NicknameMy wrote:
I feel like the recent meta shifting makes GP shine a bit.
He shines a lot as a key for feeding the enemy toplaner since GP is trashed by pretty much every single meta toplaner right now. They all either outsustain, outdamage or outpoke him.
Thats the reason why you don't play him as top laner. He doesn't fit the requirements of a top laner, he has rather supportive kiting abilties which he can use as jungler or support. Bot lane he can outpoke other lanes together with the ad-carry (especially because of AD/MS buff) and as a jungler he brings not the best ganks but a lot of utility. He is also the only guy that can apply meele slows at range, best example is Iceborn Gauntlet.
Dat guys invading me and dying to my early Q dmg + passive :D. Also, Remove Scurvy so they can't really CC me and heal for survivability. What many people don't respect, GP's early damage if he can apply multiple stacks of his passive is huge. Had a Lee Sin invading me in the latest games nearly all the times, he died 2 times trying to do stuff :D :D :D.
GP has a strong level 1-2. Lots of people don't respect his damage at that point and usually take AA > Q > AA and 3 stacks on his passive. It's not pre-nerf Riven strong, but it's certainly better than a lot of other champions.
DillButt64 wrote:
was this in a normal game too?
does it matter anyway? not like every single guy in normals suck, i saw many people doing more great stuff in normals then in rankeds. May it be the chill, may it be the less stress compared to a ranked game or idk, but still normal game dosen't matter most of times(unless people having fun with random/weird composition).
tehAsian wrote:
GP has a strong level 1-2. Lots of people don't respect his damage at that point and usually take AA > Q > AA and 3 stacks on his passive. It's not pre-nerf Riven strong, but it's certainly better than a lot of other champions.
Best example for that was my last game as GP support. Was in the lane together with Vayne against Vayne+Nunu, they underestimated me, tried to kill us, double kill for us. Later, their Yi comes to gank, triple kill for us. It is so funny to watch.
Jack Rubino wrote:
does it matter anyway? not like every single guy in normals suck, i saw many people doing more great stuff in normals then in rankeds. May it be the chill, may it be the less stress compared to a ranked game or idk, but still normal game dosen't matter most of times(unless people having fun with random/weird composition).
a lot of people dont tryhard in normals if they play ranked a lot, there are more casual players in ranked games, etc. so it kinda does matter a little bit
NicknameMy wrote:
Best example for that was my last game as GP support. Was in the lane together with Vayne against Vayne+Nunu, they underestimated me, tried to kill us, double kill for us. Later, their Yi comes to gank, triple kill for us. It is so funny to watch.
oh ok so they were normal games
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