Darcurse wrote:
I didn't quite understand what Morello's trying to pull here:
Are we going to get some other item in the next patch or nothing at all because both will be postponed/need further testing?
I dont quite get how he could "speak of ****ING TYPE IT OUT, SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHING, THAT **** TOOK ME LIKE 5 SECONDS. different"..?
The only thing I do understand is that they don't intend to implement MoM, but they already released it for further testing on the PBE, didn't they?
No, they plan to release maw of malmortus, morello was talking about a work in progress item, that wasn't going to come out in an immediately upcoming patch.
Tri lane for life.
Maybe I should read the whole thread his post is located in.
Without the rest it's pretty misleading by itself.
And nope:
Sth is sth even if I don't type sth out.
It's your native language and you can't connect sth with something? Not my prob.
Without the rest it's pretty misleading by itself.
And nope:
Sth is sth even if I don't type sth out.
It's your native language and you can't connect sth with something? Not my prob.
Darcurse wrote:
Maybe I should read the whole thread his post is located in.
Without the rest it's pretty misleading by itself.
And nope:
Sth is sth even if I don't type sth out.
It's your native language and you can't connect sth with something? Not my prob.
That quote was his entire first post.
Everything indicates Maw of Malmortus is ready to be put into this patch and that because of the timing people got confused about his AD caster item, which is still being worked on and won't be released until later.
Darcurse wrote:
Sth is sth even if I don't type sth out.
It's your native language and you can't connect sth with something? Not my prob.
k dude if u wanna talk like this then ur welcome to, it just makes u sound like u dont care enough to make people want to undrstand u.
Aaaaahhh, thx. NOW I get what he meant.
But without somebody pointing it out (not especially for me but in general) you could easily read that the AD Caster item that they intend to implement this patch wasn't MoM but sth else and that they want to release MoM later.
How about you zip it.
And hey, I don't think of me as some higher being, but I can easily figure that "u" = "you", while everyone who can understand englisch can easily/instantly figure that "sth" = "something" if they put it in correlation with the rest of the phrase.
(Not to mention that I just quoted it)
Aaaaahhh, thx. NOW I get what he meant.
But without somebody pointing it out (not especially for me but in general) you could easily read that the AD Caster item that they intend to implement this patch wasn't MoM but sth else and that they want to release MoM later.
How about you zip it.
And hey, I don't think of me as some higher being, but I can easily figure that "u" = "you", while everyone who can understand englisch can easily/instantly figure that "sth" = "something" if they put it in correlation with the rest of the phrase.
(Not to mention that I just quoted it)
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Are we going to get some other item in the next patch or nothing at all because both will be postponed/need further testing?
I dont quite get how he could "speak of sth different"..?
The only thing I do understand is that they don't intend to implement MoM, but they already released it for further testing on the PBE, didn't they?