turingexp wrote:
is this list accurate for 4.12/4.13 as well or are there noticeable differences for the tier 1's?
Mid lane is very out of date Lb is prob bottom of tier 2 at best. Kayle is lower in top and mid prob top tier 2.
Top lane also out of date gragas is prob best top and jax is prob lowered a bit.
Jungle is only one that is prob same.
I've had like no time to play league recently, and I don't really prioritize it over much atm since i'm not a starter for a challenger team. I might be getting a tryout with a good one soon, if I do I'll force myself to find some times to play more games and update this... but nothing guaranteed sorry guys.
Darealone wrote:
1. Pretty much she still a beast tank but gragas and others ap's bully her hard early. A few lcs players like clg's top laner still picks her for team fights she still a good champ but just top op any more. Gragas, Nid, Maokai, Lulu, ryze all do well vs her i think.
2. He is still good in solo q actually just weaker early on and not good in competitive play.
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I feel like you do more dmg once q is maxed but might be just me.