a top 3.
Top lane seems fine
I would probably rate
Morgana better than
Nami. She has an exceptional laning phase, but outside of lane I think there are better supports. My support list for Tier 1 would probably look like:
What do you think about moving
Varus down to tier 3. He was already pretty bad and got considerably worse now that you can't rush
Bloodthirster. He's probably not as bad as
Urgot but probably not much better than
Ashe. The only reason I suggest it is because there's probably a considerable gap between him and
Miss Fortune that might be confusing for some people
Jungle seems fine
I think
Syndra is tier 1, she doesn't really have any bad match-ups, not sure if I would still consider
Lulu mid tier 1
I would probably rate

What do you think about moving

Jungle seems fine
I think

Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
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