I've been playing and thinking some more about Tristana and I'm liking BotRK -> IE -> PD/LW -> PD/LW a lot more than Double Dorans -> IE -> PD -> LW -> BT
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
Does Elise still build Spirit of the Ancient Golem or is Spirit of the Spectral Wraith better for her now?
I go spectral wraith on elise now, but even though I main jungle I hate elise and haven't played her enough to judge which is better yet.
@psi added karth top, thanks for pointing out gragas, i have a bad habit of including duplicates X_X
can a mod make this 4.11
@psi added karth top, thanks for pointing out gragas, i have a bad habit of including duplicates X_X
can a mod make this 4.11
Speaking of Gragas, was curious if he deserved a spot somewhere on the jungle tier list. He seems pretty decent to me, enough to warrant a spot! I've been watching that challenger chunky fresh play gragas mid a bunch too, and it doesn't seem half bad either. But mostly curious about the jungle, and also if you had any quick insight on how you would play jungle gragas.
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But for the Lucian build... Let's take Robertxlee, he builds pd - ie - lw - statikk - botrk (along that line, sorry for any mistake) Opinions?