Lucian has the second lowest winrate of any ADC so obviously he's awful. I demand he is placed in tier 4 at once.
utopus wrote:
Ding. Ding. Ding! Shyvana does best when she has dive buddies. She has dive buddies in this meta.
And she is pretty darn self-sufficient in lane given that she is resourceless and gets resistances from her passive. Smite makes her even more self-sufficient and pesky since it increases her dueling potential and she can more quickly nom jungle camps on either side of the jungle when not farming minions.
NicknameMy wrote:
Shyvana has the lowest winrate of all smite tp top laners tho, around 46% (without smite it is at 44%)
Can you get a namechange to "AllManaKassadin"?
MrCuddowls wrote:
Hahahaha telling me my items are bad HHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAhA
Listen buddy don't judge someone's items if your only level 13
This build is Platinum approved, Thats all you need to know
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I think it would be fair to say that she's the best Smite/TP laner in the game, and in a meta where that strategy is strong, she is also strong.